Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 186 visit of young commander

Gu Guizhang is now on the verge of collapse.

The wife went to jail and confessed her past sins like crazy; the mother died and was killed by her wife.

Home is over!

Gu Guizhang is finished!

It's hard to accumulate fame, but it's a moment to destroy it, and it's over to destroy it.

Even in the past 10, 20, or even 30 years, someone will talk about it and be discredited.

Gu Guizhang's sons and daughters, don't think about marriage any more, let alone high marriage, that is, ordinary people, are not willing to marry their daughter to Gu Shao, or to marry Gu Ying and Gu Xiang.

The marriage of Gu Qingzhou is even more in danger. What would the governor think of such a big scandal?

80% of them can't be protected by the governor's office.

Gu Guizhang didn't care about Qin Zheng. He only cared about himself and studied hard. He became a noble son-in-law from a country boy. He killed his proud wife and father-in-law and got his family fortune. Now everything is going to disappear!

"After the funeral, we will immigrate to Singapore, buy Rubber garden and start from scratch!" Gu Guizhang thought.

But he was reluctant to leave the customs. That was a fat job!

When Gu Qingzhou knocked at the door, the study was full of smoke and wine.

She doesn't hate the crisp cigars and the fragrance of wine. At this moment, Gu Qingzhou seems to smell the wonderful fragrance of flowers.

The more painful Gu Guizhang is, the greater his success will be.

"Canoe!" Gu Guizhang did not scold Gu Qingzhou, just as he grabbed the straw. "You... Go to the governor's office and ask the governor to rescue your mother."

"How to save it?" As soon as Gu Qingzhou changed her former gentle and soft beauty, her eyes were calm, like two rounds of ice soul in the study with dim light and clear frost.

Gu Guizhang was slightly shocked.

Her eyes shocked Gu Guizhang.

Gu Guizhang returned to his mind for a long time and said in a hurry, "let the police station release people! Boat, you can't be confused. Your mother has been convicted of this. If our family reputation is ruined, you will be ruined. The chief inspector needs the most face. Do you want to marry you later? Boat, I'm all for you! "

Gu Qingzhou sneers.

Gu Guizhang saw with his own eyes that his daughter, who was always smart and introverted, had a kind of skin and a cold face.

"My mother?" Gu Qingzhou's lip angle was raised. "Didn't my mother die for 15 years?"

Gu Guizhang was stunned again.

"... my wife has pleaded guilty. The governor said that my grandfather helped him. Since it's the matter of the sun family, it's the matter of the governor's office. Abba, are you sure you want to offend the governor at this moment? " Gu asked again.

Gu Guizhang was in a state of confusion.

"Light boat, you go to ask for the governor again. Qin's is crazy. What happened in those days was nothing!" Gu Guizhang said.

Gu Qingzhou's eyes were bright, and she glanced over Gu Guizhang. She smiled: "Abba, my wife have confessed, you say there is nothing, do the police station listen to you?"

Gu Guizhang was slightly shocked.

Now he understood that he was not going to take care of the boat.

Fool, in order to let Qin's family go to jail, his future is not good?

When Gu Guizhang was ready to scold Gu Qingzhou, Gu Qingzhou had already left.

"Stop!" Gu Guizhang drinks.

Gu Qingzhou's steps, but the farther she went, she did not listen to Gu Guizhang at all.

Gu Guizhang was so angry that he had a headache, but he didn't have the energy to clean up and take care of the light boat.

The family is still in a mess.

Gu Shao's second aunt is too busy, and she has converged the old lady into the coffin.

The spirit hall has also been built.

The third aunt sent a telegram to her hometown. She asked others to come to the old lady's funeral and help Ling back to her hometown in the future.

Fourth aunt is gone.

"How about the fourth aunt?" I don't know who asked.

No one answered.

At this moment, it doesn't matter if aunt Si is too absent. She's in the arms and can't help.

When they were looking for Aunt Si, she went to a hotel and opened a room, waiting for mu Sanniang to bring her daughter.

Mu Sanniang sends lian'er here, and Siyi is holding her baby and crying.

When the child saw his mother, he began to cry. His voice was soft, and he kept shouting: "mother..."

at dusk, the family affairs were straightened out. Everyone was relieved and ready to eat. Gu Guizhang still went out. He did not know who to look for.

Yuecheng evening news arrived at Gu's on time.

The servant hid immediately.

Second aunt is too sharp eyed, she asked: "is it the evening paper? What do you hide for? "

The servant hands it to the second aunt.

The second aunt took a look and screamed.

The front page headline of the evening news is the murder of Qin Zheng -- her picture suddenly appeared on it.

Third aunt is too hurried to look over.

"Oh, this..." aunt San was surprised.

According to the newspaper, Qin Zheng not only killed the old lady on purpose, but also killed Gu Guizhang's original match sun qiluo 15 years ago.

"Does Miss canoe know?" Third aunt asked second aunt too low.

The second aunt looked at the stairs too much.

"I'm afraid it has something to do with Miss canoe." Second aunt too way.

Gu Qingzhou must know.

Without the help of the light boat, it is impossible for Qin Zheng to turn itself in.

"On the fifth day of the winter, he was shot at the execution ground of the military government." At last, the punishment of Qin Zheng was written in the newspaper.

Seeing these words, the two aunts were stunned.

They have a sense of unreality.

They hate Qin Zheng for years, so they die?

Is it true or a dream?

"This is Yuecheng evening news, isn't it?" Third aunt too way, the voice is a little tight.

Yuecheng evening news is not a piece of gossip!

The third aunt wanted to laugh too much, and she couldn't help laughing. But before that, the old lady's body was not cold, and her family suffered such a scandal. It was a big sin to laugh. She tried to hold back.

Although I can't help it, Auntie is still a smiling face. The corner of her lips is rising, which is very funny.

The second aunt's manner is too much better than the third aunt's.

"Yes, Yuecheng evening news!" Second aunt too way.

The two aunts, each with a newspaper, went upstairs to their room and finally showed their joy.

Third aunt too covered her head with a pillow, and she laughed in a daze.

Qin Zheng Zheng is going to die. She is so happy. Aunt Sanyi is so outgoing. She must laugh.

Second aunt is not so exaggerated, she poured a glass of wine, the blood in the crystal cup is enchanting, she gently shakes the glass, looking at the ripple of the ripple.

"This wine is so beautiful..."

the good mood of the two aunts is beyond words.

But Gu Xiang cried and fainted. Gu Ying was as sluggish as a wooden chicken.

In the latter half of the night, Si Xingfu climbed to the bedroom of Gu Qingzhou.

At that time, Gu Qingzhou was still writing his homework under the window.

Delayed homework, she had to make up for it, let the outside world change the weather, gossip, Gu canoe or to try to get the diploma.

These gossip can't hurt her at all.

When he came in, Gu took a fright and locked the door.

"... your family's affairs are very noisy." Si Xingfu pinches her face. "Little thing, are you kidding?"

Take care of the boat without words.

"Why don't you tell me?" Si Xingfu raised her delicate chin and asked her to look him in the eye. "Tell me, I've already cleaned them for you. Why should I be aggrieved?"

At last, Si Xingfu knew why Gu Qingzhou had to live in the Gu mansion.

That's not what she's looking for.

"Vengeance is to take the sword of one's own hand. What we care about is not his ending, but the process of pushing him to the end step by step. With this process, revenge is successful. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Gu doesn't want to be helped by Si Xingfu.

Of course, we should revenge ourselves, or what's the meaning of her existence?

Gu Qingzhou doesn't want to make use of Si Xingfu, but she has great kindness to Si Xingfu. Sometimes the resources can't keep up with her, and the person who needs to use Si Xingfu will be regarded as the one who has paid back the human feelings.

"OK, whatever." Sikang pulled her and kissed her on the lips.

They lie on the bed side by side, looking at the boat and silent.

Si Xingfu doesn't speak anymore, just holding her, she feels small and delicate, sometimes fragile, and needs his company.

At three o'clock in the morning, Si Xingfu left the Gu mansion.

The next day, as soon as he arrived at the conference hall of the military government, a telegram arrived.

The governor's face was a little heavy after watching.

"What's the matter, inspector?" Staff asked.

The inspector returned to his senses and smiled: "a little housework!"

He put the telegram aside.

Si Xingfu was swaggering. He took a look at the documents while the chief inspector was reading them.

The governor's eyes swept over, and the governor returned it.

In such a few eyes, Si Xingfu was also a little confused: the political Ministry of Nanjing issued an order to transfer Gu Qin's family to the Nanjing court for trial.

Gu Qin is Gu Qingzhou's stepmother, Qin Zheng.

"How can Gu family persuade the Nanjing Political Department to come out?" Si Xingfu is a little confused.

He doesn't pay much attention to the trend of Nanjing recently.

When he came out of the military conference hall, he called for an adjutant and asked the adjutant to ask what was going on in Nanjing.

"Tuanzou, vice minister Shang of the political department, took twelve aunts two months ago. Her name is Bai Wei, and her real name is Gu Wei." The adjutant reported.

In his mind, Gu Qingzhou had a sister who ran away from home, which seemed to be the name.

"I see." "Let's go," he said

The chief inspector hesitated for a moment, and thought that it was not inappropriate to leave this matter to the Nanjing court. Instead, he stayed in Yuecheng and became a hot potato.

When it's business, there will be gossips, and when it's covered up, there will be gossips.

At the same time, the governor also wondered how Nanjing could be interested in the Qin Zheng case.

Although the public opinion of this case has a great influence, it's just the household chores of the common people, not related to politics and military affairs.

The superintendent sent people to inquire about it. He also knew that his sister, who had taken care of the light boat, had changed her face and became the twelfth aunt of the Vice Minister of the political department.

"Give it to Nanjing and see it off at five tomorrow morning." The inspector general issued the approval note.

The order was sent to the police station soon.

The police are ready.

At eight o'clock in the night, suddenly someone came to visit the prison. He took two adjutants and pressed his hat for the director to come out to see him.

After the director saw it, his legs and feet trembled, and he invited the man to the prison where the Qin Zheng was kept.

The hat was pushed up to reveal the pretty face of Si Xingfu.

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