Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1825 recognition

Chen sushang is a little nervous.

She has been listening to Yan Kai about his aunt, and she has also inquired about Mrs. Si's great achievements. She is very admiring of her.

They are afraid that they can't be seen and despised.

She wants to stand back. Xu Qizhen has seen her and smiled at her.

"Big brother." After Xu Qizhen's death, Yan Qi said hello from afar, "Chen..."

Half of what she said, she remembered that Su manluo had inquired about her brother's marriage, and immediately changed her mouth: "sister in law."

Chen sushang has nowhere to hide. He steps forward with a smile.

Her eyes fell on Mrs. Si, but she said to Xu Qizhen with a smile, "thank you for coming to see my mother."

"Yes, we used to be good sisters, but now we are also family members." Xu Qizhen said with a smile.

She said, introducing Gu Qingzhou to Chen sushang, "sushang, this is my aunt."

She and Yan Qi both know Yan Kai's mind, and hope Chen sushang can change his mind. So they think she is Yan's daughter-in-law.

After all, the divorce letter was only written by Yan Lao. Although the Yan family didn't intend to default, it wasn't real.

Chen Su Shang turned to see Mrs. Si.

Gu Qingzhou made a mistake and looked at her. Her face was almost still.

She was a little shocked, a little shocked.

Chen sushang was very frightened by her expression, and did not know what he had done wrong.

Gu Qingzhou holds Xu Qizhen's hand a little tight. Xu Qizhen realizes, "what's the matter?"

"You..." Gu Qingzhou is always smart, but at the moment he doesn't know what to say, so he paused and said to Chen Su with a smile, "you are the Su Shang? I see you for the first time. "

"Yes." Chen sushang is confused.

Mrs. Si didn't hate her, but was surprised.

Chen sushang did not know why, but Yu Guang saw Gu Qingzhou looking at her, so she turned away and smiled at her.

Gu Qingzhou also smiles.

Xu Qizhen and others paid homage to Mrs. Chen and left the cemetery together.

It's hard to make an appointment. They said they would go to the coffee shop together and sit down, and then wait for lunch.

Yan Kai is active.

Gu Qingzhou suddenly said to Yan Kai, "ah Kai, I'll take your car. I don't know Su Shang yet. I happen to know each other. "

Yan Kai is a bit confused.

Although her aunt is very nice, she is dignified, not over enthusiastic.

Xu Qizhen and Yan Qi are confused.

Gu Qingzhou's face was not right just now.

Chen sushang didn't realize Gu's hostility, but instead saw her tension and curiosity. He was also surprised and didn't object to sitting with her.

They are sitting in the back seat.

Gu Qingzhou talks elegantly, not aggressively. Chen sushang talks with her.

Speaking of Nanjing, she also said her admiration and that she had spent some time in Nanjing.

"Su Shang, this name is very interesting. What's the meaning?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Chen sushang told her the truth.

It means mid autumn.

"Do you have a nickname?" Gu asked again.

Before Chen sushang could answer, Yan Kai said with a smile: "there is one named Ali. Is it Ali

Gu Qingzhou's fist is gently clenched.

Although she tried to suppress it, Chen sushang felt her momentary tremor.

Chen sushang is a little nervous.

But soon, Gu Qingzhou was calm again. He said with a smile, "ah Li, it's also a good name. Mrs. Chen is very poetic."

Yan Kai replied: "ah Li was not taken by her mother-in-law, but by her master, Chang Qing Dao. When Ali was a child, she was separated from her family. She was picked up by her master. She was called this name since she was a child. "

Yan Kai's mouth is too fast.

He wanted his aunt to like Chen Su Shang very much, and he knew that his aunt was so intelligent that he didn't have to lie to her.

"Separated from the family?" Gu's voice was much lighter, "poor boy You are so beautiful and excellent. Mrs. Chen must be very kind to you, right

She said this with a mist in her eyes.

Chen Su Shang smiled: "yes, my mother loves me very much and is very good to me!"

Gu Qingzhou blinked his eyes and collected the water light in his eyes.

She smiled and asked Chen sushang, "I heard your mother-in-law say that you can still practice, can't you?"

Chen Su's business way is.

She still felt strange, but she didn't know where.

Gu Qingzhou said: "my younger brother-in-law, my younger brother's wife, has been ill for a long time, has used any medicine, and can't find out the reason. Can you help her to see if she has this problem? In the past, manlo was not very good, and you are optimistic about it. "

Chen sushang was a little happy: "do you believe this?"

"I believe it." Gu Qingzhou said, "I met two very powerful warlocks before."

Chen Su is relieved.

"Well, I'll be back in Hong Kong tomorrow or later. Please invite your relatives here." Chen Su business road.

Gu Qingzhou shook his head: "coincidentally, she is not in Singapore, but in Hong Kong. When will you go back, I'll send someone to see you. By the way, please visit her. "

Chen Sushan listened to her words and thought it was reasonable, so he nodded: "OK, I will try my best."

Gu chuckled.

They soon arrived at a coffee shop.

Sit down with each other. The topic of Gu Qingzhou has always been on Chen sushang. Gu Qingzhou is very curious about everything about her.

It's joy to be noticed.

Chen sushang is full of affection for Gu Qingzhou and is willing to talk about himself.

From time to time, Yan Kai also set up a platform to help others.

Xu Qizhen and Yan Qi will also praise Chen sushang from time to time.

Chen sushang seldom gets so much attention and is a little embarrassed.

After a conversation, Gu Qingzhou got to know Chen sushang.

Later, they went to Xu Qizhen's restaurant.

When Yan Qi and Chen sushang go to the bathroom, Gu Qingzhou asks Yan Kai, "Ali lost her life when she was a child. Does she have any impression on her own parents?"

"Aunt, don't call her that. She's not happy." Yan Kai said with a smile, "only close people can call her Ali. She was picked up by her own parents, and then they abandoned her. "

Gu Qingzhou didn't hear his nephew's show off.

Yan Kai can also be called a Li now, and she treats him as a close person.

"Why don't you want her?" Gu Qingzhou sighed, "how can a parent not have his own children?"

She said this sentence, thinking of Kang Han's illness over the years, tears almost out of control.

Yan Kai always thought it was not right: "Auntie, are you ok?"

"Yes, canoe. What's the matter with you today?" Xu Qizhen also noticed.

Gu Qingzhou shook his head: "it's OK, I'm happy."

She unconsciously wasted so long.

When Chen sushang arrived in Singapore, she had a chance to see her.

As long as she sees Chen sushang, she will know those eyes that look like Er Bao.

Chen sushang's eyes are like Er Bao, and his nose and mouth are like Kang Han.

She is undoubtedly their child.

Chen soshang has traveled to Singapore countless times, but she has missed so many people close to her.

Gu Qingzhou is sorry for Kang Han.

She promised to help her find Ali.

"Aunt, do you really want to invite Su Shang to treat people?" Yan Kai asked again.

"Yes." Gu Qingzhou said, "ask Su Shang to have a look. Maybe her illness will be cured. From then on, a hundred years of life. "

When serving, there is a special roast duck in Xu Qizhen's restaurant.

Yan Kai was very attentive. He first clipped it for his mother and then for Gu Qingzhou.

"I am a vegetarian," Gu refused

Xu Qizhen is surprised: "when did you start to eat vegetarian?"

"From today on." Gu chuckled, "this is my wish. When it comes true, I will be vegetarian."

The crowd looked at her.

Gu Qingzhou just laughs and doesn't explain much.

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