Chen sushang looked at Yan Kai, and a tight string broke in his mind.

She was dazed and horrified. Yan's smile faded a little. I don't know why Chen sushang suddenly didn't welcome him.

He came to Hong Kong after a lot of hard work.

"I didn't come at the right time?" Yan Kai looks at Chen Su Shang. Chen is in despair.

She herself fell into it. Her master, her mother, her aunt, and her friends were all here. This is more than she can bear. Here comes Kay again. He's trapped in Manila and can escape, but God doesn't let him go. Chen, afraid of losing his temper, turned to go upstairs. She runs fast and fast. Yan

Kay's heart's heat retreated a little bit. His blood was filled with ice water, which made him feel cold in breathing.

Road long sighed a tone, to the servant humanitarian: "take Yan Shao to upstairs guest room to rest first."

Yan Kai said, "no, Taoist priest, I'll stay in the hotel." Knowing that he had misunderstood him, he said, "stay here. I have something else to tell you."

After that, the Taoist priest looked at yewei's uncle and nephew again, "you go back first, and we will discuss a way later." The Taoist priest personally took Yan Kai upstairs.

Yan Kai calmed down for a moment and realized something was wrong.

Chen sushang is not such a character.

"Taoist priest, what happened to Su Shang? Is something wrong? " Yan Kai asked.

Changqing Taoist priest patted Yan Kai on the shoulder. He didn't tell him the truth. He was afraid of his panic. His voice was gentle: "rest first. I'll go to see Ali." Yan

Kay can't help it. Tao grew into Chen Su Shang's room. Chen

Su Shang didn't lock the door. He sat in the sofa and stared at the master.

The Taoist priest sat beside her and asked her, "do you smoke?"

In this case, Chen sushang wants a cigarette most, but she can't indulge herself like this. She shook her head


The Taoist priest ordered one by himself.

"We're going to do it." The Taoist priest said casually, "we are warlocks. We should protect these innocent people. Otherwise, what conscience should we use to establish the world? There's no good in it. It's only a tragic death. Would you like to? " "

of course I do!" Chen Su business road.

Let alone innocent people, the most important people in her life, are all in Hong Kong. Chen can't lose them.

"Then cheer up." The Taoist priest said with a smile, "Yan Kai is sincere. Don't make him sad." Chen

sighs at the prime quotient.

She can't do nothing.

Yan Kai's appearance hit her hard. She and he haven't really started yet, but they are in danger of losing him.

She really wanted to hold him and cry. But what's the use of

? The last thing we need is cowardice.

"I'll slow down." Chen Su business road.

The Taoist priest did not force her or leave. Chen's head naturally rested on master's shoulder. She has a lot of pictures and people in her mind. She has ups and downs in her mind. She has no rest or dependence. After a long time, Chen Su Shang stood up and said, "I'll see Yan Kai."

When she saw Yan Kai again, her mood stabilized a lot and she smiled at her.

Yan Kai asked her to come in.

"What's the problem?" Yan Kai asked her.

His mentality, always positive and sunny, will not self pity. After thinking for a long time, he still felt that there was something wrong with Chen sushang.

"A big problem." Chen Su Shang wryly smiled, "when you come, I have to be distracted and worry about you, so I just lost my temper."

Yan Kai said with a smile, "really worried about me? Then I'll leave now and pick you up when you're done. " Chen took his hand. Yan

Kay was stunned, and then tightly held her back. Chen looked into his eyes and asked seriously, "do you believe me?" "


"Then you can't go, you can't go out, you're at home. When the matter is settled, we will go to singapore together. " Chen Su business road. This is the clearest thing she has ever said. For so long, Yan Kai has been waiting for this sentence. He was very happy. "

OK, I'll wait for you." Yan Kai said, "are you in danger?"

"Master will protect me. If master can't protect me, we are in real danger. " Chen Su business road.

Yan Kai knows.

She spoke to Yan Kai for a long time. The teacher knocked on the door of the guest room, and Chen sushang and Yan Kaisong opened their clasped hands. "

take a rest first." Chen sushang told him. She went out. My father took her to Ye's house.

Ye Wei, yuan Xueyao and Xue Zhu are all sitting in the living room, and their faces are full of melancholy. Long

Green Taoist asked them all to go to the dining room, and then spread a drawing on the table.

The drawing was drawn by Taoist priest himself.

"This is the improved Luoshu array, which Mr. Ning taught me." The Taoist priest said to all the people, "the Luoshu array is the source of Yin-Yang and five elements. It combines nine palaces, innate eight trigrams, acquired eight trigrams, and the skill of calculating stars in four and fifteen numbers. With five as the eye of array, three numbers are connected to fifteen, which can deal with all arrays and curses. "

Ye Wei listened and pondered for a moment: "Taoist, if I remember correctly, more than a thousand years ago, the great magician of Peacock River was indeed named Ning. Is Mr. Ning your successor? " "

No, it's him." The Taoist priest said. Ye

but: "....

there are not many times when the Taoist priest is reliable, so ye Wei doesn't really get distracted. Yuan

Xueyao asked, "is the array reliable? It's been lost for a long time. " Chen looked at him. He speaks a little more fluently this time than last time. As long as he is not nervous or excited, he can express like a normal person. He was not born stuttering, but caused by the closed environment of his childhood.

"It's reliable. Mr. Ning gave it to me personally." The Taoist priest said, "at present, there is only one problem..." he finished the sentence and paused for a long time. Big

the family all looked at him, he still didn't take the next part, his brow was slightly locked, it seemed that he was considering the wording.

"Master, tell me." Chen Su Shang urged him, "we can solve any problem."

The Taoist priest glanced at all the people and smiled: "the problem is that Luoshu array needs at least six people to guard, but we only have five. This means that there are individuals who need to take double risks. No matter who you choose, it's not fair. " A snow Zhu next to

quietly changed his face. She looked at the Taoist priest and held her hand to death before swallowing all her words. All of them are concerned about the array, and no one can see the change of her expression. "

it's really unfair. I'm the oldest. I'll take two positions. " Ye Weidao. "

No." Yuan Xueyao said, "I'll come. I'm good at physical strength and technique." Chen did not open his mouth. She is neither the most qualified nor the most skilled.

She is the weakest of the five. "

master, can everyone hold two positions?" Chen Su asked, "can I, too?" "Everyone's danger is the same," he nodded "

let's draw lots!" Chen Su said, "whoever you choose is who you are."

Several people were silent. "The best way is to draw lots so that the rest of the people don't feel guilty," he said Ye

only glanced at yuan Xueyao.

Xuezhu is a little distracted.

Chen Su Shang shouted to her, "Xuezhu?"

Xuezhu was a little confused and said casually, "I don't care."

She didn't hear anything from the crowd at all. In

is everybody draw lots.

Finally, it was yuan Xueyao who won. He needed to defend two positions by himself. He is also the most suitable person, because his skill and physical strength are indeed the best, which means that his risk is the least. After saying this for a long time, Xuezhu chases Chen Su Shang home. She suddenly fell into the Taoist priest's arms: "evergreen, hold me!"

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