Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1854 blood Talisman

Yan Kai tied Hu Junyuan to a nearby tree.

Three people sat on the ground.

They have no food, after a night of tossing, all hungry chest paste back. If we delay any longer, we don't need people from the Hu family. They will be trapped here.

Chen sushang saw some wild fruits in the distance. She went to pick some, picked up the rabbit bone and head that she had left beside last night, and cleaned them.

Yan Kai set up a bracket with a branch. Chen sushang put the kettle on it and threw the rabbit bone into it. He put in a lot of salt.

Three people ate wild fruit. Each of them drank bone soup and recovered a little bit.

Hu Junyuan, next to them, closed his eyes in silence and did not look at them or speak.

“…… There are just three guns. Let's separate. Yan Kai, you stay here and watch Hu Junyuan. Hua Yuan and I will divide the north and the south to find the traces of the array. " Chen Su business road.

Yan Kai doesn't know how to cast. He doesn't know what a formation is. He doesn't know what it is.

The skill of kite is common, but better than nothing.

"Good." Yan Kai and Hua Yuan nodded.

When he was about to leave, Yan Kai called out to Chen sushang, "Ali, you should be careful."

Chen Sushang smiled: "I will. Don't worry too much, I'll get us all out. "

Yan Kai reached out and touched her hair gently.

Chen Sushang could not help holding his breath.

When she left, her feet were very strong and her feet became light. She had wings and was about to fly.

She is an extraordinary joy.

In the wild, trapped in the array, she rarely has a good mood.

When you are in a good mood, you are more efficient.

Chen sushang, holding a compass in his hand, walked for about half an hour without any improvement.

The sun rose gradually, covering the mountain forest, and the golden awn came in through the leaves.

Looking at the sunshine, Chen sushang suddenly thought of one thing: if there is a formation, then there will be evil spirit lingering in the place where the formation is pressed, and the anger will be avoided.

Just look at that place. It's obviously dark in the sun.

She was so happy that she went to see the ground slowly along the lines of the sun.

Soon, Chen Su Shang found a tree. When she was near, she felt strange comfort. She has a magic spell on her body. As long as she is close to the place of Chongsha, her body will be very comfortable.

But under the tree, it was really overcast. The sun seemed to be covered by the thick branches.

But look carefully, the big trees are not particularly lush.

She squatted down in a hurry.

The roots of big trees, indeed, have some new soil, which has been excavated.

Chen Su, a commercial hand, carefully shoved away the new soil and found that the root of the tree was carved with a charm.

Chen sushang knows the charm.

Her face changed slightly.

She quickly buried the new soil and looked for traces near the big tree 20 meters away.

She found a trace of new soil in the dry position of the tree and pushed it aside again. Below it was a wooden stake that had been nailed down.

The whole body of the stake is surrounded by yellow runes.

Chen sushang knows what array it is.

Knowing this, she took a deep breath and walked back.

When she arrived at Yan Kai's side, Hua Yuan had not come back.

"How is it?" Yan Kai asked in a hurry.

"I found the array." Chen Su said, "the next step is to break the battle."

Hu Junyuan, who was bound, opened his eyes and looked at Chen sushang.

He didn't believe it.

After reading it, he closed his eyes again and went to practice the Zen.

"How to break it?" Yan Kai asked again.

Chen sushang revealed his dilemma: "it's more complicated. You're right here. I'm going up the tree. "

Then she climbed up the tallest tree in the neighborhood.

She climbed higher and higher, almost to the top of the tree. His vision widened. Chen sushang did not see Hua Yuan, but saw two other abnormalities.

She had a mind of her own.

When she came down, Huayuan came back.

She did not get anything.

"It's OK. I know what it is." Chen Su said, "it's three evil formations."

Hu Junyuan suddenly opens his eyes and looks at Chen sushang.

When Hua Yuan saw it, she knew Chen sushang had guessed it right. She was very happy: "what is Sansha array?"

"Sansha array is a kind of evolution of Sansha Bureau. On the points with equal triangle distance, each of them sets a small array. Small array is composed of two arrays, one is sky array and the other is sitting array. Three celestial formations and three sitting formations echo each other, sealing off the anger in the triangle and gradually losing direction. " Chen Su business road.

Hu Junyuan's eyes became cold and vicious, no longer indifferent.

His expression was also slightly distorted.

Hua Yuan was even more happy: "since you know each other, how can you break through?"

"Breaking the array is both simple and complex." Chen Su said, "just set up a flag, draw spells on the flag with the blood of the people who set up the array, and take out all the" sitting in the array "spells respectively, then you can break the three evil formations."

Hua Yuan looks back at Hu Junyuan.

"He set the line?" She asked Chen sushang.

"I don't think so," said Chen

Hu Junyuan on one side sneered.

The hearts of Hua Yuan and Yan Kai are sinking.

It's not easy to turn the mountain circuit, and it turns out to be a dead end.

Hua Yuan once clenched her teeth: "just try it with his blood. If it doesn't work, we'll find another way. I'll bleed him. "

Hu Junyuan glanced at her quietly: "fool! Once it's wrong, we all have to die! "

The kite shivered.

Chen sushang nodded: "he said it well, which is the complexity of what I said."

Yan Kai was by the side and kept silent.

He didn't know anything. He couldn't help. He felt helpless.

Chen sushang pondered for a long time: "it's better to try it with my blood."

Hua Yuan and Yan Kai look at her together.

Hu Junyuan is also curious.

This woman has a wide range of knowledge. She can see the three evils array of the Hu family, and she can tell its origin and know its taboos.

In this case, how can she say such stupid words as breaking the battle with her blood?

She didn't set the scene.

“…… Don't ask. It's a chance. It can't be revealed. " Chen sushang interrupts Yan Kai and Hua Yuan and keeps their problems in their throats.

Yan Kai straightened her mind: "are you in danger?"


"Then don't do it!" Yan Kai said, "let's think of another way."

"But I want to try." Chen sushang said, "I don't like it. After so many things, are we going to die in this insignificant array? "

Yan Kai opens her mouth to speak.

Chen sushang added: "if we fail, we will die together. I'm sorry to delay you, Yan Kai. "

"I'd like to die with you." Yan Kai said, "I'm willing to take risks with you. Since you want to try, try it. A big deal is a death. "

Chen Su Shang smiles.

The kite still feels prickly.

These two people always remind Hua Yuan of Xia Nanlin.

She was also very anxious.

If she is really dead, she should be. So Hua Yuan said: "Miss Chen, try it. What do I need to do? "

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