Young General's Escaping Wife

1833 here comes the great Warlock

Chen sushang returned to Chen's house. It's past lunch time.

Master is still upstairs.

She sat alone in the living room and thought for a long time.

What will happen to the patient? Chen decided to visit the hospital tomorrow.

The patient's family was frightened. The doctor and the nurse reassured her again and again. "

did she give your husband anything to drink?" The doctor asked, "or what kind of injection?" This lady didn't know. She was obedient and went out.

"I..." she gaped. Doctor said again and again: "maybe she didn't do anything. She was just curious. First of all, we will try our best to cure your husband. "

The young lady was mentally allergic for only a moment. When

She calms down, she stops asking questions nervously. The nurse changed the gauze for the wound of the patient. A piece of gauze has been soaked in black blood.

The nurse was very careful for fear that she might get infected. Before she went out, she told the young woman again and again not to worry.

Looking at her husband in bed, the young woman was very desperate. They were married less than half a year ago. She fled the war from home to Hong Kong and met her husband. Looking for support for her husband, she soon married her husband. However, they have no children at present, and Mr. A's parents are not satisfied with the marriage.

When her husband died, she had no honor. She was afraid that she would be swept out by her husband's family, so she was very nervous and uneasy. She visits her husband from time to time.

Too many times, her husband's change, in her eyes there is no change.

She thought of her own thoughts and silently wiped her tears.

Until the nurse came in and wanted to change a new piece of gauze for the patient. Then when she saw the patient, she gave a scream. "What's the matter?" the young lady was awakened The nurse pointed to the person in the hospital bed: "he is much better."

The unexplained black color on the man's face has faded for the most part, showing the original color of skin; his wound fester, no more blood, gauze clean.

The nurse was surprised. After all, the patient's examination results had not come out, and the hospital did not even give him medication.

He looks very critical. Why did he suddenly get better?

The young woman looked closely and found that her husband was indeed recovering. "Thank you, Virgin Mary!" she cried Nurse

said: "don't move the patient, I will inform the doctor."

The woman didn't hear it at all. She thanked all the gods she knew. Her tears couldn't stop flowing. As soon as she was nervous, she became confused. Now she was hard to wake up and thought of Chen sushang: "that girl, she..." her husband was ill last night. After getting up this morning, the wound changed dramatically overnight and began to be unconscious.

He was very sick, and the woman thought it might be plague. I didn't think that the young girl actually cured her husband. Who is she? "

are they angels?" The woman said. The doctor rushed in. The condition of people with disease

is getting better at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The doctor took his temperature and found that his fever had subsided. By

5 a.m. the next day, the patient woke up.

He didn't know what was wrong with him.

"I've always been in good health." The man said to the doctor, "when I drive home from work and see someone selling flowers, I'm going to buy my wife a bunch.". Since then, I have little memory. "

The wife said: "after you go home, you don't bring flowers. When you come back, you seem to be drunk. You don't speak very well. When you say you want to lie down for a while, I will help you to go back to your room and lie down."

The doctor had never been in such a situation and was confused. People's wounds have been healing slowly, and they are going to scab. Their face is a little pale, and their fever has gone away.

The doctor can't say the reason, and there is no problem with the patient's examination. "

there are many strange things in the world." The doctor said, "it's a good thing to recover. You should pay attention to your health later." People and their families are very happy. They stay and observe for another two days, then they can leave the hospital and go home. In the morning, Chen went to the hospital again.

Instead of going to see Kang Han and Gu Qingzhou, she went to the ward on the second floor. She didn't go in, pretended to pass by, and hurried to see the eye patient.

The patient did not know what to say, which made his wife laugh, and the laughter was very clear.

Chen sushang confirmed that the patient was cursed by the yuan family. She didn't have time to see Kang Han. She hurried home and told her master about it.

After hearing this, the Taoist priest called Ye Wei: "you ask Xueyao and Xuezhu, are they two?" Ye called them downstairs.

After asking, ye Wei's voice was a little heavy: "No."

"That's very simple. You yuan family have come to the top." The Taoist priest said casually. The leaves were shivering. He hung up and his uncle and nephew went to Chen's house three times. Ye

but still didn't understand the cause and effect, and asked one by one. Chen said the patient he met and the characteristics of his illness carefully.

"... I'm not a doctor, and I often go to the hospital to see patients. It's hard to show up." Chen Su said, "so I didn't go in again. They are expected to stay in the hospital for a few days. If uncle Liu wants to know, he can go and have a look. "

Ye Wei decadent to the sofa.

Silence for a long time, he said: "I don't need to see, is the snow Ling." Yuan

Xueyao and Xuezhu were pale. Chen looked at them and thought to himself, is their little sister really so powerful?

So bad that none of the three of them won? She also thought that the Taoist priest explained the reason why they changed their faces: "is she going to kill you in the city?" "

yes." "

in the oldest way?" The Taoist asked again. Chen

even though he worked hard, he was still a little behind the real magician. She asked, "what's the way?"

The Taoist priest said softly: "it's to set up a big array outside the city and curse all the people in the city to death. There's no life in the city. In the past, peacock rivers were destroyed like this. " Chen

Su Shang: "....

every drop of blood in her body is cold, so she shivers a little:" heaven... Heaven is not allowed... "

" the great magicians who can kill the city are proud to be able to blind heaven and fight with heaven. " The Taoist priest said.

Chen sushang shivered again. Her mother is still in town and her aunt is in town. Chen's mind was confused: "can we evacuate now?"

"No way." The Taoist priest said, "some people are under the spell. It's already begun. In the next half month, there are corpses everywhere. The outside world should only have a serious plague and give it a name at last. "

Chen sushang grabbed her master's hand: "how to solve, how to solve?" When Chang wanted to answer her, the servant came in and smiled and said, "young master Yan is here."

Chen sushang rose abruptly. Yan

Kay, dressed in a beautiful suit, stood at the door of Chenzhai's living room, smiling gently at Chen sushang.

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