Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1837 voluntary contribution

Chen Su Shang has been in Xuezhu's room since he came back. Dao

Chang and ye Wei and Yuan Xueyao sat down in the living room of Ye's family. The three men smoked in silence.

Xuezhu is in the sofa of the side hall. Servant

people are on the phone, please come to collect Xuezhu. Chen

Su Shang saw Xuezhu's letter to Taoist priest.

"... I heard about Luoshu array when I was very young." Xuezhu wrote at the beginning of the letter. At that time, she was only five or six years old. Her family had a big crisis. Grandpa asked several capable younger generation to deal with it. When

, Xuezhu's parents are also there.

Xuezhu had a rash just at that time. Her father loved her the most. She had to take her with him wherever he went, and because she was recovering from illness, he took her with him. She is still young and nobody takes her seriously. I didn't let her out either, just told her to play nearby and not to run around.

She heard grandpa's words, just remember, did not think what it means. When she came to Luoshu array, her memory was also fuzzy. She was not very clear about what grandpa said. When the Taoist priest stopped talking, she remembered her grandfather's expression at that time.

She suddenly remembered what grandpa said. Ye said, "if you don't have the ability of the Peacock River ancestor, you will not survive."

Xuezhu's father volunteered to guard the middle palace, but his mother disagreed, because the last dangerous array was also made by his father. She thinks it should be fair.

The father is the eldest son, and he will be the patriarch in the future. He has the obligation to take the greatest risk. "

let me do it." Grandpa said, "you are too young to go in. At my age, it's time for the dust to return to the dust and the earth to return to the earth. " The advice of many people.

Grandpa interrupted them. He is very resolute, and his technique is very high. After the crisis, Grandpa rested for seven years. It was not until Xuezhu's father died that grandpa took over yuan's family again. Compared with Xuezhu's father, the long technique may be the same.

This means that he is far from Xuezhu's grandfather.

The Taoist priest paused.

He panicked, saying that he needed someone to defend two positions, and that he needed at least six people. In fact, there is no limit on the number of people in Luoshu array, and the danger lies in the middle palace. The lack of clarity means that he doesn't want others to have a burden and is ready to sacrifice.

Xuezhu never knew what love was.

At that moment, however, she was at the top.

She thought, "I can die for him, I love him, not a girl's careful thinking."

She didn't point it out. After she came back, she wrote a letter to the Taoist priest, telling him that it was her responsibility to fight against the curse of the yuan family as the daughter of the yuan family.

Her sister wants to kill the city. As a sister, she is the one who should die. She let the Taoist priest and others relax their vigilance. When the

array is urged, she seizes the opportunity to let herself to the position of the middle palace. The array

has been activated for more than four hours. By the end of the array, she has become the sacrifice of the array, leaving only the lifeless body.

Chen sushang looked at the letter, tears were flowing all the time.

She always looked down on Xuezhu. It took a long time for her to stand up.

She is going to see Xuezhu, make up her face and let her go to the funeral. Her

funeral is doomed not to be vigorous. No one knows her sacrifice. Only

have them.

She had just come downstairs when she saw the Taoist priest, yuan Xueyao and ye Wei getting up in a hurry to go out. Chen

Su Shang went out with him and shouted to the Taoist, "master, what are you going to do?" "

the array may be loose. We need to reinforce it. You stay at home." The Taoist priest said.

Chen sushang didn't want to stay at home.

She can't stand it.

"Six uncles, you are the person in charge. You should take care of Xuezhu's later affairs first. I'll follow Shifu." Chen Su business road. There is a need to keep one person at home.

Ye Wei thought about it and nodded.

Yuan Xueyao drove a few people to the top of the mountain and found that the middle palace of the array was blackening. "

is this backfire?" Chen sushang asked. In reply, yuan Xueyao said, "yes." His skills are not the most powerful, so Luoshu array didn't play ten out of ten.

The curse to be broken will revive and even devour this array. If you want to make a similar one, it's impossible, because they have already broken a person, and their skills will be greatly reduced. "

there is only one way!" The Taoist priest's expression was tense.

He looked at yuan Xueyao.

Yuan Xueyao also thought of: "I'll come!" "

you can't do it alone. I'll help you." The Taoist priest said.

Then he took a knife out of his pocket and opened his palm.

Yuan Xueyao no longer hesitated, but also opened the palm and let the blood trickle into the middle palace of Luoshu array.

The Taoist priest assisted yuan Xueyao in chanting mantras.

Chen sushang looks at them and at the middle palace. The black layer upon layer is pressed down and turned up a little bit.

When she saw this, she took yuan Xueyao's knife edge and cut the palm. Blood dripped in. Yuan's expression changed. Chen

Su Shang was indifferent: "I know what I'm doing. You told me the curse of yuan family before, I know! Go on! " I don't know whether her blood is special or it increases a person's vitality. The black in the middle palace fades quickly and quickly, and the rest of the red gradually shines.

But for three minutes, the array is unbreakable. Several

individuals took back their hands and sat down beside each other. Obviously, they didn't work hard, but they all seemed to be empty.

The Taoist priest took out a kerchief and gave it to Chen sushang: "first wrap it up."

On his own, he was randomly holding the wound.

Yuan Xueyao sat next to Chen sushang: "Ali, since you remember, the mantra..."

Chen sushang's heart is chilly.

She should want to cry very much, but in this moment, she has no impulse to cry at all. She knows that the array is stable and the curse is released.

"I can't let Xuezhu die, or curse kill everyone, including my family and friends, or even..." she said, her voice dropped, and the last voice broke in her voice. She can't go on.

She knows what a curse is, and she's willing.

They went back on foot. The way down the mountain, a little easier, three people less than an hour back to the leaf home.

The coffin has been delivered and the spirit hall has been rented.

The servant is sorting out Xuezhu's remains and putting on her favorite clothes. Chen didn't go to see her. She was afraid of losing control. Yuan

Xue Yao took powder and gauze and asked everyone to deal with the wound.

The Taoist priest sprinkled powder with grass and wrapped it in gauze. He went out first. Yuan

Xueyao and Chen sushang are sitting in a small restaurant. He wipes her wound with alcohol and carefully spreads powder and bandages. "

do you want to deal with the wound on your forehead?" Asked yuan Xueyao.

Chen sushang's forehead had a small cut in the array, and it was already scabbed. She shook her head: "I'm going to make a phone call."

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