Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1811 shrimp mud

Yan Kai has only been in love with Su manluo.

In his teenage years, his home has gone through war, which drowns the rebellious and boring of the young people.

So he didn't have a chance to entertain girls like a dandy.

When the war is over, he will grow up and do his own business.

Breaking up with sumalo is a pain for him and limits his pace.

Later, he married Chen sushang and quickly divorced.

All kinds of experiences make Yan Kai's feelings like children's play all the time. He doesn't know how normal people feel about their ex girlfriend's engagement, or what sumanlo's eyes are looking forward to.

He had thought that maybe he would be back with sumalo.

But when things become the way they are today, he has no sadness in his heart, just like an old friend who is familiar with is going to be engaged.

He thought, "I was young then."

When children fall in love, they just fall in love. They don't have the "possessive desire" for their ex girlfriends like adult men do. They think it's "my woman".

However, sumanlo doesn't seem to think so.

Her eyes, which Yan Kai is familiar with, are a kind of provocation and arrogance, which need the response of others.

He lowered his head and did not respond.

After the ceremony, the banquet officially began.

The bride to be is seated in the throne.

After su manluo sat down, she kept looking at Yan Kai.

Yan Kai's seat is right behind her.

Seeing her fiance carrying wine to Yan Kai's side, she immediately stood up and followed.

She took Dooley's arm and introduced Yan Kai: "he was my childhood friend and took care of me like a brother. When my mother was ill, I was always at his house. "

Dooley is not familiar with Singapore in Hong Kong's rich circle, but he has heard a little about the power of Nanyang.

The Yan family is famous.

Du Li wants to marry Su manluo, not only because she is beautiful, but also because of her background and connections.

The Yan Family specially sent the eldest young master to attend the wedding banquet, which is very important to sumanlo.

Dooley smiled and was very polite: "brother, I will take good care of manlo in the future."

Yan Kai smiled: "that's good, you two and Meimei."

Su man Luo glanced at Chen Su Shang and immediately smiled: "you have changed your girlfriend again? Where is this singer? "

They all looked over.

Chen sushang looks up at Su manluo with a gentle expression.

"This is my wife," said Yan Kaili

The faces of the crowd were suddenly different.

"She is often in Hong Kong now. If I didn't come to see her this time, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up with your engagement dinner. " Yan Kai added.

Chen sushang then asked, "so Miss Su is very close to you? I don't know, I haven't seen her... "

Yan Kai smiles.

The guests all looked at sumalo.

The smile on Dooley's face didn't hang.

He suddenly suspected that sumalo had exaggerated his life experience. If she is really familiar with Yan family, how can she not know Yan Kai's wife?

Yan Kai's wife, it seems, doesn't know her.

Su manluo said that Yan Kai came here specially to attend her engagement banquet. But in Yan Kai's voice, he came to accompany his wife and attended by accident.

There was a lot of talk.

Su Peng, who is not far away, is upset.

He doesn't blame Yan Kai and Chen sushang, because he also saw that it was su manluo's provocation.

But when his daughter was treated like this, he felt very sad that he had not taught her.

"When she was a child, I followed her everywhere. Now this character has taken shape and can't be reversed." Su Peng sighs.

He moved his eyes and couldn't bear to look again.

Su manluo's face is very bad.

When the banquet is over, Yan Kai sends Chen sushang home. Passing by a flower shop, he bought a bunch of flowers for Chen Su Shang.

"Today, if I don't say well, I have more mistakes." Yan Kai apologizes to Chen sushang, "don't take it to heart."

"She provoked, but you said it was your fault?" Chen sushang took the bouquet of flowers and sniffed it, with a bland tone. "If you treat her like this, people may not appreciate you."

Yan Kai was stunned.

Chen Su Shang's words seem... A little jealous...

he is not sure. The Su Shang in his impression is always calm and rational.

"I don't want to make you angry." Yan Kai said truthfully, "I bought you flowers. It's easier to forgive me, so I put things on myself."

Chen sushang is both helpless and funny.

"Young master Yan, you are too considerate." She said, then took the bunch of flowers and went upstairs.

Yan Kai realized her words and finally understood what she had said wrong.

Chen sushang put the flowers in a vase, filled with fresh water, and put them down in the living room.

She asked the servant to cook more chicken noodles.

"... I didn't have enough at the banquet. How about you?" Chen sushang asked him.

"I'm not full either." Yan Kai said with a smile.

Two people sat at the table, chatting and waiting for dinner.

Chicken noodles are coming up soon.

Yan Kai saw the cook put a bowl of noodles in front of Chen Su's shop, and his heart moved a little.

Chen sushang was about to move his chopsticks when Yan Kai suddenly reached out and touched her hair gently: "what's the dirt on her hair?"

Chen sushang is puzzled: "what?"

After the cook disappeared at the door, Yan Kai took up her bowl, smelled it and tasted it.

Chen sushang: "...

Yan Kai tasted it and said to her with a solemn face:" there is shrimp mud in this bowl. "

Chen sushang's eyebrows were sharp.

The cook who works in Chen's house knows that Chen sushang is allergic to fresh shrimp.

If the allergy is serious, it will be fatal. Now no more than in previous years, but drugs are still in short supply. In case the hospital happens to have no medicine, Chen sushang is dead.

She rose at once.

Yan Kai follows her and they go to the kitchen.

The cooks don't know why.

"Who made me the noodles just now?" Asked Chen sushang.

"It's cook sun," said one

"What about others?"

"I've sent you noodles."

Chen sushang looks at Yan Kai, who nods to her and beckons to help her.

"Go to find chef sun. I'll be rewarded if you find him." Chen Su said loudly.

People are looking for it.

Chen sushang, on the other hand, grabbed another Cook: "there are fresh shrimps in the kitchen today?"

"Make shrimp cakes for Taoist priest. We are very careful that you don't touch the shrimp The cook was in a hurry, and also vaguely understood where Chen Su Shang's anger came from.

He hurried to open the cupboard next to him.

The shrimp stuffing made in the cupboard is really much less.

The cook's face is very ugly: "Miss, cook sun... He just came last month, I guess he forgot your taboo..."

a cook was ill last month, it's always not good.

The kitchen can't enter the patient, so the cook asked to leave, and the steward recruited another one.

It's said that the cook used to cook for many rich people and worked in the peninsula hotel for half a year before leaving.

"He did it on purpose. Go and find him. You must find him!" Chen Su business road.

The Cook said yes.

After a long time of searching, I still can't see the cook sun. He has been hiding quietly. Chen sushang also plans to let the servant lay down on the way. When cook sun goes down the mountain in the middle of the night to catch him, who knows that the phone at home suddenly rings.

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