Young General's Escaping Wife

1836 I'sm prepared

The place where the array is arranged is at the top of the mountain. It's only half an hour's drive up.

The Taoist priest called the three uncles and nephews of the Ye family.

We did the calculation first to make sure that there was no mistake in the direction, and then compared each other's directions.

"I guard the middle palace." The Taoist priest Changqing said, "a Li is in the position of gen, Xue Zhu is in the position of earthquake, Xue Yao is in the position of separation and Kun, and ye Wei is in the position of Qian."

Chen sushang is a little confused.

Master said that it's very dangerous for a person to guard two directions. But he guards the central palace by himself. The central palace is the most important position when all directions are in harmony?

She is not very familiar with the array. She dare not show her doubts.

I'm afraid I'll teach you how to make an axe.

Besides, can ye Wei, yuan Xueyao and Xue Zhu not know such a simple truth?

Chen sushang was silent.

They were busy until midnight.

Just after dawn, yuan Xueyao drove them to the top of the mountain.

After choosing the right place, ye Wei, yuan Xueyao and Taoist priest began to draw the array on the ground.

When the picture is ready, it's just a match.

Xuezhu stood by, holding a flashlight, and her eyes fell on the Taoist.

She looked at him for fear that she would miss every bit. Her eyes were blurred.

Unconsciously, she shed tears all over her face.

When the array was about to be drawn, Xuezhu suddenly approached Chen sushang: "sushang, there is a letter on the table in my room, which is for the Taoist priest. When you get back, remember to tell him to get it. "

Chen sushang was surprised: "don't say anything disheartened. Shifu says it's not dangerous."

"Snow Zhu wryly smiled:" I prepare for a rainy day

Chen sushang thought that this was a formation, and they could go home after the arrangement.

But Xuezhu's words suddenly opened another opening in her heart: what if they could not go back?

She hasn't said goodbye to her mother and Yan Kai!

She didn't leave a word.

Recently, all these things are squeezing her nerves. Her reaction is not sharp enough. Chen sushang is not suitable to be a great magician.

When all this is over, she wants to go back to Singapore and spend a little time with Yan Kai.

At that time, her mother and aunt were by her side, far away from the magician's gunsmoke and quiet. Maybe she will learn cooking from her mother-in-law and inherit her restaurant in the future.

She thought so. The array over there has been drawn.

Chen sushang station arrived at Gen.

The Taoist priest came to her and handed her a jade pendant: "take it."

Chen sushang didn't answer, "I have one. You gave it to me last time."

"This is Yan Kai's piece. Take it and return it to him later." The Taoist priest said.

Chen sushang: "..."

listen to master's meaning, isn't he going back alive?

She also remembered yuan Xueyao's saying that they would talk about...

in half a month. Do all of them think that they can't go back this time, so do they hide it from her?

Chen sushang hurried to take master's hand, but the Taoist priest quickly avoided and went to the middle palace.

It's ten past two in the morning, and there are two minutes to go.

Everyone is about a minute or two away from each other.

Chen Su Shang could only see the shadow of Shifu and Xuezhu from afar, but he could not see yuan Xueyao and ye Wei.

She got up in spirits, but suddenly saw Xuezhu leave the earthquake site.

Chen sushang didn't know why, so he saw Xuezhu rush to the middle palace, where the Taoist priest was.

The Taoist priest, with his back to Chen sushang and Xuezhu, was shouting something to yuan Xueyao. He was unprepared. He was suddenly shocked by Xuezhu and left the central palace.

At 2:12, it was dark all around. The blue sky was like black silk, full of stars, and the light of the flashlight was weak and subtle.

"Xuezhu!" The Taoist priest gave a shrill cry.

Chen Su Shang has never heard her master speak in such a voice.

And Xuezhu stood in the middle of the palace, and when he turned back, his tears covered his face.

Her voice, cold and determined: "flying star to order, please Taoist guard earthquake."

Chen sushang felt the change. There seemed to be a strong wind behind her, which pushed her to stagger.

She sat down quickly with her knees crossed.

Xuezhu also sat down.

It's too late to change people when the array moves. It will put the other three in danger.

Ye Wei and Yuan Xueyao all saw it.

"Taoist priest, keep the earthquake position!" Ye Wei shouted, "it can't be changed, Taoist!"

Yuan Xueyao also said: "Taoist priest!"

The array that Taoist priest Changqing has learned is the most clear to him. It has been urged. The flying star has been ordered. If it is delayed, the curse of Hong Kong will not be solved. The rest of yuan Xueyao, ye Wei and Chen sushang, even the Taoist priest and Xue Zhu, will be backfired and sacrificed here.

The Taoist priest was cold and indifferent, but now his heart was soft. Tears came up and covered his sight.

He rushed back to the earthquake site.

These, Chen Su business all did not know, she entered the battle and the outside world lost the perception.

It's cold around her, but it's not like the bitter cold at the top of the mountain in early spring, but like the cold in the snow for thousands of years.

This cold, straight into the heart.

Chen Su Shang's body and limbs soon stiffened. She kept chanting spells, and the spells and instruments in her hands would not be separated from each other. She followed her hard to defend Gen's throne.

She couldn't hear the outside voices and people.

Her fingers and cheeks hurt, and the cold wind was like a knife, trying to cut through her skin.

She even felt the blood fall from her forehead to her lips.

Her limbs are numb, her viscera are cold, her skin is cut, and everything is torture, but she dare not relax.

Her mother, aunt and Yan Kai are all in Hong Kong.

Even if she died, as long as she could activate the array, she would die without regret.

Chen sushang did not know how long he had persisted.

It was hard at first, then gradually numb, her body is a stake, stabbed in gen steadily.

The sun was warm on her, and her eyelashes moved a little.

Her eyelids weighed a thousand pounds, and she opened them difficultly.

There was a hazy white in the sight. She blinked hard, and at last she could see clearly.

Master has left his earthquake site and walked to Xuezhu in the middle palace.

And Xuezhu, straight down in the arms of Changqing Taoist priest, seems to be stiffer than Chen sushang.

"Is it a success?" Asked Chen sushang.

As soon as she spoke, she realized that her lips and tongue didn't move much.

Yuan Xueyao also left.

He came to Chen sushang, held her, and handed her the kettle.

A cup of cold water slowly flowed in from the mouth. Chen sushang hit the spirit, and finally the person was alive.

She asked yuan Xueyao difficultly, "success and success?"

"It worked." Yuan Xueyao said, but there was no joy in his voice.

Ye Wei did not move, still sitting in his position, looking at Xuezhu in the middle of the palace from afar.

Chen sushang felt something was wrong at this time. He helped yuan Xueyao to stand up.

Her legs and feet were stiff and aching. It took her a long time to get up.

She can't stand stably. She still needs yuan Xueyao's help and walks to Xuezhu and the Taoist priest.

The Taoist priest gently hugged Xuezhu.

And Xuezhu's limbs and body are still stiff.

Chen sushang leaned over and touched Xuezhu's neck.

She was clearly prepared, otherwise she would not touch Xuezhu's neck. But she felt it. She suddenly drew back her hand and was scared. She couldn't believe looking at the Taoist priest and Yuan Xueyao.

Xuezhu is dead.

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