Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1831 indifferent kinship

Chen sushang is worried.

Her master asked her to come to find Ye's uncle and nephew, but ye had an accident there first.

"What's the matter?" She asked.

Yuan Xueyao took a deep breath and called the coachman first to get the car ready.

He is going to drive by himself.

Then, he said to Chen Su, "uncle Liu said, not very clearly. I'm going to see him."


"Maybe." Yuan Xueyao has a calm face.

Yuan Xueyao has always been fearless of heaven and earth, and the skill of yuan family has given him this confidence.

This time, there is a kind of panic on his face, which he can't hide.

Chen Su Shang is worried about his mess.

They were all warlocks. When there was an accident with Ye's uncle and nephew, Chen sushang and his master could not leave.

Chen sushang also thought about a normal life. She could not let the magic destroy her whole life. So she said, "I'll go with you."

The car stopped at the door.

Yuan Xueyao drove by Chen's house and saw Changqing Road chief standing at the door.

The road chief stopped the car, but also a face of haze: "Ali, you get off. I'm going out with Xueyao. You stay at home. "

"I can help!" Chen sushang insisted.

As long as she is not a fool, she can smell the pressure of wind and rain.

Shifu wants to protect her, but she has grown up a lot and is no longer an ignorant little girl.

"Get out of the car!" The Taoist priest suddenly raised his voice.

Yuan Xueyao, seeing the Taoist priest's attitude, also thought that the problem might be more difficult than he thought: "a Li, listen."

What else does Chen sushang want to say? Taoist priest has already done it by himself and pulled her down.

When he pulled Chen Su Shang, he put a jade pendant into her hand.

It's not Yan Kai's piece, but Mr. Ning gave it to the Taoist priest when he was in Singapore.

Chen Su was shocked.

The Taoist priest got on the bus and urged yuan Xueyao to "drive quickly."

The car went down the mountain at a gallop.

Chen sushang stayed at home, always with his heart in mind.

She couldn't sit still, and she didn't know where Shifu had gone, so she had to work hard.

It wasn't until late at night that the car stopped at the door.

Yuan Xueyao took the Taoist priest, Xuezhu and yewei back.

"There is a midnight snack at home. You all come down and eat something before you go home," Chen said

Ye Wei said yes.

Yuan Xueyao had a good car and finally entered the restaurant.

Chen's curfew is made by Yan's cook. It's delicious and nourishing.

"What happened?" Asked Chen sushang.

A few people are having a meal, smell speech chopsticks meal next.

Soon, Xuezhu's eyes were a little red.

She tried to hold back, clearing her throat: "I found the person who cast the spell, and it was the side branch of our family."

Chen sushang: "....

last time they had such a guess, they just couldn't be sure, they couldn't find anyone else.

Now, is there a conclusion at last?

Chen Su Shang also thought of what Xue Zhu had said before. Looking at her tearful look, Chen Su Shang's heart was thumping.

Is it true that Xuezhu, the old master of the yuan family, went on: "there is no big business. Sending us to Hong Kong is a power grab, creating all kinds of events, which makes us trapped here. Grandfather... Has passed away. Xueling has taken over as the head of the family. "

Ye Wei can't eat any more. He puts down his chopsticks.

Only yuan Xueyao, who had no expression, wanted to fill his stomach first.

"Don't be sad." Chen sushang advised, and felt that his words sounded like scratching on his boots.

How can I not be sad?

They were all the core figures of the yuan family, but after the death of their grandfather, they didn't even have a place in the family.

It's reasonable for their little sister to take over as the head of the family. They won't allow the elder brother and elder sister with real ability to exist.

The marriage between yuan family and Miao family lasted too long, which led to the idea that women were the masters of the family.

Not only yuan Xueyao is the opponent, but also Xuezhu.

"Su Shang, we don't have a home anymore." Xuezhu, who has always been cheerful, has a sad and helpless voice, like a small animal caught in a net, with tears in his eyes.

Chen sushang was deeply hurt by her words and eyes.

She knows the feeling of homelessness best.

Once she lost her way of thinking, and then she lost her adoptive mother, Mrs. Chen.

The Taoist priest slowly lit a cigarette: "don't say anything despondent! According to the rules of your yuan family, the head of the family is the eldest child and inherits according to the preface. You and Xueyao are still alive. They can't get to the little girl. It's time to fight, not sit here and cry. "

Next to yuan Xueyao, after a bowl of rice porridge and a small soup box, her stomach was filled with food, and finally said, "she is coming."

The crowd looked at him.

Xuezhu seemed to be stabbed by something, and her voice was sharp: "who is coming?"

Yuan Xueyao didn't answer.

But his meaning is clear.

Yuan Xueling has got the head of the family, no matter what means she uses.

But as long as yuan Xueyao and Xue Zhu are not dead, the position of the head of her family will always be questioned. After seizing power, the first task is to execute the victims by hand.

It will be sooner or later for yuan Xueling to come to Hong Kong.

When Chen sushang heard this, he asked Xuezhu, "are you sisters? A mother's compatriot? "

Snow Zhu's face is dim: "yes."

Chen sushang can't quite understand.

Can brothers and sisters of the same father and mother fight each other for power?

She and her second brother are not close relatives, but the second brother is willing to do anything for her, and she is willing to sacrifice for the second brother.

It's also because of Chen ding that we don't have a good relationship with Chen Haoyue and Chen Yu.

Uncle Liu explained: "for the prosperity of the family, the yuan family will raise the children separately from childhood, just like Xueyao, who has been on the mountain before, and has not even met his two sisters."

First, they should be raised separately so that they don't have any emotional hindrance, and then they can instill a strong impression on each other to make them feel crisis.

If they don't understand each other, they will be afraid of each other and hate each other. They dare not relax their demands on themselves and fear that they will become the victims of the breeding insects.

Chen sushang was horrified.

That night, she stayed up late.

The next morning, she got up and went directly to the hospital.

Kanghan looks very good today. After breakfast, she went to sleep again.

"I may be busy for a few days." Chen sushang said to Gu, "in case she can't come..."

"it's OK, she can understand." Gu Qingzhou said, "what are you busy with?"

Chen sushang has a kind of unusual trust and worship to Gu Qingzhou.

She told Gu about the yuan family.

"My Shifu and I were going to see yuan's brothers and sisters, but we don't want to be together now. If the yuan family sent someone over, we would not be immune to disaster, so we should prepare early. " Chen sushang said.

Gu Qingzhou listened to her description and was a little distracted.

She thought of the distant past.

Zhuo Xiaoyun, Cheng Yu's husband, taught his children so that they could kill each other to ensure that there were heirs in the family. At last, all the boys in Zhuo's family suffered from heart disease.

"Tragedy is a repetition of generations." Gu Qingzhou sighs.

Chen sushang didn't understand.

Gu didn't explain much, but said, "be careful yourself."

Chen Su's business way is.

They were talking when there was a sudden noise at the door of the hospital.

Gu Qingzhou's face changed a little.

"What's the matter?" Chen sushang also looked at the past.

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