Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1830 self deception

Kang Han wants to know too much. Ten years later, she kept dreaming about the appearance of a Li when she grew up.

Now I see it. She finds that a Li is more beautiful than she thought.

"... I was raised by my master." Chen sushang said truthfully. She

tells Kang Han about the past. When I came to her master, I mentioned her foster mother, Mrs. Chen, and her second brother.

That's the three most important people in her life.

"My mother she..." Chen sushang said, her voice stopped, because Kang Han looked at her with a yearning eyes.

Her voice called "mother" aroused the tenderness of Kang Han's heart. But

Chen Su Shang couldn't speak to her.

She loves Kang Han and believes that she is her biological mother. But since the memory, the only mother in her heart is Mrs. Chen.

She can't walk on the wall of her heart. She paused for a moment and then picked up her voice: "when she died, she hoped I could have a home, so I married Yan Kai."

Kang Han remembers Yan Kai. Gu

Qingzhou has come to Hong Kong several times, all of which are sent by Yan Kai, who has also come to see Kang Han. "

are you really married?" Kang Han is very happy, "Yan Kai is good. I know him. He is a good boy."

Chen Su Shang is really happy to see her. Her health is not very good. She doesn't need to worry about it. So she didn't say "but". No, it's just because he is worried about Kang Han. Chen sushang also thinks that he and Yan Kai may have another chance.

She likes Yan Kai, and she also said that she loves her. "

you've got a home, and you're so well settled. Mom will come and go to see your father and explain to him." Kang Han smiles with tears. Chen's heart ached. "Don't be discouraged, it will get better," she said softly

Kang Han nods. Chen

Su Shang spent four days with Kang Han in the hospital.

Four days later, Kang Han's mood gradually stabilized, and she was sure that she really found her daughter, not a dream. Gu

the boat persuades her: "Ali has something else to do. Let her go first and see you when she has time. If you miss her, call her. " Chen needs to go back. The last time that mess had not been cleaned up, her master had gone home. She was worried about her master's sneaking away. "

I'll come to see you around five o'clock every afternoon. I'll tell you if I want to go far. " Guaranteed by Chen sushang. Kang

Han nodded again: "you go to work, your aunt is with me, I'm very good."

Chen sushang looks at the boat.

Gu Qingzhou smiles and takes her out.

Two people stood at the door of the hospital and said a few words. Gu Qingzhou told her not to worry. "

thank you." Chen Su business road. Gu

chuckled, "your father is my junior brother. When I met your mother, she was a little girl, and I grew up watching her grow up. I should take care of her. " Chen

has a mild fever of heart and mouth. When Chen Su Shang came home from the hospital, the servant told her that yesterday and today, young master Yan called her four times. Chen called back.

"... I don't think I can go to Hong Kong in half a month." Yan Kai's voice was a little sad. "It's too difficult. I need to be in charge myself." There was a riot on Nila's side. Yan Kai's area was just one of the trapped centers. He can't break through with others, so he has to wait for the government to deal with it slowly, otherwise his identity will not be clear. The telephone line was cut several times. Yan Kai sent someone to repair it just to call Chen sushang.

"It doesn't matter." Chen Su said, "you should be careful."

"Don't worry, I won't have an accident." Yan Kai said with a smile, "I'm a serious businessman, no problem. Besides, even if there is a problem, I can ask my uncle to help me. "

Chen Su Shang also smiled.

She didn't mention Kang Han. She didn't know how to speak. "

have you finished your work?" Yan Kai asked her again, "if you are finished, go to Singapore and wait for me first, I will go back soon."

"I'm not busy yet." Chen Su said, "don't worry." Yan

Kay said a few words to her again. The voice on the phone was very unsteady, so she had to hang up.

After putting down the phone, Chen Su Shang went to find his master and saw him sitting in his study with a lot of paper on his hand. It seemed that he was calculating something. Chen Su Shang was very relieved.

He's still at home! I'm afraid I will find him missing when I go home. What he said last time has made Chen sushang miserable to this day.

"Master." Chen sushang cried. "Come back?" he said "


"Go to Ye's first and call ye Wei's uncle and nephew." The Taoist priest said, continue to bend his head. Chen's vegetable quotient is not easy to disturb, so he has to go. When she arrived at Ye's house, she found that ye Wei and Xue Zhu were not at home, only yuan Xueyao.

"Ariel." He said, "you're back?"

He spoke slowly, but fluently. "

Yes, I'm back." Chen Su Shang smiled and said, "what about uncle Liu and Xuezhu?"

"Out." Yuan Xueyao is concise and comprehensive.

After a pause, he asked Chen sushang, "have you gone to visit your mother and visit the tomb?" His expression of

is much better than before.

"It's mainly to visit the tombs, and secondly to go to Singapore for a walk." Chen Su said, "Xueyao, I want to talk to you..." Yuan

Xueyao immediately interrupted her: "no!"

Chen sushang looked at him in dismay.

Yuan Xueyao closed his eyes slightly and covered up his emotions. When he opened his eyes again, his expression was very calm: "I will not talk for a while."

He understood everything. "


"a Li, and so on." Yuan Xueyao's voice is very light, "you think again." "

I've thought about it." Chen Su Shang apologized, "I rejected you at that time. Later, you were willing to be frank and give each other time to know each other. I said that we need a process of acquaintance." "

I know." "

this process has been a long time." Chen Su Shang sighed, "Xueyao, I still......

" no, don't say it. " Yuan Xueyao interrupted her.

He looked at her with such a sad expression, "give me a little more time."

"How long will it take?" Asked Chen sushang. "

half a month?" Yuan Xueyao is not sure. Chen said: "OK, half a month."

Half a month later, everything in Hong Kong will be over. Then she wants to go back to Singapore. Xu, Mrs. Si will also send Kang han to Singapore. Chen has another family.

"Xue Yao, my master..." Chen sushang wanted to say something more. "I know," said yuan He knows everything in his mind. In the past few days, he must have thought a lot, even made the worst preparations.

Just then, the phone rang in the living room.

Yuan Xueyao answered the phone.

"Six uncles." He cried.

Ye Wei is on the phone. His voice is fast and urgent. He keeps saying something.

Yuan Xueyao's face changed. Put

off the phone, he looks dignified.

"What's the matter?" Chen sushang was very worried for fear of another change. "

I'm going out, are you with me and?" Yuan Xueyao did not explain.

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