Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1835 waiting time

Chen sushang is a little embarrassed. When you see your elders' love and hate, you will feel embarrassed.

But she couldn't turn around and leave. In case Xuezhu made a scene, her master couldn't stand it.

Unexpectedly, her master was steady, like a kind elder, patted Xuezhu on the back: "ouch, how can she still be coquettish?" Zhu was tied to his waist by snow.

The Taoist priest patted her shoulder again: "OK, OK, you are good! It's so cold. Let's go back to the house and talk. Go to my place? " Snow

ZHU shakes his head. She just held him tightly and felt his breath.

When she let go, her eyes were shining: "it's OK, I'm going home. Evergreen, Su Shang, go back. " Without waiting for the Taoist priest and Chen sushang to answer, she turned and ran up the steps. Chen

the prime minister is confused.

"What is she doing?" she asked

"Your master is so charming that a young girl can't support herself. What can she do?" The Taoist priest said leisurely and then walked home. Chen

Su Shang: "... In the next two days, the number of hospital patients in Hong Kong increased.

All are similar symptoms. Kang

Han's private hospital looked for Chen sushang everywhere, because she helped the man. Unfortunately, neither the young wife nor the doctor had a clear idea of Chen's appearance. Chen

Su Shang went to the hospital in person, avoiding the medical staff, and went straight up to the fourth floor: "Auntie, you have someone seal up the fourth floor, you are not allowed to enter." Gu

Canoe: "is it plague? I can let people from Singapore come here... "They have huge and advanced medical equipment in Singapore, as well as highly skilled doctors. Chen

Su Shang hurriedly stopped: "no, it's not plague, it's curse!"

After that, she took out yuan Xueyao's Rune paper and asked them to take it first. This

some Rune paper can't release the curse, but it can stop them for a moment, so that they can delay for a few days.

In a few days, maybe the array will succeed.

Gu Qingzhou is silent.

Chen sushang was afraid that she didn't believe it, but also wanted to explain. Gu Qingzhou said, "OK, I know. I'll take them all and don't go out. Last time that Mr Ning was still in Singapore, I asked your uncle to look for him. " See

having known Mr. Ning Yongbao's youth and Mr. Guo qilao's mastermind, Gu Qingzhou does not conflict with the techniques he does not know. Just as Si Xingqi said, no matter how bizarre it is, existence means reality. Two days later, the hospital was full, and the newspaper began to report the plague. For a while, people were panic stricken.

"Master, when shall we start?" Chen asked again.

She kept asking this question these days. The Tao has been saying that the time is not enough. We have to wait for the flying star to make it. "

will die." Chen sushang said anxiously. "

No." The Taoist priest's tone was stagnant. "Those who are cursed need to fester to die. There are usually fifteen days. "

The patient Chen Su Shang saw last time just started to fester at the neck. It was the beginning of the curse.

At the thought of festering, Chen Su Shang couldn't help but feel sick.

"What kind of curse is that?" Chen sushang asked again, "how to choose people?"

"According to the hour." The Taoist priest said, "when everyone is born, they take turns one by one, and soon no one can avoid it." Cold was found in the sutures of the old

prime quotient.

She was afraid to call the hospital. What will happen to Kang Han, Qi

wife? She is the weakest in body, and the rune paper can make her endure?

Yuan Xueyao sent some more runes.

It's very difficult to draw the rune paper that resists the curse. Yuan Xueyao took out all the stock and worked hard these days to make a dozen more. "

you and your servants will take it. It is estimated that there will be no big deal in these two days." Said yuan Xueyao.

Chen sushang knew that would not work. Curse

don't understand, the rune paper that dissolves is to stop boiling. "

Master said that we should wait for the order of flying stars." Chen Su Shang has a big blister in his mouth. He is already in a hurry to go crazy. Newspaper has new news every day. The body

weak, has appeared the death. After yuan Xueyao's Fuwen paper explains the curse, he wins again. Fu

paper is not a curse, the effect is not so obvious. But yuan Xueyao's painting takes time and energy, which is too late.

"Ali, don't worry!" Yuan Xueyao took her hand. Chen

took back the prime quotient. Yan Kai on the building has been quiet since he got up in the morning. Chen

Su Shang thought of this, and suddenly a spirit came to him: "Xueyao, go back first, I have something else..."

she hurried upstairs.

Yuan Xueyao understood her worries and did not go home, but followed her up. She knocked on Yan Kai's room door and no one answered. Chen

the vegetable merchant asked the maid to bring the spare key. When he opened the door, Yan Kai lay on the ground, his face covered with black fog, and there was a very obvious small wound on his neck, which seemed to fester. Chen's mind is buzzing. Yuan

Xueyao comes forward and helps Chen sushang pick up Yan Kai and put him on the bed.

He tried his temperature, turned to Chen Su and said, "first use the charm, solve it for him, and then slowly."

Chen Su Shang hurried to remove the water. After drinking, Kay's face improved a little after half an hour, and the wound didn't get worse, but he didn't wake up.

Chen sushang took several deep breaths in a row. She has been worried about this and that until this moment, she realized that she just can't accept the arrival of bad luck.

Yan Kaizhong's curse made her realize that misfortune can't be avoided. It has come to their side. Chen sat beside him in silence.

Yuan Xueyao, afraid that she couldn't think of it, patted her on the shoulder: "it's OK, Ali." "

I know." Chen Su Shang's voice was very light. "He just got cursed." He came to Hong Kong in a hurry because of her.

There was a riot in Manila. It was not easy for him to come out there, but he did his best to reach her for Chen sushang. All of them seem to be predestined.

As soon as Yan Kai fell, he didn't wake up. The next morning, his face began to go wrong again.

Chen sushang drinks Fu water for him, saves his picture, and then calls the hospital. This time was taken by the adjutant.

"My wife is in the ward. It's not convenient to answer the phone." The adjutant told Chen sushang, "Mrs. Qi doesn't look very well." Chen's prime quotient is like stepping on an empty foot, with all the cold hairs standing up.

There was a buzz in her ear, too. She didn't hear the adjutant's voice. Good

for a long time, she hung up. She sat alone on the sofa and thought, "if we can escape from death, I will go to see her and call her mother. She's my mother. " Ten thousand


then she will leave regrets all her life.

When she was haggard, the Taoist priest finally said something to make Chen sushang comfortable.

"The flying star will be at 2:12 tomorrow morning. We can set up the array," he said

Chen sushang is very happy. She was too happy and hugged her master like a little fool. "

master, it's finally about to start!" She said, and tears came down.

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