Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1810 sumalo's engagement banquet

Yan Kai invites Chen sushang to attend Su manluo's engagement banquet.

He took out his invitation: "look, Mr. Yan is here with his partner.". I have no company. It's embarrassing. Besides, in the eyes of outsiders, you're still Mrs. Yan. If I go to invite other female partners, it's a bit hard to hear. I'm afraid you'll be wronged. "

Chen Su Shang couldn't help laughing.

As soon as she smiled, Yan Kai was more confident: "so I come here to try my luck. Are you going? "

Chen Su Shang took a deep breath, then nodded: "you said so I don't have anything important today, just go. "

She asked Yan Kai to wait for a moment and went upstairs to change clothes.

Her hair is a little longer. With the help of the maid's hair oil, she can make a low bun on the back of her head and then bring a pearl flower.

The pearl flower is made of small Nanzhu. Her master paid a lot of money to buy it. Each bead is warm and white.

She was wearing a long white dress with a lace and a pink coat.

Dressed properly, Chen Su Shang goes downstairs.

Yan kaiding looks at her, then looks away inexplicably.

His eyes were a little drifting, and he said to Chen Su, "it's very nice."

She doesn't usually make up.

Once put on makeup, a little embellishment, is radiant.

She has a good posture and good skin. At first glance, she looks a little ordinary, but at a close glance, she is very pleasant.

"Thank you. I bought a skirt last time, and I plan to wear it for the new year." Chen Su business road.

Yan Kai's eyes fell on her skirt.

"Yuzao must like this kind of skirt." He said.

Chen sushang looked at him in surprise because he found that he was speechless.

This happens when people are nervous.

"Are you worried?" Chen asked

Yan Kai returned to his senses and quickly settled his mind: "a little bit, I'm afraid something will happen later."

He was so calm that he overshadowed his gaffe.

Chen Su Shang said with a smile, "Miss Su's ex boyfriend took his ex-wife to a wedding banquet. She once made her ugly at the wedding. How could the situation be less?"

"You are adding fuel to the fire." Yan Kai also laughed.

The previous stagnation was swept away.

They both went out happily to the peninsula hotel.

Su manluo's fiance is the son of the rich in Hong Kong. The rich man flattered her when he heard that she was the daughter of the general under the Singapore warlord.

In the south, no one doesn't know the Secretary's family.

The son of a rich man, who can marry a woman with such a background as Su manluo, has taken a big advantage.

The engagement party was very lively.

The whole hall was wrapped down, and the door was covered with a long red carpet.

The bridegroom's family met at the door.

No one knew Yan Kai and Chen sushang, so they went into the lobby without any special care.

There is a autograph book in the lobby. Besides writing your own gift money, you can also check your table number.

Yan Kai was present with his friends, so he had two positions, both at the front, at the same table with the bridegroom's brothers.

“…… General Su is there. Do you want to say hello? " After sitting down, Yan Kai pointed to the man who was talking with others not far away.

Chen sushang looked at the past.

As expected, I saw Su Peng.

What is Su Peng talking about? His expression is not very pleasant.


They went to Su Peng.

Su Peng was talking to the groom's father, with a heavy expression and a perfunctory response.

When Yan Kai and Chen sushang came, he immediately left his family behind and exchanged greetings with Chen sushang alone.

"Mrs. Yan, I haven't seen you for some time. How are you lately?" Su Peng is very grateful to Chen sushang.

If it had not been for Chen Su Shang, Su manluo would have had no life. Besides, Chen sushang is a magician, mysterious and mysterious, which people dare not disrespect.

"I'm fine." Chen sushang still doesn't adapt to the name of Mrs. Yan, "how are you?"

"Well, I'd like to remind you." Su Peng Road.

He also said that he wanted to visit Chen Su Shang's master and so on.

After a short exchange of greetings, the father of the bridegroom led another man to greet Su Peng.

Chen sushang and Yan Kai re entered the table.

"I don't think general Su is very happy," she whispered to Yan Kai

"According to the old Chinese rules, the engagement banquet must be held at the woman's house. Miss Su is very headstrong. She has to go to Hong Kong. She said that there is no such a good hotel in Singapore. General Su is very angry. " Yan Kai Dao.

"Then he has no objection?"

"He always dotes on his daughter. Miss Su is crying and making noise. What's the use of opposing it?" Yan Kai said.

Chen sushang looked at him.

She had a strange look on her face.

Yan Kai touched her face: "how?"

"It's a strange feeling for you to take a bite of Miss Su." Chen sushang said with a smile.

She's joking.

Yan Kai is very careful. If he speaks manluo, Chen sushang must be harsh.

He invited Chen Su Shang to come, but it's not good to deliberately block Chen Su Shang.

"She's going to get married. You won't be surprised to call her Mrs. Du later." Yan Kai said.

Chen Su Shang couldn't help laughing again.

Yan Kai is very good at speaking.

"You're a great fan." Chen sushang said with a smile.

Yan Kai sighed: "you haven't seen my sisters. I won't cajole people. I've been eaten alive by them for a long time. "

Chen Su couldn't stand it and laughed.

The lobby is very lively. Many people talk and laugh. Her laughter is not sudden, but adds joy.

Yan Kai, for the first time since he knew her, saw her laughing so indulgently and happily, and his heart was inexplicably warm.

"Glib." She gave Yan Kai a concluding comment.

Then, she thought in her heart: it's really hard not to be obnoxious.

Yan Kai smiled and did not contradict this sentence.

His eyes glanced casually, and suddenly he saw sumalo.

Su manluo is wearing a long dress with loose hair. She should be preparing to put on makeup.

She came down the stairs, stood at the entrance of the stairs, and fixed her eyes on Yan Kai.

Her big, bright eyes were full of shock.

Yan Kai also saw her.

He pretended not to see it, turned his eyes and continued to laugh with Chen.

They sat for a while and went dancing on the next dance floor.

At noon, the engagement dinner officially began.

Su manluo changed a silver red dress.

On the dress, a large peony was embroidered with gold thread. The light in the lobby of the hotel is bright. The golden thread shines on her dress.

The clothes cling to her body and outline her slim and graceful figure.

She was born beautiful, but also elaborately decorated makeup, the whole people are gorgeous.

The guests let out their admiration.

Yan Kai looked at the past and still thought that she was not as good-looking as Si yuzao or Yan Qi.

He is in a good mood. It seems that Su manluo is married, and his past with her is over.

It gave him a sigh of relief.

What's more, he made Chen Su Shang laugh today, which made him very happy.

At the new engagement banquet, the bridegroom knelt down on one knee and asked if the new lady would marry him.

Su manluo answered "yes" loudly.

Applause broke out all over the hall.

Yan Kai applauded.

Su manluo's vision, but across the crowd, fell on him.

There was a certain arrogance in the eyes, as if to say, "look, I found someone better than you."

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