Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1814 they went back to the mainland for the new year

Yan Kai stayed at home all night.

The next day, he flew to Manila. He took on a business where the British government was looking for a embezzler who was rumored to have run to Singapore.

The reward is very high this time.

Yan Kai has been busy with this matter. At the end of December, he found the wanted criminal in the Philippines.

The man didn't hide in Singapore, from the beginning to the end in the Philippines.

"Master, the balance of £ 500000 has been paid off." Joe said to Yan Kai.

They had spent years in Manila setting up a candy factory as a cover up, building a bunker behind the factory and training their own people.

In less than half a year, it's almost back to the original.

As Si Xingfu said, the Yan Family's influence in the Nanyang generation is really strong and numerous. For example, the British political prisoners this time were the people found by local gangs in the Philippines.

"Tomorrow is the Chinese New Year." Yan Kai said to Qiao, "take the money back this time as the gold medal. Take 100000 yuan from Qiao 4 and give it to Su Peng. The rest will be divided equally. "

"Thank you very much, young master," said Qiao

Yan Kai stood at the door, smelling the sweet smell of the candy factory in the distance, and inevitably thought of Chen Su Shang.

More than half a month has passed. How are things going with Su Shang?

Did she call him?

Thinking of this, Yan Kai can't wait to go back to Singapore.

He thought that Su Peng would go back, so he sent someone to tell him to prepare for it.

I don't think so, but Su Peng comes to find him.

"Yan Shao, during this period of training, all the talented people under you have practiced. The rest is not the same material. I will not come next year. " Su Peng Road.

Yan Kai is slightly shocked.

Because in the middle of winter, they also made expansion plans for next year.

Yan Kai borrowed Su Peng from Si Xingfu. Naturally, he wants to get things done. He can't borrow it twice.

Su Peng now says he wants to go back to Singapore.

Yan Kai thought about it. It was at Su manluo's engagement banquet that Su Peng was hurt by what she had done.

For sumalo, he was a little less tolerant and caring. Even an ex girlfriend should not be treated like that.

Su Peng doesn't blame him, but he doesn't want to do anything for him.

"General Su, you are an elder. Since you have made a decision, I am not reluctant." Yan Kai is a little sorry.

Su Peng's attitude was firm: "I made up my mind."

Yan Kai doesn't say anything more. He goes and gives 100000 pounds to Su Peng as a thank-you for this time.

Su Peng refused.

Even Joe Sifang gave him a bonus, and he didn't ask for it. "Yan Shao, you are still young and in the rising stage of your career. There are many places to spend money. I have been in charge of my family all these years, and my master has always treated me well. Whatever is next to me, I am rich in money and waste it on me. " Su Pengdao


The company's industry is huge.

The economy of Singapore as a whole is home-based.

Si Xingfu has a secret oil channel, and he can earn a lot of money. Therefore, economically, he never stings his people, especially those loyal old people.

Su Peng helped Si Xingfu with soldiers and trained a lot of shooting experts. The industry that Si Xingfu gave him is really rich.

Therefore, Su manluo didn't know the hardships of the world when she was young. She could have some yuzao and her father could afford it.

"Take it, general Su, or I'll be sorry." Yan Kai Dao.

Su Peng refuses.

Yan Kai had no choice but to get all the money back.

They flew back to Singapore.

When Yan Kai got home, the Yan family was preparing the new year's Eve dinner. Xu Qizhen calls him, and his servant says he has left, so his family is waiting for him.

Wait for him to come back.

After the ancestor worship, the meal was officially started.

"Brother Kay, please help me set off the fireworks later." The youngest Yan Xun is holding Yan Kai's waist.

Yan Qi said: "how did I teach you last time? You're stupid again. It's not brother Kay, it's big brother. "

Yan Fuchong makes a face for her sister, but it's still Kai's brother long and Kai's brother short. She's used to calling the children of the Secretary's family, and she can't change that.

But there was something in Yan Kai's heart.

After ancestor worship, he went upstairs in a hurry under the pretext of going to the bathroom.

He hesitated and called his apartment first: "has Miss Chen called me recently? From Hong Kong. "

The servant turned over the phone he had recorded.

She turned for a while and shook her head: "there is a Miss Chen, but she is from Singapore, not Hong Kong."

Yan Kai felt disappointed.

He hung up.

After hesitating for half a minute, he decided to call Chen sushang.

At that time, they asked him to leave, and he also considered that he might make trouble before leaving.

They're not going to have an accident, are they?

When he dialed the phone, he was very worried. However, the phone didn't get through again.

Long distance calls often have such and such problems. Today is new year's Eve again. Maybe there are many people making long distance calls.

Yan Kai dialed it three times.

After dialing, there was a ring all the time, but no one answered. Yan Kai clearly remembered that the phone was from their downstairs living room. Even if they were having a new year's Eve dinner, they could not have not heard it.

Yan Kai dialed again.

He was busy here, and Yan Qi came to him and called, "elder brother, when you have dinner, you call here instead of going to the bathroom?"

Yan Kai had to put it down.

He was absent-minded at dinner.

Yan is old and has a bad appetite. He doesn't dare to eat more. He just talks to Yan Kai and asks about his situation in Manila.

Yan Kai's attention was diverted and he began to talk with his grandfather.

After dinner, the doorbell rang at home. Someone came to say goodbye.

Yan Kai seized the opportunity and slipped back to her room.

Yan is still asking him to come to accompany his uncle. When he can't find him, he asks Yan Ziqing, "what's the matter with this child? He was flustered today. "

Yan Ziqing also did not know: "I turn around to ask Qi Zhen."

Xu Qizhen's side, Yan Qi has already been snitching.

"Big brother is on the phone, no one answers. I guess he called the prime minister. " Yan Qi Dao.

"What's the matter with him and Su Shang?" Asked Xu Qizhen.

Yan Qi doesn't know.

She is not that kind of girl who is very sensitive, otherwise she can guess 21.

Accompanied by the couple who took care of the boat, the children came to say goodbye to their uncle, aunt and grandfather.

As soon as sparrow boat entered, he shouted, "brother Kay hasn't come back for new year's Eve?"

When they were talking, Yan Kai was dialing the fourth time.

I still haven't got through.

He was very upset.

He didn't hesitate this time. He called Huo Yue directly.

Huo's line was busy. He called for a long time before he got in.

"... Miss Chen and the Taoist priest? They are not in Hong Kong. Miss Chen said that Mr. Ye invited them back to the mainland for the new year. Although there is a war in the mainland, they have got a safe route and want to go back to their hometown in Western Hunan. They left half a month ago. " Huo Yue Road.

Yan Kai's mood fell for a moment.

He has a strange taste in his heart.

He was so worried that they just went out to play together. But why didn't Su Shang call him before he left? They agreed.

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