Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1857 causes and consequences of resentment

Chen sushang is not interested in who lies.

She was entrusted by Mr. Ning to help Huayuan in Guangxi. Hua Yuan and Hu family have any grudges. It's their business. Chen sushang has no position to interfere.

She smiled and was ready to leave.

Hu Junyuan in the room suddenly spoke again: "she is not the daughter of a servant. She is the fiancee selected for me in the family. The Hu family raised her as a future daughter-in-law. "

Chen sushang: "...

she almost stumbled.

How can she guess? She didn't expect Huayuan had this relationship with Hu family.

No wonder she thinks Hua Yuan hates Hu Junyuan very much.

In this world, there is no hatred for no reason - probably because you have been close to each other, you will really have a deep hatred.

"You don't have to get involved with her and the Hu family." Hu Junyuan added, "Miss Chen, it can be said that it's hard for an honest official to do housework. Why do you need to do more?"

He heard Hua Yuan call "Miss Chen" and parrot.

Chen sushang didn't contradict him, but said: "if it's really housework, I really want to avoid it. However, I should listen to Hua Yuan's explanation, not you. "

Then she turned away.

Hu Junyuan looked at her back, and then at the eye tower. His face was so gloomy that he could drip into the water.

He must not be escorted back to the Hu family. He has to find a way to escape. Unfortunately, he was trapped by Chen sushang. At present, he is still under the influence of curse, and all his skills are invalid.

He can't use any skill.

This night, he is doomed not to sleep.

Lying in bed, he could see the half moon outside the window.

He remembered the first time he saw Huayuan, which was the same as the moon night. At that time, he went home with his uncle and brother. Accidentally, it was too late and he was very tired, so he took a rest in the village at the foot of the mountain.

There are thousands of people in Zhuangzi at the foot of Hujia mountain. Although it's called Zhuangzi, it actually forms a small market town and a street.

The businesses on the street are all owned by the Hu family. The operators can get capital and a small part of their income from the Hu family.

Hua Yuan's parents run the only pastry shop. At night, there are various snacks.

Hu Junyuan followed them into the shop. Hua Yuan wiped the table under the light. At that time, she was only eight years old. She was very sensible. She would laugh when she saw people.

Candlelight fell on her face, inlaid her with a layer of light yellow. Her eyes were round and bright. She smiled sincerely and clearly: "three masters, all masters and young masters."

At that time, it was Hu Junyuan's third uncle who led the way.

Hu Junyuan somehow avoided her eyes. At that time, he was only ten years old. He was in love for the first time. He was shy and embarrassed in front of girls.

This should have been a good beginning story, but life was destroyed by Hu Junyuan himself.

He had high self-esteem and ambition since childhood, and his eldest brother was a gentle and soft character, which also made Hu Junyuan think of replacing him.

At that time, he was only in his teens, and had more thoughts than ordinary adults.

He secretly likes Hua Yuan, but Hu family is a great warlock, and his mind is soon detected.

The teenage boys, with his secret. He was embarrassed and even angry.

However, the malicious cousin said that Hua Yuan was the daughter of a slave, and that Hu Junyuan was willing to fall down.

Hu Junyuan is young and vigorous. Where can he stand this? For the sake of face, he denied his love for Hua Yuan, saying only that it was a misunderstanding.

Since it was a misunderstanding, he was especially mean to Hua Yuan in order to get rid of her. Even when the servants went up the mountain to pay their respects to the master, he took the initiative to bully her.

Hua Yuan was really sensible at that time. She knew that she was a servant and dared not resist or complain.

When Hu Junyuan was 14 years old, there was an elder's daughter, Ruhuai, in Miao village. She liked him in the same year. She was also the niece of Hu's aunt. She often visited Hu's house.

In order to improve himself and get rid of Hua Yuan's rumors, he and Ruhuai are very close. They are almost in a pair.

He can't put down the kite, after all, it's the first girl he likes in his life.

As a result, in that year, an uncle of the family said that Hua Yuan's eight characters are unique. If they get married in four years, they may be able to give birth to children with eight characters of pure Yang or pure Yin, and become the next day sacrifice of the Hu family.

The Hu family hasn't offered sacrifices to heaven for many years, and the gods have begun to blame them.

The fate of Huayuan has been doomed since then.

The Hu family is willing to do anything for themselves, let alone a small servant?

At that time, the family decided to let Hua Yuan marry her fourth cousin of the same year.

For Hu Junyuan, it's a great chance to get rid of him. No one dares to say that he's willing to fall in love with slaves.

But he suffered day and night.

When he was young and impulsive, he ran to his grandfather and said, "I would like to marry Huayuan. The fourth cousin is cowardly. If he really got married with Hua Yuan and had a baby, maybe he would be the second Hu Lingsheng. "

Hu Lingsheng is a heart disease of the Hu family. No one dare to mention it. Hu Lingsheng's son, the son of Tianji, was born more than ten years ago.

Grandfather looked at him young, didn't hit him, just angry to let him out.

Later, Hu Junyuan, who is the same age as Hua Yuan, has a strong personality and knows how to deal with it. Maybe he can avoid tragedy.

Soon, Hua Yuan's parents died.

It's only a word that the master wants his servant to die. In order to take care of Hua Yuan's feelings, the Hu family conceals the truth and makes it seamless.

Hua Yuan is connected to the mountain.

She was assigned to Hu Junyuan by the family.

She was in a state of astonishment.

She still remembers that Hu Junyuan bullied her. When she came to celebrate the new year, she beat her toys to the ground, trampled them to pieces, and laughed with others.

She also remembered that people at the foot of the mountain were saying that Hu Junyuan and Miao Nu were like glue, and they might get married.

Why did her fate worsen after her parents met with misfortune?

But in the following days, Hu Junyuan did not bully her, but took good care of her.

She is his future wife, he is good to her, will never cause jokes, he will not lose face.

Moreover, people in the family know that he is about to make a big sacrifice, so they attach great importance to him, and he also gets more attention.

He is in a good mood, so he is even better to Huayuan.

Hua Yuan is helpless. She takes him as her own backer, forgets the old things and gets close to him.

Every time he meets Ruhuai, he will tell her. If she is sullen, he will cajole her.

More than three years later, they will be married in another half year.

Unexpectedly, Hua Yuan suddenly knew the whole truth.

She didn't cry or make trouble. She knew that she had no chance to avenge her parents. The Hu family were all warlocks, but she only learned so many years and learned a little fur.

She can't kill them, but she can run away.

Who knows where fate will lead her in the future? So, she used Miao Nu Ruhuai and ran quietly. When she ran like this, Hu Junyuan became a big joke in the family again.

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