Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1856 a series of lies

Hu Junyuan's pupils contract sharply. He set off a storm in his heart: that woman, her blood can break three evil formations! Mr. Jun yuan had heard from his elders before that there is such a person in the world, but only in the records of thousands of years ago. I haven't seen him recently. Then,

did you... Hu

Jun yuan was shocked and almost lost his temper.

At this time, there was a loud noise in the forest, like a towering tree falling down. After the big

sound, one after another, the birds and animals in the forest seem to be alarmed. They should sing and roar with each other. The whole mountain forest is immediately lively and dangerous.

"It's the fall of heaven." Flower kite way, the voice unconsciously brought joy. The sky array is carved on the big tree. Once the array is broken, the evil spirit strikes the trunk, and the old tree with thick arms falls down. Kay was also relieved. He wants to meet Chen sushang very much, but he dare not move. Hua Yuan's mood is easy to get excited, but Hu Junyuan, who is not blocked by the array, can use the technique to deal with Hua Yuan easily.

He must guard against Chen Su Shang's hard work.

He anxiously waits for Chen sushang to come back, his eyes are fixed on Hu Junyuan, and he glances at his watch from time to time.

Obviously, there are only ten minutes, but he is suffering every second.

When Chen sushang appeared, Yan Kai's eyes seemed to suddenly open the door, saw a sea of flowers, and could vaguely smell the fragrance. He also wanted to hug Chen sushang, but he remembered that Chen sushang had set him up specially before, and he had to hold back if he wanted to come to her.

"It's done." Chen sushang said to them. A great undertaking, she said, was understated. The magicians have done so much work that they have already ignored it.

"Great." Hua Yuan is still a little excited. "Shall we go down the mountain now?" "

Yes, it's going down the mountain." Chen Su business road.

Then she found her own kettle.

The kettle boiled the bone soup last night. After it cooled down, there was a lingering fishy smell.

Chen sushang casually used some cold water, lit the rune paper and sent it to Hu Junyuan's lips.

Hu Junyuan's eyes have been looking at her.

Chen sushang's hand was slightly forced, breaking Hu Junyuan's jaw and filling the rune paper for him. The taste of Zi is really bad. Hu Junyuan wants to spit it out, but Chen sushang holds his mouth again and has to swallow it.

"... yuan Xueyao gave it to me for cursing. It can keep him quiet for a few days." Chen Su business road. Flower

kite breathed a sigh of relief. If Xia Nanlin hadn't been found, she would have shot Hu Junyuan.

Her hatred for Hu Junyuan is very strong, strong to unusual. Chen did not ask more about prime quotient.

When he went back, Hu Junyuan was really confused and needed Yan Kai to hold him.

Hu Junyuan's entourage has lost its breath. Chen

Su Shang asked Yan Kai to take the lead of Hu Junyuan and Hua Yuan to walk in the middle, behind her. It's a little easier to go down the mountain.

They didn't delay. They only stopped in the morning to eat a game. When it was going to be dark, they finally went down the mountain. After going down the mountain, Hu Junyuan passed out completely.

Yan Kai has been running in the mountain for two days. He is about to lose his strength. He has to carry a man who is almost as tall and heavy as himself. He is about to collapse. "

Mr. Yan, thank you for your hard work." Hua Yuan rarely has a look, but also speaks soft words.

Chen sushang also asked Yan Kai, "do you want to help?" As soon as Kay clenched his teeth, he became a weight-bearing Trainer: "no, I can do it." When he carried Hu Junyuan to the inn, Yan Kai was sweating all over and his legs were shaking. He asked for another room and put Hu Junyuan in. Chen Su Shang added a small array at the door. If Hu Junyuan wanted to run, she would know first.

Yan Kai bathed in cold water, while Chen Su Shang and Hua Yuan went to the street to buy food.

Chen Su Shang bought a food box with the owner of the restaurant and came back with several dishes.

She also asked for a large casserole of rice to be carried by Hua Yuan behind her.

When Yan Kai heard the smell of the food, she almost fainted: "hurry up, put it on!"

Chen sushang has never seen young master Yan so greedy, which makes him laugh.

Yan Kai ate three bowls of rice in one breath before filling her stomach. Don't mention him. Hua Yuan and Chen sushang don't look good at each other's food. Several people are starving.

After dinner, they chatted briefly. Chen sushang said, "I will pay attention to Hu Junyuan tonight. You have a good sleep. It's Yan Kai's turn tomorrow night. It's Hua Yuan the day after tomorrow." Yan

Kay and Hua Yuan nodded.

Yan Kai, in particular, was moved when he got to the bed. He used to dislike this and that. Now he knows how hard it is to have a safe house and a solid bed! Even the smell of sweat and mildew is reassuring.

In this peace of mind he fell asleep. Flower

although kite is full of worries, she can't endure two days' hard work. After washing, she soon fell asleep.

Chen sushang didn't sleep. She got up and looked twice at Hu Junyuan's door. Hu

Jun yuan is lying in peace, with little movement. But when Chen Su Shang went to see it for the third time, he opened the window.

Chen sushang looked at him in surprise: "curse is useless to you?" "

if the person who drew the charm cast it on me personally, it would be useful." Hu Junyuan said. However,

after that, he looked up and down at Chen Su Shang through the window, "your eight characters are a little strange. Are they born or are they artificially hidden the day after tomorrow?" Chen smiled. Before

she thought her master had done it, but later she found out that it was not so. "

you can guess." Chen Su Shang smiled, "I won't tell you. It's a secret."

Then she asked, "which room are you from? You look about my age. Maybe I saw you when I was a kid. I used to live in the Hu family. "

Hu Junyuan looks at her suspiciously.

He didn't believe her very much. Since his memory, the Hu family has never received outsiders. Even if relatives come, they just live in the Chuang Tzu at the foot of the mountain.

He half true half fake smile: "I am long room. You are almost my age. What's your name? " "

prime quotient, Chen prime quotient." She said. Hu

Jun yuan thought the name was good and thought of her blood. He was both wary and curious about her. "

your blood can break my Sansha array, which is very powerful." Hu Junyuan still asked with a feeler.

"Small skills." Chen Su said, "what you see is not necessarily true. Go to bed. Maybe we will go to Hu's tomorrow. "

Hu Junyuan's face showed a little ironic smile: "go to Hu's house, will you die?"

"Go to save Hua Yuan's fiance." Chen sushang said, "you've taken him, so you're going to trade him back." Hu

Junyuan stepped back a few steps, his face was hidden in the shadow, and Chen sushang could not see his expression. His hands were tightly clenched. Chen asked: "did Hua Yuan steal anything from your Hu family? She is the daughter of a servant. Why can't you let her live? " "

stolen something?" Hu Junyuan's voice came out of the room, but he never went to the window to look at Chen sushang again. "Is that what she told you? She is full of lies. "

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