Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1853 captives

The footsteps in the distance are light.

Listen carefully, no more than three people, everyone deliberately slowed down.

Chen sushang has heard that for a long time. Yan

Kay and Hua Yuan are covered by her mouth and wake up in a moment. Their hearing is not as sensitive as Chen sushang's, and they can only detect it in half a beat. The kite nodded and stood up quietly.

She is extremely light.

After she stood up, Chen sushang's weight was relieved. She and Yan Kai supported her and slowly stood up without making any noise as much as possible. Yan

Kai makes a gesture to Chen Su Shang, which means to let her and Hua Yuan go around the back of the tree.

But Chen Su Shang shook his head and told him with his mouth, "hide, use a gun."

This is the dawn, the darkest time, and the weariest time.

It's dark all around. The newcomers and Chen Su businessmen each have a half advantage. Yan

Kai thought about Chen Su Shang and thought that it would be more beneficial for them to ambush at the moment. He immediately nodded. He took off his shoes, pinched them gently in his hand and walked barefoot around the back of the tree.

The footsteps are getting closer. Hua Yuan and Chen sushang look at the direction of the visitors. Fast

when approaching, the footsteps stop. No

in the distance, there was a young male voice. "

kite, aren't you?" Asked the man, with casual contempt. He speaks local dialect.

When Chen sushang arrived in Guangxi, she found that she could understand the local dialect, which she remembered as a child. She didn't need to understand it specially.

Her mother told her that they had lived in Hu's house for several years until she was robbed by the poisonous Miao people. Chen had no heart to tell his mother the truth. It's not the poison Miao who robbed her, but the Hu family pretended to be her.

Hua Yuan's face was very distorted. Her voice was sharp and sharp: "Hu Junyuan!"

"Good. You remember me after all these years." The man on the opposite side sneered, then pulled out the messy grass and appeared in front of Chen sushang and Hua Yuan. The trees are very dim. Chen Su Shang can only see a tall man, but he can't see his face clearly. Flower

the kite clenched its teeth: "you caught Xia Nanlin, didn't you?" The man who was called Hu Junyuan by Hua Yuan sneered: "is that stranger? I didn't catch him. He's dead. " Flower

kite shivered for a while. Chen

Su Shang clenched her hand, which made her fingers hurt a little, so that Hua Yuan could remember. "

don't be influenced by him." Chen Su Shang whispered, "Xia Nanlin is not dead, my compass will not lie." Flower

kite returns to her mind and spits at Hu Junyuan: "despicable!"

"Come back with me." Hu Junyuan said coldly. "

you die!" Hua Yuan's heart was full of malice. "I would rather die outside than go back to your dirty place!"

At this time, Chen Su Shang seized the opportunity to type a piece of Rune paper at the man.

Rune paper floats on Hu Junyuan's feet, without any effect.

Hu Junyuan looks at this scene, his expression is motionless, and even a sneer of sarcasm is ungrateful.

"And you have one more? Don't do anything about it. " Hu Junyuan opens again. At the same time as

he waved back.

Two attendants with long guns, one left and one right, stand beside Hu Junyuan, aiming at Chen sushang and Hua Yuan. Chen

Su Shang knew the current affairs very well and immediately raised his head: "don't shoot! Guns are not like knives. Bullets don't have eyes. In case of accidental injury, everyone regrets it. "

Her attitude, let the other side's gunman relax their vigilance. Hu

Jun yuan appreciated her softness and continued to tell Hua Yuan in local dialect: "tell your friend that I don't want to hurt the harmony until I have to." Chen

Su Shang said, "I don't need her to tell me. I understand. I just can't speak."

Hu Junyuan was a little surprised. When he was surprised, he was a little distracted. At this time, Chen Su Shang and Hua Yuan suddenly thought of the gunshot.

Two shots, respectively hit Hu Junyuan's entourage on both shoulders, let their long guns off.

Hu Junyuan was shocked. Before he could react, Chen sushang and Hua Yuan ran to the two attendants, picked up their guns, turned their guns around and aimed at them. And

Yan Kai, pointing his gun at Hu Junyuan's front door, opened the flashlight by the way.

He and Chen Su Shang finally saw Hu Junyuan's face clearly. Jun yuan is a man with good looks. Because he is very old, it makes people think he is not young. In fact, his face is still a little young, but he is in his early twenties. In this way, Jun yuan became a prisoner. He didn't move, he didn't struggle, just looked at Yan Kai and others lightly: "you do not work hard, you can't walk out of this mountain forest. Even out of the mountains and forests, you can't do without Jingliang, or even Guangxi. "

Yan Kai comes forward and hands the gun to Chen sushang to let him see Hu Junyuan. He himself knocks out the two injured attendants and binds them with a vine. At this time, men's strength is revealed.

Yan Kai cut vines and tied people. He was quick and skillful. After binding

was done, he said to Chen sushang and Hua Yuan, "if their companion doesn't find them, they lose too much blood, or the wound is septic, there is only one way to die." "

let them die." Hua Yuan gnawed her teeth. "They all deserve to die!" However, after

Hua Yuan said to Yan Kai, "Mr. Yan, please help me to tie him up." Yan

Kai tied Hu Junyuan's hands back.

Just now, Hua Yuan comes forward, slaps him in the face and spits at his door: "you should have died!"

Chen sushang held her. "We have to go." "

No, I need to find Xia Nanlin. Since he is in the mountains, Xia Nanlin must also be there. " Flower kite road. Yan

Kai and Chen sushang: "... Hua

kite may have met Xia Nanlin's problem. How else could she have run for so many years without being caught? Listen to Hu Junyuan's words. The Hu family caught Xia Nanlin and sent him back to the Hu family. The rest, stay and catch the kite. Even if Hua Yuan escapes this time, she will touch Hu's house for Xia Nanlin's sake. Chen

Su Shang also told Hua Yuan about this conjecture.

Hua Yuan blushed a little after listening. She may be too angry, or she may not sleep well, in short, the idea is really stupid.

"You are right." She said. Chen nodded: "we have to get out of this array. These three are not the only people in the Hu family. They will find us sooner or later. " "

how to get out?" Hua Yuan asked, and then looked at Hu Junyuan. "It's better to use some means to force him to say it."

"The technique cannot be used. The means can only be violence." Yan Kai is in a dilemma. "Do you think he can say if he is beaten? If I can, I'll do it now. If I can't, I'll save my strength and put him back as a hostage. " Hua

yuan: "... Hu

Jun yuan's temper is really immovable.

"No more effort." Hua Yuan is discouraged. "He is the stone in the pit." Chen

Su Shang looked at the gradually bright sky: "fortunately, it's about to dawn. It's always easier during the day than at night. "

Half an hour later, the sun came out.

The view in the woods became bright.

After a short walk, Chen Su Shang started to fight against the wall and went back to Hu's family to follow the tied tree.

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