Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1851 no breath

It's too late to watch.

In the mountain forest, the trees cover the sun and are even darker. It's a little cold in the mountain in the seventh month, and the cold is limited. Because of the low temperature when he got up early, Chen sushang took a thin coat and tied it to his waist. Now he can wear it to keep warm. She

proposed to stop.

"Don't rush on the night road. It's easy to happen." Chen Su said, "let's have a rest first." The kite was burning with anxiety. She has been walking so far all day. The more she walks, the more panic she feels. She always feels that her fiance is more dangerous.

She even wanted to move on.

However, the mountain forest at night is really dangerous. If you don't find Xia Nanlin, it's not worth building yourself and the only Chen Su business that can help her. "

OK." Flower kite nods. Chen

Su Shang said again: "I'm looking for firewood to ignite. Hua Yuan and Yan Kai are going to have some game together. It's better to play a little more and eat it tomorrow morning. "

Hua Yuan remembers what Chen sushang said before.

She understood, nodded a little to Chen Su Shang, and then said to Yan Kai, "let's go?" Yan

Kai looks at Chen Su Shang. He is not a sensitive person, but Chen sushang can see it if he wants to support him.

He felt a little decadent in his heart, not broken, and went with Hua Yuan. Yan

Kai has a small flashlight on his body. He saves it and walks slowly to the side with Hua Yuan.

Hua Yuan has been silent and preoccupied, and Yan Kai has no intention to talk.

They walked for half an hour before they caught a hare. "

... Do you feel bored?" Yan Kai asked. Flower

kite speechless: "do you want me to relieve you?"

"No, it's stuffy in the air. I'm a little breathless." Yan Kai said, "how do you feel?" He

so does kite.

Hua Yuan was embarrassed to say that she could not walk.

"Are we too tired?" Yan Kai asked again, "or other reasons? The air was fresh before. " "

I don't know." "

aren't you a warlock?" Yan Kai looks back at her.

Hua Yuan is helpless: "you are an ordinary person, my skill can't even deal with you. If I had the ability, I would have worked hard with the Hu family. They killed my parents. " Yan

Kai: "..." he didn't know what was going on inside and didn't know how to comfort him for a while, so he just said: "save the sorrow."

They both felt something was wrong, and went on for fear of danger.

"Let's go back!" Hua Yuan immediately said, "with her, three people are safer and her technique is more powerful."

Yan Kai agreed. If there is an emergency, he hopes to be with Chen sushang. Two

people walk back quickly. Yan

Kay made a mark all the way. It's easy to go back. It's twenty minutes.

Chen Su Shang lit a fire.

Seeing that they looked flustered, Chen sushang was on guard: "what's the matter?" Yan

Kay sighed: "it's OK, I only hit a hare, there's nothing else."

Chen sushang took over: "it doesn't matter. We'll talk about it tomorrow morning."

Then she began to peel the hare again. She is skillful in action and can cut properly, but she can handle it in a moment and leave a relatively complete skin.

The hare was roasted and three people simply ate it.

After dinner, Yan Kai asked Chen sushang, "shall we find a cave for the night?" Flower

kite said back: "where can we find the cave easily? In the past, when we entered the mountain, someone was on duty at night. " Chen said: "it's not good to be on duty. There are only three of us. There are many vines over there. I'll cut some later. We all sleep on the tree and tie the vines between the branches to prevent them from falling down in the middle of the night. "

Hua Yuan and Yan Kai both said that this idea is very good. "

you know everything!" Hua Yuan is envious. Chen

Su Shang smiled: "my master taught him that he knows everything."

She did make a lot of vines. It's not particularly cold in the night. It's OK. If it's a little colder, it won't work.

Yan Kai helps Chen sushang with the vines. When he chose the same tree of Chen sushang, he came close to her and said something wrong: "it seems that there is something wrong."

Chen sushang's movements were a little bit. "Don't you realize?" Kay asked in a low voice

Chen Su Shang shook his head: "No."

She asked the kite on the tree not far away, "did you have difficulty breathing?" "

Yes." The voice of the kite came from the deep leaves, "it's very suffocating. There are often such things in the mountains. I thought later, maybe that place is relatively high. "

She also asked Chen sushang, "you have gone to pick up firewood, do you feel?" "

I didn't." Chen Su said, "but..."

when she got here, she stopped.

Hua Yuan and Yan Kai are waiting for her post, but she is silent, so Hua Yuan asks, "but what?" "

the climate in the mountain area is like a few steps." Chen sushang found the explanation, "let's not worry about it first. We'll talk about it tomorrow morning." The flower

kite was very tired. She tied up the vines, wrapped them around her waist twice, and fell asleep in a daze depending on the largest trunk. Yan

Kai is on the branch of Chen Su Shang, which is a little higher. About

Mo arrived at two o'clock in the evening, when Yan Kai was half asleep and half awake, he heard the noise.

Under the silver and white moonlight, he saw Chen Su Shang quietly descend the tree. She went in the direction that Yan Kai and Hua Yuan had been before.

Yan Kai was shocked and hurried down the tree. When he got off the tree, he turned on the flashlight and called Ali. Chen

Su Shang stopped and said, "Why are you awake?" Yan

Kai didn't answer, just asked, "what do you do?"

"I'm not sure what you said before. I want to have a look." Chen Su business road. Yan

Kay took her hand: "last time you promised me that if you wanted to leave, you would tell me that you would not sneak away." Chen

plain quotient loses his laugh.

She drew back her hand without trace: "I didn't slip away, I just went to have a look. You go back to sleep, and you'll be on your way tomorrow. " Where can Kay sleep? "

I'll go with you." Yan Kai said, "you don't know where it is." Chen did not refuse him any more.

Two people go forward, the mountain forest at night from time to time has the roar of the beast, and the firefly sends out the light green light. Yan

Kay and Chen sushang walk side by side, talking and hurrying.

It will soon be there. Once entering the neighborhood, Yan Kai's breath was a little unnatural and he felt suffocated.

"Here we are." Yan Kai Dao.

Chen sushang looks around.

"Can't you breathe?" Yan Kai asked

Chen sushang faltered, "a little."

Her attitude, let Yan Kai understand, she did not feel.

However, she is a warlock, and she has a good skill. Yan Kai doesn't think much about it. She took out her compass and looked at it for a moment in the light of a flashlight. Yan Kai also extended his head and found that the compass's pointer was almost still. Chen

the prime quotient takes out another paper symbol.

Paper symbols burn out quickly and disappear into the night sky, but the compass is still as stable as a rock.

Yan Kai doesn't understand what happened.

"Is the compass broken?"

"No, there's a formation here. Maybe we will find Hua Yuan's fiance soon. " Chen Su business road.

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