Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1852 night troubles

When it comes to array, Yan Kai's scalp is numb. He is not a magician. He is in danger. He can't help Chen sushang. He may even drag her back. He is very nervous.

He doesn't want to be a burden.

"What array?" Yan Kai asked.

Chen Su Shang's look, in the dim night, a little obscure: "I don't know." She has seen a lot of ancient books on art.

Taoist priest's first hobby in life is gossip. It's not just the gossip of ordinary people, it's also in the art. Even if he doesn't know the technique, he has heard about it and will record it. His

records are all Chen Su Shang's lessons, and Chen Su Shang has studied them carefully. Chen Su Shang can distinguish the common array at a glance, but... This time, she has not seen it in master's records. People feel suffocated, and it is likely that the door is closed. Technically speaking, there are seven levels on the earth, corresponding to the seven stars in the sky. In the past, when Taoists used to exorcise ghosts, they drew seven passes on the ground, pressed the array with chicken's throat, and then sealed the living door. The door of life

is sealed, which has little effect on the ordinary people. People with poor health may feel sullen, just like the suffocation when the rainstorm comes in midsummer.

Animals will feel more sensitive. Chen, a prime trader, can't feel the change of auspiciousness, so she has to rely on a compass.

When her compass came in here, it would not move; she urged it with master's Rune paper, but it was still useless. Yan

Kay and Hua Yuan can't breathe when they enter here. There's not even a sound of insects. It's very quiet. Needless to guess, all the anger here is locked.

This is for warlocks.

The devil in the legend is just a legend. The Taoist priest Changqing often said that some evil spirits between heaven and earth are very powerful. They are used by magicians to invade the brain. The brain will create its own terror and become the legendary "ghost". How to deal with "ghost" has been invented by warlocks since ancient times.

Chen sushang walked all the way, but didn't notice that she was wearing a magic spell, which was different from ordinary people.

She hasn't seen this kind of array, and she can't break it.

"We have to withdraw!" Chen sushang pondered for a moment, "since there are warlocks involved, it shows that Hua Yuan's fiance was kidnapped by Hu family, waiting for her to catch up."

Yan Kai immediately took her hand: "let's go, hurry up!" He doesn't care about Hua Yuan and her fiance at all. Those things have nothing to do with him. He only cares about Chen sushang.

He can't protect her, only take her away from danger. Mr. Chen didn't withdraw this time. He followed him back.

When they got under the tree, Hua Yuan was still sleeping.

Chen sushang kicked the tree hard and woke up Hua Yuan.

"Come down, we'll leave. It's dangerous." Chen Su business road.

Hua Yuan fell down from the tree as expected. After falling to the ground, she was a little sober: "what's the danger? We haven't found Xia Nanlin yet. " "

it's too late." Chen Su said, "this is a trap for you. If you don't die, the people of Hu family need to keep Xia Nanlin's life to threaten you. Once you are caught, Xia Nanlin is the real way to die. "

That said, Hua Yuan can leave Xia Nanlin behind to escape. She can't do it.

She shook her head: "no, I won't go! I am not afraid of them. I will die with Xia Nanlin! You go first. " "

don't be stubborn." Chen Su business road. The kite shakes its head again.

She is not stubborn. If it wasn't for her, why would Xia Nanlin be caught by the Hu family?

The Hu family didn't know him.

"Miss Chen, thank you for your help these days. Let's go." Flower kite road.

Chen sushang reached out to pull her: "don't force me to deal with you with a charm. Flower kite, people move a step. You stay now. You can only be trapped. Let's go back first. I'm going to find some magic tools and turn over my master's books. " Yan

Kai saw this and advised Hua Yuan: "if I were Mr. Xia, what I want most is not to escape by myself, but to be safe for you. It is his glory that he is willing to suffer for you. Your purpose is to rescue him. For this purpose, you need to retreat now. "

Hua Yuan was shocked.

Yan Kai's words hit her. She took a deep breath: "then... Let's go." Chen

the prime quotient took out the compass and found that the compass did not move here. That

array is actually expanding.

She thought of the curse of the yuan family before, and it was swallowed step by step.

"Hurry up!" Chen sushang put away the compass, took out the compass for navigation, and walked along the direction.

What's in front of us is beyond our consideration. Three of them, led by Yan Kai and led by Hua Yuan, are in the middle, behind Chen sushang's palace. In this way, she can see them and protect them.

The night grew quieter.

In the mountains and forests with more than three o'clock, the roar of all the beasts seemed to disappear in a moment, and there was no sound.

This is the most terrifying. If the door is locked, people will not die in three or five days, but there will be no more animals. They will starve to death. Moreover, the charm can not be used at all, and Chen sushang has become a weak woman with no power to bind a chicken. The former

Ben, the three of them, Yan Kai has a gun in his hand, and the shooting technique is very good; Hua Yuan can use a little trickery and descending technique, and Chen Su Shang's technique is very good. No matter who comes, they all have an advantage. No, now only Yan Kai's gun can be relied on.

"Ah Li!" When Chen Su Shang was so tired that he was sweating, Yan Kai suddenly stopped. He turned on his flashlight and pointed to the tall tree. Chen

Su Shang and Hua Yuan looked up together and saw the vines on the tree.

They had a cold war.

Only warlocks know how bad it is to encounter "ghost against wall". They should be sharp, but they lose their direction in the array.

When they turn around for another day, exhausted, they are the lambs to be slaughtered. "

you can't run any more. You need to save your strength." Chen Su said, "let's get together first and wait for dawn. After daybreak, we'll discuss. "

Hua Yuan nodded.

The three sat down on the spot. Yan

Kai ignited the firewood beside him, making each other warmer. He even reached out and grabbed Chen Su Shang: "you lean against my arms and sleep for a while. In this case, we all depend on you. " Chen

Su Shang: "...

Where can she have half sleepiness? She wants to struggle to sit up and dare not get too close to Yan Kai for fear that she will affect him. But

and, Yan Kai is very determined, the arm is particularly hard.

"Ali, don't move." Yan Kai said in a low voice, "take a rest, I'll watch you." The orbital fever of Chen

prime quotient.

Reason was gradually replaced by emotion. She did not move any more and allowed herself to indulge and nestle in his arms. She was really tired and down-to-earth. She fell asleep in a daze. When she woke up, she found herself lying in Yan Kai's arms, while Hua Yuan was leaning on her shoulder, and the weight of both women were pressing on Yan Kai. When she wanted to say something more, there was a small sound of footsteps from afar. Chen

Su Shang immediately wakes up Hua Yuan and Yan Kai.

She covered their mouths with her hands and said in an angry voice, "hush, don't make a noise. Someone is coming."

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