There was a lot of noise at the door of the hospital, and the family members of the patients called for doctors from afar. Mr. Chen thinks it's very common, but Mrs. Si, who is resourceful, has a bad face.

"What's the matter?" Chen sushang asked again.

Gu took back his sight: "this is a private hospital. People with identity come and go, and most of them are convalescent. I'm afraid there's something big about this noise. " Chen's spirit of prime quotient is also formidable. She immediately asked, "do you want to transfer... Her to another hospital?"

She didn't know what to call Kang Han. Mrs. Qi? It's not very decent. How could a daughter call her mother that? But she can't open it, at least temporarily.

"I'll take care of it." Gu Qingzhou said again, "if there is anything wrong, I will arrange her to transfer to another hospital." Chen

is the business way.

The movement in the distance also made her feel a little strange.

"Auntie, I'll have a look." Chen Su business road.

Gu Qingzhou swept away the heavy weight on his face and couldn't help smiling: "OK, you go."

She laughs softly.

Chen Su Shang realized later that he had called something. Yan

Kay often says "aunt" in her ear. She subconsciously thinks that Gu Qingzhou is an "aunt". Later, I found that Gu Qingzhou was not only Yan Kai's aunt, but also her aunt. Chen is a little embarrassed. She turned away. Gu

let his adjutant follow him and tell her the situation. Chen

Su Shang and his adjutant went to the emergency room and saw a black face.

The patient's face is black, there is a festering mouth at the neck, and black pus is constantly oozing out, which is very frightening and weird. The young lady did not see this kind of situation and cried. Nurse made a simple record and asked the patient to be sent to the ward. "

all are scattered and isolated! It could be contagious. " Cried the nurse. A crowd of onlookers immediately screamed to avoid and nearly ran into Chen Su Shang. Gu

the adjutant of the canoe helped Chen sushang. After the Su Shang station was established, Chen said to the vice official, "let's go quickly. What if it's really a malignant infectious disease?"

The deputy said yes. Instead of going to see Gu immediately, he stood in the sun for 30 minutes.

The sun will take away some of the virus, which was taught by the school before.

"What do you think is it?" Chen sushang chatted with his aide. Deputy

official way: "haven't seen it, it's not plague?"

Chen sushang shivered.

If there is a plague, it will cause even greater disaster, and all Hong Kong will suffer.

Her mother is so weak... "

is there any plague? Isn't it all gone? " Chen sushang is nervous.

The adjutant told her not to worry: "Miss, I guess at random." He asked Chen sushang and so on to go to the front and ask for a bottle of diluted disinfectant.

He and Chen Su used it to scatter it on their clothes and hands, and stood a little bit before they went to see Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou needs to calm down a lot this time: "don't panic. Your mother is not suitable for transfer for the time being. Last time she went to Singapore, she got worse because of her maladjustment. I will send someone to pay attention to it. If there is any possibility, I will arrange a transfer. "

Chen sushang had an idea in mind. She said to Gu, "I'll go home first."

"Slow down on the road." Gu Qingzhou said, "don't worry, there are aunts for everything." The prime quotient is another way.

She went downstairs, but did not leave. Instead, she flashed into the emergency room.

She pretended to be a family member and asked where the patient was going.

"I've arranged to go to the ward." The nurse said, and then without warning, told Chen sushang a ward number.

The ward is on the second floor, which is a little noisy compared with the fourth floor. But compared with ordinary hospitals, it is still spacious and clean.

Chen sushang came to the door and heard the doctor still there. "

wait for the result to determine whether it is an infectious disease." The doctor said to the family, "however, he is having a fever and is still in critical condition."

The family cried out. Medical students also said, "psychological preparation is necessary."

"Please help my husband." The young lady broke down in tears. Doctors will try their best to explain the situation to their families first.

Chen sushang heard this, and was sure it wasn't plague.

Hospitals can judge plague. Doctors and nurses also cherish their lives. They will not let plague patients lie down like this. They should be isolated. Chen was a little relieved. She had a few eyes and flashed some pieces of knowledge at the bottom of her heart.

When she studied hard before, she read too many books and didn't remember some of them.

She thought of it and went in.

When she was a relative, the doctor nodded a little and turned away.

His attitude made Chen sushang feel that he could make use of it.

So after the doctor left, the wife of the family was surprised and asked her, "excuse me, are you?" "Hello, Mrs.

I'm the doctor of zhuyou Department of the hospital." Chen Su said, "may I see your husband?"

Young women are inexperienced and confused by Chen sushang: "what subject?"

Chen sushang, with a smile, explained: "hospitals will encounter this situation: patients encounter problems that cannot be treated, and they will try zhuyouke. Maybe the patient will come back from the dead. " Women still don't understand, but she understands Chen sushang's implication that she came to help.

"Then look at my husband." Women stand on horses.

Chen sushang sat down and observed the patient. The patient's face was black, as if it had been burnt by charcoal fire. The wound was bandaged, but black blood was still oozing out, and the gauze was dyed through.

She opened the patient's eyes again. The eyes of the patients were slightly moved. Chen's prime quotient immediately thought, "could this be a curse?"

In December last year, when they separated, yuan Xueyao gave Chen sushang several pieces of Rune paper to relieve the curse, aiming at the curse of yuan family.

Chen sushang died as a horse doctor: "madam, you go out first, I want to show your husband. There should not be too many people in the ward, otherwise there will be bacterial infection. " The young wife has lost her mind and mistakenly treated Chen Su Shang as a doctor. Although Chen Su Shang didn't wear the doctor's white coat, she walked out obediently.

Chen sushang ignited the rune paper and carefully filled the patient with water. She was very nervous when she did it. If the patient is not cursed, but another kind of infectious disease, she has been infected by the contact with the patient. She's risking it just to be sure of something.

After that, Chen Su Shang walked out of the ward and told the patient's wife.

It wasn't until Chen Su Shang left that the patient's wife found something wrong. The appearance of the prime quotient of Chen

is a little unreliable from beginning to end.

"Will she kill my husband?" The young woman suddenly felt very frightened and immediately informed the nurse desk.

The doctors and nurses came. She told Chen sushang's story casually. The doctors and nurses were confused.

"What branch? We will not send two doctors here. " The attending doctor said.

The young woman froze for a moment. "

go find her and catch her!" The woman is unstable. "She's going to hurt!"

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