Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1813 the small contradiction of family

Yan Kai returned to Singapore.

His heart is heavy.

He suddenly realized how much courage it took for Su Shang not to go back to Hong Kong with her master last time - because it was very difficult to fight against the inner remorse.

He knew that if he was caught, he would become a hindrance to the Taoist priest and Su Shang.

He was right to leave.

Know to know, but my heart is very upset, I hate to slap myself.

It's no wonder that Su Shang will have to practice his skills after he returns.

What is more bitter than "hard practice" is probably "powerless".

As soon as he enters the door, he lies down in the sofa.

I don't think so. Someone poked him on the shoulder.

Domestic servants dare not be so bold.

Yan Kai turned his head and saw Yan Qi. He was wearing pajamas and carrying a cup of hot coffee. He looked at him curiously.

"Big brother, are you blind?" Yan Qi asked, "didn't you see me when you entered?"

"Go away, don't bother!" Yan Kai Dao.

Then he asked, "how did you come to me?"

"My father and my mother quarreled, and my family couldn't live safely. I came out to hide." Yan Qi Dao.

Yan Kai sat up.

When he heard this, his skull hurt even more, and his ears looked like a bee.

"Why quarrel?"

"Why else? It's a trivial matter. The last time they quarreled was eight months ago, four months ago. According to the normal situation, four months of small contradictions are enough to accumulate a big quarrel. " Said Yan chess.

Yan Kai: "..."

When the teeth and tongue collide accidentally, the couple can't be without conflict.

In many cases, the quarrel is just a volcanic eruption, brewing for a long time.

"Then you stay. I'm going back to Manila tomorrow. If they quarrel, I will not go back, lest the fire be inflamed. " Yan Kai Dao.

Yan Qi said with a smile, "right way!"

Although Yan Kai said that, when he got up early the next day, he was in a good mood and decided to go home.

He didn't know what his parents were arguing about until he got home.

Yan Qi breaks up with his boyfriend. The man refuses to give up. Yan Ziqing sends someone to beat the boy up.

Xu Qizhen felt that this was not helping Yan Qi, but harming her.

A man, men and women alike, is responsible for his actions. Since Yan Qi has offended this matter, she should deal with it by herself.

Yan Ziqing thinks that girls are weak, without strong father's support, they will be bullied by their mother-in-law in the future.

"Oh, how many times did my father hit you?" Asked Xu Qizhen.

Yan Ziqing said, "I'm so qualified as a husband, and I'm impeccable as a son-in-law. Why does my father-in-law beat me?"

This sentence, let Xu Qizhen turn over the old account.

After living together for more than ten years, the old account has been turned over, which is endless, so the two people are more and more angry.

After hearing this, Yan Kai knew that he had been cheated by Yan Qi.

That dead girl!

"Mom, after all these years, you always let the old man. This time it's his fault. I'm on your side." Yan Kai Dao.

Yanzi Qingzheng heard this sentence.

His mouth twitched with rage.

The son should have thrown it in the gutter!

Xu Qizhen also laughed.

Quarrel is only a moment's gas. Xu Qizhen and Yan Ziqing have been angry for three days. By this time, the anger has almost spread, and she can see that Yan Ziqing bought a bunch of white roses.

As soon as she smiled, the rain cleared up at home.

Yan Ziqing handed the rose to her: "finally, she smiled. I don't have to run so far to buy flowers to make you happy when you come back. "

Xu Qizhen took the flowers and sniffed: "how old am I? Do I need to be coaxed? I don't know your old man. "

"I'm an old man?"

"Your son is so old, isn't he an old man?"

"I was young when I gave birth to him."

"Glib." Xu Qizhen smiled and turned to go to the kitchen to get some delicious food for Yan Kai.

During the meal, Yan Kai called Yan Qi, who had gone out to hide.

Xu Qizhen has made a table full of good dishes.

Yan Kai saw a stewed shrimp and suddenly thought that Chen sushang could not eat shrimp.

Yan Qi has no eyes. He just annoyed his parents and then came to provoke Yan Kai.

She knew that Yan Kai's visit to Hong Kong was due to Su manluo's engagement, so she asked, "how was su manluo's engagement banquet?"

Su manluo also invited Yan Qi and others.

Si yuzao said no, not to the fox face.

Yan Qi listens to her sister very much. If she doesn't go, Yan Qi doesn't want to go either.

"Very lively." Yan Kai's expression was light. "I went to participate with Su Shang."

As soon as he said this, everyone looked at him.

Xu Qizhen asked, "how are you doing recently?"

Yan Kai would like to say that she is not very good. She may be in great danger.

If it's a common danger, he can protect her, but

This words, said to add worry, the family have no way.

"It's good. Her master is good to her." Yan Kai Dao.

Yan Qi asked again, "has she made a boyfriend? Last time we went, she had a very handsome man beside her. Were they together? "

That's ye Xueyao.

Ye Xueyao is very good indeed. Yan Kai also thinks it is suitable for Chen sushang. He even persuaded Chen sushang to accept him personally.

But now when Yan Qi is mentioned, Yan Kai feels very stinging.

He has never been so bothered with his own sister.

"I don't know." His attitude suddenly changed.

Xu Qizhen looks at him.

Yan Kai straightened her mind and tried to make up for what she had just said, but heard his father say, "your uncle told me that you are pursuing a girl, isn't it so smooth?"

Yan Kai: "..."

It's no big deal to see his uncle.

Yan Kai is like a firecracker, which is about to explode. He stood up and said he would go to the bathroom.

As soon as he left, Yan Qi said to his parents, "my brother must be pursuing Su Shang..."

"Su Shang is his wife, and his pursuit is beyond reproach." Yan Zi is clear.

Xu Qizhen disagrees.

At the beginning, Chen sushang agreed to divorce her, but the face of the Yan family was not made public.

How can we use this thing to restrict prime quotient?

It's their fate that she can be good with Yan Kai, but she shouldn't be the one under control.

"He has done a lot of stupid things and should bear the consequences." Xu Qizhen said, and then she said to Yan Qi, "and you..."

"Mommy, I've said it many times. I really didn't fall in love with Zhou Jin, and he didn't kiss me. Why don't you believe me when he let the wind out on purpose? " Yan Qi is innocent.

Xu Qizhen is unmoved: "you say it again?"

Yan Qi is discouraged.

"Shall I ask Anne?" Xu Qizhen looks at her sideways.

Seeing that Yan Qi could not escape, he had to say: "we Play games, let me kiss next week. Where to know, he's on his mind. Later, he pestered me, which is true. "

Yan Ziqing's face is not very nice.

He scolded his daughter: "are you still a little girl, doing such a stupid thing? Are you free to fart? Look at yuzao. She is an excellent surgeon now. What would you do? After years of waiting, you go to school to teach music lessons, don't want to marry if you don't make achievements! "

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