Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1838 love between mother and daughter

Chen sushang called the hospital. Gu

picked up the boat in person.

"Your mother's condition is stable. The two wounds are converging." Gu Qingzhou road. Chen

Su Shang is pleased: "you tell my mother that a friend of mine has died. When I finish the funeral, I will go to see her." Gu

the boat was stupefied on the phone. Kang

Han, how happy to hear that! "

OK." Gu Qingzhou choked, "a Li, may your friend rest in peace." Chen said thank you.

Xuezhu has packed up and is waiting for the funeral, but the Taoist priest asks everyone to come out. He wants to speak to Xuezhu alone. Ye and Yuan Xueyao sit in the living room in silence. "

... Did you use the mantra?" For a long time, ye Wei suddenly thought of it and asked yuan Xueyao. Yuan

Xue Yao nodded.

"Who else?" "

Taoist priest and pear." Said yuan Xueyao. Ye can't close her eyes and sink herself into the sofa.

His voice was a little hoarse: "I'm old and tired. I don't care what yuan family does to me. When Xuezhu's funeral is over, I will go to America and find a place to live a good life. "

Yuan Xueyao listened, very sad: "snow Zhu left, you, also want to go?"

"I've had enough." Ye Wei sighed, "I was not from your yuan family originally, but the old man asked me to handle it for you for a few years, watching your brother and sister grow up. But Xueling is ruthless. The yuan family is doomed to be bloody. I don't want to be involved. " Yuan

Xue Yao stopped talking.

Don't mention him. Even Chen sushang feels sad. It's easy to say that all the feasts in the world are over. I'm sad. "Uncle Liu, don't you help Xueyao?" Asked Chen sushang. Ye shook his head: "people are selfish, I return to nature. Don't ask for forgiveness. " "

I don't blame you. If I could live in peace, I would like to find a place to spend a little time. " Said yuan Xueyao. Unfortunately, he didn't have such a chance.

Xuezhu is dead. The rest of him becomes the only block. His little sister, as long as she straightens out the family affairs, makes everyone follow the order, and then has time to deal with him.

Down the river, there is only one way to die; to live, only up against the current.

The Taoist priest sat beside Xuezhu. Her

remains are arranged very quietly, lying quietly, as if sleeping. This girl has no characteristics. She is neither gorgeous nor intelligent. It's a little smart and neat. In the eyes of the Taoist priest, it's a very "ordinary" person. For a long life, I always meet and say goodbye to many people, but no one has died for him. Never before has it been so hard to say goodbye.

"Xuezhu, I'll recite the forty-nine day old mantra for you. You'll have a good baby next life." The Taoist priest said softly, "there is no need to have a harmonious family. It's a blessing to be simple and safe." He closed his eyes gently and a tear rolled down the corner of his eyes. Zhu has no other relatives except yuan Xueyao and ye Wei, as well as the Taoist master and apprentice.

The Taoist priest helped her choose a very expensive cemetery to overlook the sea.

On the day of her burial, there was a misty spring rain in Hong Kong. Wet

the wet raindrops hit on the face, everyone does not need to cover up their emotions.

"Thank you, Xuezhu." Chen sushang put the little white chrysanthemum in front of the tomb.

Xuezhu saves the Taoist priest Changqing and the closest person of Chen sushang.

After the funeral, they went back to the Banshan mansion.

Ye Wei begins to pack up. He gave Xueyao the deed of the house and divided half of the property around him. He is a big leather case with his clothes, shoes and socks, and several photos. "

when I arrive in the United States, I will send you a telegram." Ye Weidao. He doesn't stop for a moment. The snow is gone, and the room can't keep Ye alone. He not only lost a niece, but also lost trust in life and family. Yuan

Xue Yao can't stop him. He simply doesn't stop him. He just wishes him: "uncle Liu, you have a good journey. When you get to the United States, if you have a good chance, you can become a family again. Don't be alone. "

Ye Wei patted him on the shoulder. He wants yuan Xueyao to become a family, but he doesn't need to say that they are carrying a curse.

Taoist priest personally sent Ye Wei.

Yuan Xueyao sits alone in the sofa, as if falling into the ice and snow. He used to live in caves for ten years. He was used to being alone. Since when did he not adapt to the empty house?

Chen sushang is also packing.

Yan Kai is awake.

He was in a coma for a few days, and there were several ulcerations on his body. Now he has scabs, which will not affect his normal life.

He stood behind Chen sushang, watching her busy in and out, uneasy.

"... Su Shang, are you going out?" Yan Kai asked.

Chen sushang nodded: "it's to go out." "

follow me to Singapore?" Yan Kai asked again.

Chen sushang is silent. She also put her books in the box: "I'm going to ask my aunt if my mother will transfer to Singapore." Yan

Kay knows that her mood is not right, but she is afraid to ask.

He is not a very sensitive person, but boys are very attentive to every move of their beloved girl. It was OK before


Yan Kai also heard that Yuan Xuezhu died. She is Chen Su Shang's only female friend.

Su Shang is in a bad mood. Is it because of her? He was still thinking, and Chen Su Shang squeezed out a smile: "can you take me to the hospital?" Yan

Kay quickly said yes.

There are many people and cars in front of the hospital. When the curse is lifted, Hong Kong newspapers only say that the plague is under control. How to control it is not clear for the time being.

Many patients are getting better. The hospital suggests leaving the hospital first and going home for rest.

Unable to drive in, Yan Kai stopped on the road at the hospital gate.

They walked up the fourth floor.

When the curse broke out, the fourth floor was closed. Even the doctors and nurses were not allowed to go up. For fear of aggravating Kang Han's infection, Gu Qingzhou reopened today. Fourth, the other patients and their families in the building would like to be closed. They also have drinking water and dry food provided by the deputy of the Secretary's family. Their mood is very stable.

"I read the newspaper and the plague is on the mend." Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "are you successful, Ali?"

"Yes, it's a pity..." Chen Su Shang coughed softly. "He sacrificed Xuezhu." Gu sighed.

Chen sushang calmed down, exchanged greetings with Gu Qingzhou and went to see Kang Han.

Kanghan 's wound recovers slowly, but she is in a good mood and a little full of spirit. "

mom, what do you think?" Chen sushang held her hand and asked. Kang is shivering.

She sobbed, "I'm fine, I'm already."

For a long time, a Li never called her. She was clear in her heart. Only

Yes, she knows the truth and the urgency.

Now, she died with no regrets. "

What does aunt say?" "She suggested you go to Singapore or stay in Hong Kong?" Chen asked

"Mom wants to be with you." Kang Han said, "where are you, where is your mother." Chen

Su Shang understood her meaning.

She had her own ideas in mind.

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