Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1823 the meeting of the old man

Chen Haoyue is a little embarrassed.

She realized later that she had said something wrong.

She could hardly meet Yan Kai in Singapore. When she happened to see her, she was calm on the surface, but couldn't help but feel excited in her heart.

She went out to eat with some friends, and she just saw Yan Kai when she raised her eyes.

She said to her friend, "that's my brother-in-law."

Everyone knows that her sister married the young master of the Yan family.

Singapore's Yan family is second only to the Si family's big family. The female partners all show their envious looks and want to talk to Yan Kai.

So Chen Haoyue comes first.

I don't want to, eat such a closed door.

She immediately thought that there was also a girl sitting opposite Yan Kai. She saw her clothes, which were fashionable and beautiful. It was probably his new love.

It's normal that he doesn't want to see his wife and younger sister in front of his new wife.

Chen Haoyue whispered, "I'm sorry, I......

she turned her head and wanted to say something to Yan Kai's female partner, which bothered her and made her own mistake.

Unexpectedly, she looked back and saw Chen Su Shang leaning against the back of the chair, smiling at her.

Chen sushang hates Chen Ding, including the children he gave birth to outside.

When she thought about it, it was not worth it for her mother.

Chen Haoyue is frozen.

Chen sushang glanced at her coldly: "who is your brother-in-law? That's my husband. Do you think I'm your sister? I'm sorry Miss Chen, I can't get on top of it. "

Chen Haoyue turned white.

Chen sushang warned her in a low voice: "get out of here, or I'll shout. Do you want to be a man in the future? "

Chen Haoyue is angry, but also has fear at the bottom of his eyes.

Chen sushang is not afraid of anything. Chen Haoyue doesn't want to be slapped in public. Her father fled to Singapore. She was a political prisoner. She had no capital, except for Yan's in laws.

She also wants to rely on this relationship to smear gold powder on herself, so that she can marry into a rich family in the future.

Therefore, in front of Chen sushang, she can only murmur: "I'm sorry to disturb you."

When she returned, the women at the table had already noticed something wrong and asked her what was wrong.

Chen Haoyue has tears in her eyes and is angry and frightened. She must cover up the past, or she will be laughed at by these women in the future.

They are all mean.

"It's nothing. It's my sister and brother-in-law. They are quarreling. I disturb them. My sister is angry with me." Chen Haoyue said.

She shaped herself into an innocent little sister.

Probably only a close little sister can be a sister's outlet.

Women did not see Chen Su Shang angry, but also have blind like, comfort Chen Haoyue a few words.

All of us are human spirits. We secretly find out that Chen's sisters are not harmonious, but they don't break it. The sisters who are not compatriots in their family are really harmonious. It's just a matter of face.

Yan Kai asked Chen sushang, "do you want to change places to eat? So as not to spoil your mood. "

"I didn't." Chen Su Shang smiled and changed the cold before. "I just can't stand her."

"If you can't stand it, you can't see it." Yan Kai said with a smile, "master Chen, all people are ants. You can run her over."

Chen Su Shang couldn't help laughing.

When Yan Kai saw her smile, she also laughed.

At Chen Haoyue's table, I could only see Chen Su Shang's shoulders and Yan Kai's smile. I thought that the husband and wife didn't quarrel at all, just didn't like Chen Haoyue.

It seems that Chen Haoyue has been pushing herself up.

The good mood of Chen sushang and Yan Kai was not disturbed.

When they finished eating, Chen Haoyue's table had already checked out and left.

Chen sushang treats people with introspection, not too mean. Only for brother and sister Chen Haoyue, she always wants to show her tusks.

Their presence humiliated her mother.

Any illegitimate child is a disgrace to the right wife.

After dinner, Chen Su Shang bought a bunch of white chrysanthemums and went to visit her mother's grave.

Mother's tombstone, always clean, often with offerings and flowers.

Xu Qizhen often comes to see Mrs. Chen.

"... I don't know when there will be real peace at home." Chen Su Shang sighed, "when the war is over, I want to take my mother back to Nanjing's old house for burial."

"Almost." Yan Kai patted her on the shoulder. "I heard that the situation in China has gradually become clear and may soon end the war."

"The yuan family is still making trouble." Chen Su said, "they want to change the way of heaven. They've probably collected a lot of money."

Yan Kai didn't know what to take.

Every time she said the technique, he felt that he was far away from her and could not catch up with her.

"They will not succeed." It took him a long time to comfort her.

"I hope so." Chen Su business road.

They didn't spend much time in the cemetery.

Chen sushang has a lot to say to his mother. It's a very private matter. Yan Kai is present. She's a little hard to talk.

Back to Yan Kai's apartment, the servant said it had grown out.

Chen sushang muttered, "why did he go?"

Yan Kai chuckled: "the Taoist priest is not a child. Are you afraid that he will lose?"

"It's not that I'm afraid he's lost, it's that I'm afraid he's in trouble." Chen Su business road.

Yan Kai: "...

I really treat the Taoist priest as a child.

In order to divert her attention, Yan Kai said with a smile, "you always want to see my aunt, and you miss it every time. How about going straight to her house this time? "

"No, how impolite?" Chen sushang said with a smile.

It doesn't matter what Yan Kai says.

He made a phone call immediately.

When the phone was connected, the servant said that the wife and the husband had gone to sea, and it was estimated that they would not get home until very late.

"... my aunt won't be back until evening, or we'll go tomorrow." Yan Kai asked.

Chen sushang shook his head: "I'm a little nervous. I'll see you next time I have time. Besides, your aunt knows about me and you. She went to see you in a hurry. I don't know what kind of attitude she took towards me. It's very embarrassing. "

Yan Kai's heart flashed a little dim.

At dusk, Si Xingfu and Gu get off the boat, followed by their three sons.

Gu Qingzhou sees a restaurant in the distance: "eat some rice and go home."

"I'll have lobster." The second is quefang road.

Si Xingfu glanced at him: "your lobster is short at home?"

"It's delicious outside, as the saying goes..." Si quefang bit her tongue and stopped what she said.

"How do you say that?" Si asked

Bird boat would like to say that the flowers at home are not as fragrant as wild flowers, but this is not about eating, saying that they will be beaten, so temporarily stopped.

"Not much, I don't show off." Sparrow boat made a face, rate advanced restaurant.

This is a very good seafood restaurant.

They chose a window seat. Si Xingfu was in charge of ordering food. Gu Qingzhou and the children were waiting to eat.

The sparrow boat suddenly said to his mother, "Mom, look at the man behind. He has long hair, but he is not ugly."

Gu chuckled: "it's very impolite for you to peep at others."

"Really." Sparrow boat is very curious.

Si Xingfu couldn't help looking back. He was also curious.

Gu Qingzhou is speechless by these people. It's not elegant at all.

After seeing it, sixingqi was slightly shocked, then pushed and thought of the boat: "boat..."


"It's Mr. Ning." His face was a little strange.

"Who is Mr Ning?" The children all looked over.

Gu Qingzhou also looked at the past. Then she froze.

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