Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1824 twenty years ago?

Gu Qingzhou's face, like that of Si Xingfu, was a little dignified and a little unbelievable.

She looked back again.

The eldest son opened carefully: "Mom, what's the matter? Is that Mr Ning your enemy and your father? "

"No." Gu Qingzhou said, "it's not an enemy or a friend. I barely know each other."

Several children are puzzled.

Rarely does their mother show such a creepy look in front of the children.

"Then why..."

"your father and I met him in Taiyuan before." Gu Qingzhou road.

"Before? How long ago? "

"Nearly twenty years." Gu Qingzhou sighs.

Several children brush their heads together and look at Mr. Ning again.

Mr. Ning has long black hair, which is naturally spread out. He is wearing a fancy shirt and shorts, like an ordinary Singaporean dandy.

It is not common for men to have long hair.

Most men with long hair are not good-looking or even greasy.

But Mr Ning is different.

His hair adds a bit of elegance to him, but it won't make him confused.

Seeing him face to face, I know that he is a little handsome young man, and will not have gender problems.

"He looks only a few years older than us. It's probably Mr. Ning's son." The youngest said.

Gu is not sure.

A person can't be 20 years as one day. She pays great attention to her own maintenance. She can be a grandmother and has fine lines around her eyes.

But the man, whether in appearance, manner or manner, was very much like Mr. Ning.

"Maybe it's an old monster." It doesn't matter what the Secretary said.

Gu Qingzhou looks at him.

"The world is so big that there are no surprises. Why can't there be monsters? You think monsters want to eat you? Perhaps, in the view of monsters, human flesh is not delicious at all. You humans are only amorous. " Si Xingfu said again.

Gu Qingzhou: "....

the three sons couldn't help laughing.

They want to see the childish side of their father, just need mom to be there.

He has no scruples about image.

Si Xingfu is not a man of thinking, so he stood up and said, "I'll ask."

Before Gu Qingzhou could stop him, Mr. Ning stood up and walked towards them first.

Si Xingfu stopped.

Mr. Ning went to Si Xingfu and looked at him for a few eyes: "Mr. Si, I haven't seen you for several years. You're old now."

"It's not a few years, it's nearly 20 years," said sixingfu with a smile. Mr Ning is not old at all. "

"For so many years?" Mr Ning's attitude is casual and lazy. "I'm too confused."

Gu Qingzhou is sure at this time. It's really Mr. Ning.

He wanted to take Er Bao.

Gu didn't agree.

If people can predict the future, if they know that Er Bao is so miserable later, she should give Er Bao to this Mr Ning.

Gu Qingzhou's eyes are a little astringent.

"Mrs. secretary, you are as beautiful as before." Mr. Ning to Gu Qingzhou road.

Gu also stood up and shook hands with him: "I haven't seen you for many years. How do you maintain it? "

"I am a fairy." Mr Ning said.

Gu Qingzhou: "...

she always thought that the smell of Si Xingfu was shameless, and she didn't want a mountain to be higher.

Mr. Ning boasted that all the children who took care of the light boat were jade trees facing the wind and would be pillars in the future.

After a short talk, Gu invited Mr. Ning to sit in the boat.

"No, I have friends. I'll make another appointment." Mr Ning said.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

Mr. Ning exchanged greetings and went back to his desk to see that Taoist priest Changqing was still eating.

He said, "evergreen, the magician should abstain from the desire of mouth and stomach."

"I don't want to be like you." "How do you think?" said the Taoist priest

"No consideration." Mr. Ning said, "I don't want to be involved in your own business. I've got a few eyebrows recently. I'm going to stay in Malay Peninsula for a while. "

"You can help me, it's really difficult this time. Give me some magic tools."

Mr. Ning looked at him very speechless: "you really don't want to be aggressive! What's tricky? What happened to you was the great array of Luoshu. "

"Luoshu array?" Changqing Taoist priest was stunned.

"Yes, the Luoshu array I invented." Mr Ning said, "this time, do you know what the problem is? I have to deal with it myself. I have to find someone else. "

Mr. Ning said to the outside world that he was looking for the reincarnation of a woman who has opened her eyes. He also claimed to have lived for thousands of years and found nothing.

Maybe, that person's soul is broken, and he will never enter reincarnation again.

"Well, don't bother me again, and don't always look for me." Mr Ning said.

Although he said this, he gave the Taoist priest Changqing several magic weapons.

The Taoist priest got what he wanted and solved Hong Kong's dilemma. He was in a good mood.

On his way back, he passed a cake shop and brought some dessert for his little apprentice to make a midnight snack.

Chen sushang worried about him for most of the day. Seeing him coming back, he was a little angry: "where did you go? Why don't you tell us? "

"When you go on a date, do you have time to take care of me? What, the date didn't go well? " Asked the chief.

Chen sushang was speechless.

Taoist priest has the best way to deal with Chen Su Shang.

He took out the cake and asked the servant to make some milk tea to match it. "I went to see a friend, Mr. Ning, whom I told you about."

"Mr Ning?" In order to ease the atmosphere between the Taoist priest and Chen sushang, Yan Kai deliberately led the topic to the unimportant person, "who is Mr. Ning?"

"An old friend of mine." "I met him once when I was about thirteen or fourteen," said the Taoist priest. He said to me that all the ancient books of art collected by our Taoist temple are precious, not nonsense.

So, I began to concentrate on my study, and as expected, I made some achievements in the technique. To speak of it, he pointed me out, which is the teacher of kaimeng. "

"Is he also a magician?"

"No, he's a fairy." The Taoist priest said.

Yan Kai: "...

he finally realized that Su Shang wanted to bully his master and destroy his ancestors for years.

Chen Su Shang handed the cake to Yan Kai, who was in love with each other and ate it silently.

"Mr. Ning pointed me out," said the Taoist priest. "I know what's wrong with Hong Kong."

Chen sushang was a little surprised: "really?"

"Really." The Taoist said, "are you relieved?"

Chen sushang nodded. Now he doesn't want to betray his school.

Her mood, also relaxed a lot.

On the 15th day of the first month, she took the sacrifice with her and went to visit her mother's grave with Yan Kai and Taoist priest.

They put on flowers, fruits and paper money.

Chen sushang kowtowed to Mrs. Chen three times in silence: "Mom, when peace comes, I'll take you home."

When she was about to stand up, Yan Kai gave her a hand.

In the distance, several people came to pay homage to Mrs. Chen.

The first are two women in cloaks.

Chen Su Shang knew one of them. It was Mrs. Yan, Xu Qizhen. The other is gentle and quiet. I don't know how old I am. I say it's possible to be 30 or 40. In a word, I have excellent maintenance.

She didn't see it, so she looked at it more.

Yan Kai laughed and whispered to Chen Su, "Su Shang, my aunt is here..."

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