Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1812 accidental assassination

The phone rings sharply.

Chen sushang feels ominous.

She went to pick up the phone and then communicated with each other in English.

Yan Kai heard her say a few words, as if to ask when and where.

He saw that her face was not good-looking, and he wanted to comfort her. Then he heard Chen Su Shang ask, "did any witnesses see the murderer's face?"

Yan Kai is slightly shocked.

There was a full minute of talking.

Chen sushang listened patiently and said, "I'll be here in an hour."

She hung up the phone and helped the armrest of the sofa next to her.

Seeing that she seemed to be unsteady, Yan Kai quickly held her shoulder and asked her in a low voice, "what's the matter?"

His voice was so soft that he was afraid to frighten her.

Chen sushang raised his eyes, his face was pale, even his lips faded.

Yan Kai's heart thumped, suspecting that something had happened to the Taoist priest.

But the Taoist priest is an expert.

This guess is not very reliable.

"Mr. Hu My Shifu's good friend, who said he was going to be the chairman of the Yijing Association some time ago, was assassinated at home. He hid for many years, but nothing happened... " Chen sushang is a little out of breath.

She pushed Yan Kai to sit down.

Yan Kai helped her to the sofa.

She was determined to sit down, inhale and exhale, and it took her a long time to slow down.

Master disappeared.

"Without waiting for my master, I will go to see Mr. Hu and arrange a funeral for him." Chen sushang stood up.

Yan Kai grabbed her.

In the absence of her master, their friends were killed, while Chen sushang ate noodles at home and was put into shrimp mud. This was intended to kill her.

All these things mean that it's not safe for her to go to Mr. Hu's house now.

"Su Shang, don't worry, wait." Yan Kai said, "wait for your master to come back. If you have an accident, you can't help Mr. Hu any more. "

Chen Su Shang listened to this and said, "you are right."

She went upstairs to look through master's phone book.

Looking for a long time, when I called Mr. Luo, I finally found his trace.

Mr. Luo's voice came from the phone, mellow and elegant: "Changqing just went out. Hu Lingsheng has an accident. He is going to deal with the aftermath. If you look for him, go directly to the home of Hu Lingsheng. "

Chen Su said thank you.

Hang up. She asks Yan Kai to drive.

Because she didn't trust the servants. She wants to check them carefully in her spare time. She doesn't have enough time at the moment.

Yan Kai is willing to do something for her.

Chen sushang is in a hurry, but he is not in a hurry. He drives steadily.

After an hour and a half, they arrived at Hu Lingsheng's door.

Hu Lingsheng lives in a single house.

At the moment, the gate is closed and several servants hold it. There are many reporters outside, holding up their cameras to take photos, and constantly trying to squeeze in.

The servants are left and right.

Chen sushang came forward and said that he was the apprentice of the Taoist priest.

No matter whose apprentice the servant is, he only said: "the officer of the police department said that this is the scene and no one can enter. Mr. A's body was taken away by the police. He died in a violent way and needs to be dissected. "

Chen sushang and Yan Kai went to the police station instead.

As expected, evergreen is here.

He sat on the bench, his eyes closed, his expression peaceful, as if nothing had happened.

"Master?" Chen Su Shang called.

The Taoist priest opened his eyes.

He glanced at Chen sushang and Yan Kai, then closed his eyes, and his voice was indifferent: "sit down."

"What did the police say?" Asked Chen sushang.

"Just a knife in the neck." The Taoist priest drew.

A short knife, across Hu Lingsheng's neck. Strangely, the knife seemed to have been stabbed in by himself.

In the most crazy years, Hu Lingsheng never thought of suicide.

He has been talking about revenge.

He wants to fight against the behemoth - the whole Huth.

The Taoist priest of Changqing advised him: "the Hu family wants you to die. If you live, you will deal with them. Today's airplanes have powerful guns and atomic bombs. If you live long enough, you will have a chance to wipe out the Hu family at one stroke. "

After years of preaching, Hu Lingsheng listened.

He will never commit suicide.

The one who can make a warlock commit suicide is another warlock with a higher skill.

"This is the only trauma. As for internal injuries, we have to wait for the anatomical results. " The Tao is long and the Tao is long.

"Master..." Chen sushang took his hand and sat beside him, "let's Has the crisis never been eliminated? "

"No." The Taoist priest shook his head. "It's different."

He sighed softly, and before Chen asked, "let me be quiet."

Chen sushang said nothing more.

Yan Kai stood on her left and gently supported her shoulder: "I'll see what's going on."

Chen sushang nodded.

Yan Kai said that he was Hu Lingsheng's nephew and wanted to understand the case carefully.

Chen sushang sat with her master until two hours later, when he first came out with some autopsy reports.

Hu Lingsheng has no internal organs rupture.

The knife on the neck, which was stabbed in before death, was fatal.

Others need to be tested slowly.

"With the result, we will inform the family." Police said.

Chen sushang and others went home.

When she went back, Taoist priest Changqing asked her, "how are you at home?"

"It's no big deal. The new cook wants to poison me, but he doesn't want to eat prison food." Chen Su business road.

Maybe I think she is Yan's daughter-in-law, and I don't want to cause trouble, otherwise why bother like that?

Can't you just poison her?

It's just that if you poison it, autopsy will know that later things will be very complicated, and the shrimp mud will be different.

The Taoist sighed: "I often don't touch home, and I'm careless."

He glanced at Yan Kai, who was sitting in the copilot's seat.

"You go to Singapore for a few days and come back after the first month." Said the Taoist priest Changqing.

In danger, let her go first.

Chen sushang was made a fool by Shifu again.

"Master, Mr. Hu was killed. You need help. Last time I helped linger with the cut fly mantra, didn't I? " Chen sushang didn't want to quarrel with him, only pleaded softly.

He is already suffering.

"When you are safe, master can rest assured." The Taoist priest said.

"You are in danger. Can I rest assured?" Chen sushang's good temper is running out.

The Taoist priest Changqing couldn't help laughing.

He touched SOHO's hair again.

Every time he saw Su Shang, he would think of her as a child. So small, saw him, the first sentence said: "brother, I am hungry."

At that time, the Taoist priest was a teenager. When he heard this, he was shocked to have an inexplicable fatherly love.

In a flash, his little girls have grown into big girls.

Not only are we getting old, but we are also getting angry.

With courage and responsibility, he is no longer the only child who knows how to eat and drink and how to cry and make trouble.

"Then stay." The Taoist priest said, "when you didn't have the ability before, you wouldn't do that. Now that the science of art has reached a half tone, the conceit has increased by 10% and you are more and more worthy of yourself. You stay and feel what it is

Chen sushang: "..."

The Taoist priest said Chen sushang and said, "Yan Shao, go back today. Don't get in my way."

Yan Kai: "..."

He suddenly understood Chen's mood.

He also remembered that last time when Chen Su Shang was not good at anything, her master asked her to stay in Singapore, and she stayed obediently.

She doesn't hold anyone back or cause trouble to others for her conscience.

This is what Yan Kai needs to learn.

He nodded: "OK, take you and Su Shang home, and I'll go. You're safe. You must call me. "

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