Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1822 oral confession

After more than ten days in Hong Kong, Yan Kai thought it was time to go back to Manila.

After the new year, the new plan will be arranged this year. He has not only a mercenary Corps in Manila, but also a candy factory.

The candy factory is a cover up. This cover up cloth can't be lost, so it needs to be operated.

The candy factory has a manager, and the employing Corps has Qiao Si. He doesn't need to be around all the time, and he doesn't need to do everything himself, but the new year's arrangements always need to be done.

He was reluctant to leave at the thought.

It's like leaving the warm house and going to the ice and snow. It's very painful.

Yan Kai wants to delay. Qiao Si calls Chen Zhai.

"Young master, who is the general coach of this year? It's not settled. It's not easy for me. " Joe said four.

Su Peng quit his job and went back to the army. Yan Kai needed to choose a competent general from his own people.

"I'll be back in a few days." Yan Kai Dao.

After hanging up, he asked Chen sushang, "it's nearly the Lantern Festival. Do you want to go back to worship your mother?"

Chen sushang was about to say yes, when the Taoist priest Lima said, "I want to go. Filial piety comes first. I'll go, too, and give Mrs. Chen a pillar of incense. "

He doesn't believe in ghosts.

He always said that the so-called ghosts and gods are nothing more than a group of evil Qi between heaven and earth. They can do nothing, just like ordinary gases.

He is so positive and unusual.

Chen sushang looked at him and didn't know what medicine he was selling in his gourd.

"Let's go. I'm leaving today. I'm going to Singapore to eat, drink and have fun." The Taoist priest said.

Chen sushang: "..."

She still felt uneasy and kind.

However, Chen sushang never guessed what he wanted to do.

"I'll talk to Xueyao and uncle Liu." Chen Su said, "when will we come back?"

"The seventeenth day of the first month."

Chen sushang nodded and went to the yezhai on the slope.

Neither yuan Xueyao nor Xue Zhu are at home. They have gone out to do business.

Ye Wei received Chen Su Shang.

"You have a safe journey." Ye Weidao.

Yuan Xueyao didn't go to see Chen sushang these days because Yan Kai was there. He didn't want to repeat what happened to sumalo last time, which made Chen sushang angry.

But when he met, he couldn't help but want to kill.

So he didn't tell Chen sushang what he did when he went down the mountain.

Chen soshang simply packed up her bags and changed her clothes for her master for several days. Then she went back to Singapore with Yan Kai.

Before she left, she looked in the mirror and thought her hair seemed to grow a little.

"Shall I have my hair cut?" She asked master.

Her master said, "it's nice to stay longer. You're not a schoolgirl now. What do you always do with a schoolgirl?"

Yan Kai said, "I think your short hair is more temperament."

"What is temperament?"

"I just think you're steady." Yan Kai said with a smile.

Chen Su Shang can't help but want to beat him: "you say I'm old?"

Yan Kai laughed: "I really don't mean that. You've been thinking about it. I really think your short hair looks good."

Later, Chen stopped talking about cutting his hair.

When she was at school, the school had unified rules. There was a standard for the length of hair and skirt.

Now that she has graduated, she doesn't need to follow that standard at all.

She didn't know what her hair looked like.

It should not be very amazing, but it may also be a little more gentlewoman.

The plane arrived in Hong Kong and picked them up.

Chen Su Shang dozed off as soon as he got on the plane.

Yan Kai sat side by side with the Taoist priest, and the two chatted from time to time.

He has a question he always wants to ask.

Turning around to see that Chen sushang in the back row has fallen asleep, Yan Kai asked in a low voice: "sushang and Mr. Ye That's Mr. Yuan. How are they doing? "

The Taoist priest looked at him and said, "do you know whether his surname is ye?"

"I won't tell anyone else, as the prime minister told me." Yan Kai said hurriedly.

The Taoist priest nodded: "don't say more, the affairs of the yuan family are very complicated. Su Shang has no definite relationship with him. Men and women, get along for a long time, if there is feelings, it will happen naturally. They have been together for so long, and Su Shang still refuses to accept him. You don't have to guess, and you know what the result is. "

Yan Kai's expression was slightly loose.

The Taoist priest is closer.

If the seat belt on the plane didn't hold him back, he could stretch his neck to Yan Kai: "you ask, are you in love with my Ali?"

A blush flashed across Yan Kai's face.

He wanted to cover it up. The Taoist priest set up a horse and said, "let's talk about it after you think about it. If you say "no", I will tell Arie the truth. "

Yan Kai: "..."

When he heard about the Taoist priest's pit, he didn't expect to catch anyone.

"I......" Yan Kai thought for a long time, "I fell in love with her."

Sitting at the back of Chen Su Shang, his fingers tighten slowly.

Her eyes closed hard, her breath lightened, and her heart was filled with a big breath.

The Taoist priest smiled and said, "OK, it's really honest. Since you said that, you are welcome to pursue my pear. Do you know that yuan Xueyao can beat you to death with a charm? "

Yan Kai: "..."

"You think you're good. Nanyang your family has a huge influence, and you have a hiring group of your own. But in front of the warlock, you are an ant. " The Taoist priest said, "if you are afraid, change your mind as soon as possible, don't show it, let Ali get hurt."

Yan Kai understood the Taoist priest's mind.

"I will not hurt her." Yan Kai Dao.

He said this sentence, thinking of the day of the wedding, he almost left Chen Su Shang, a little embarrassed, "later, not."

Chen sushang changed her posture, turned her head to the other side, and a tear fell from the corner of her eye.

Later, the Taoist priest talked with Yan Kai again and took a nap.

The plane arrived in Singapore soon.

Chen Su wipes his face with a handkerchief. If nothing happens, he follows Yan Kai and his master off the plane.

They live in Yan Kai's apartment.

"Have a rest and we'll go out for dinner." Yan Kai Dao.

Chen sushang said yes.

When she arrived at the guest room, Yan Kai's words on the plane sounded in her ears. It seemed that there was a tsunami and it turned over.

When you wash your face and make up, your heart is hot, even your palm is hot.

She's kind of feverish.

Later, she just put on a lipstick and didn't bother to make up. She went downstairs.

The Taoist priest said that he was tired and didn't want to go to dinner with them.

Yan Kai and Chen Su Shang went alone.

"After dinner, let's go to see my mother first and then go home. On the fifteenth day, we bought offerings. " Chen Su business road.

Yan Kai said, "bring a bunch of flowers today. There's a good florist near here. I'll show you later. "

Chen sushang nodded.

This restaurant is Xu Qizhen's industry. Its main business is Jinling cuisine. It has also made many improvements. After all, it needs to adapt to the environment of Singapore.

Chen sushang plans to ask Yan Kai what dishes are delicious. Suddenly someone comes to their table and says to Yan Kai with a smile, "brother in law, I haven't seen you for a long time."

she has a very faint fragrance of flowers, which is made of the most expensive perfume, similar to natural fragrance.

Chen sushang did not need to see her face, but also knew it was Chen Haoyue.

Chen Haoyue is like a jade man, white and clear, with beautiful eyes, more beautiful than Su manluo.

Yan Kai looked at her and thought of all the things Chen Su Shang had said. He was a little bored. "Who are you?"

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