Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 187 self incrimination

The day after the old lady died, the family was even more disordered because all the uncles and relatives of her hometown had come.

There are a lot of people, and no hostess at the helm, so the family suddenly doesn't look like it.

Second aunt is too decisive. She moves Gu Ying and Gu Xiang on the third floor to the same room, vacates one room, and places three beds like a general shop for relatives.

It's sunny. In the morning, the air is cold and humid, and the light clouds are high. With the circulation of the fence, the white exercise at the door sways in the wind.

The whole Gu mansion is in a mess. The third floor is full of people's voices. Sometimes people go up and down.

Gu Qingzhou locked the door and went downstairs.

Like other children at home, she was dressed in filial piety and filial piety, with long black and green hair. A white flower was deeply trapped in it, which made her lips red and skin white and neck long.

Gu Qingzhou is not as good as Gu Xiang. She is also a girl who can stand to see. And she is cool and steady, and her bearing is better than that of Gu Xiang.

A guest came to mourn.

With Yan Luoshui, Yan Yiyuan, and even Huo Fengjing, Mrs. Yan came to give the old lady a fragrance.

This is a relative who cares for the boat. There was no general subject at home, so she took care of the boat and received Mrs. Yan herself.

After kowtowing, Gu Qingzhou takes Mrs. Yan to the side hall and personally serves them tea.

At the moment, the servants who make the tea can't be found.

"Canoe, we all read the newspaper." Mrs. Yan hesitated and did not know how to speak.

Is it to comfort her and ask her to mourn, or to congratulate her and avenge her?

It doesn't seem right.

It's hard to say.

Mrs. Yan was not good at speech at all. She wrote in her heart. She considered every word carefully: "the law is the law. If you don't understand human feelings, you have to pay for your life if you kill someone. Anyway, your mother's grievances have finally come to light, and she has closed her eyes..."

"Muma, I'm ok." Gu Qingzhou said, "when there's such a big scandal at home, they don't care about me. I can take care of myself."

Mrs. Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Canoe, do you want me to come and stay with you for a few days?" Huo Fengjing, a lonely and cold man, saw Gu Qingzhou's voice, and couldn't bear it. He offered to support her. Her brother is the leader of the Green Gang.

Gu Qingzhou was about to euphemistically say no, but the shrieks of Gu Xiang and Gu Ying came from the door.

The voice was so terrible that it startled all the people and surrounded them.

"What's the matter?" Gu Qingzhou was also confused and followed the crowd out of the hall.

Mrs. Yan and others hurriedly followed.

Surrounded by the crowd, is the detective of the police station. What is he talking about? Gu Xiang has fainted, and Gu Ying's stupefied cry is even sharper.

"And Mr. Gu?" The inspector is also very difficult. Ask again and again.

People didn't get out of the way and asked him, "what did you say?"

"Why are you pissing the eldest lady off?"

"Who are you?" Relatives in the countryside don't know the badge. They regard the inspector as a villain. They want to try to do it, but they see his baton again.

The commotion also shocked Gu Guizhang.

Gu Guizhang, dressed in a coarse linen Xiaofu, came up and asked, "I, Gu Guizhang, what's the inspector's order?"

"Mr. Gu, please forgive me." The inspector said, "last night, your wife was in prison. Please send someone to take her back."

The inspector's words are clear.

Everyone was shocked.

The room seems to be fried, with all the voices in my ears. Everyone is talking.

But their voices were hidden from each other. The house was like a hundred sparrows. How can they be so loud.

"How could this happen?" Gu Qingzhou doubts, "if Qin Zheng is not the last, it will not die.". It's a while before execution. How could she commit suicide at once? "

Gu couldn't understand.

Mrs. Yan and others think that it's a real right and wrong place to take Gu to leave for a while.

But I can't go.

"Boat..." Mrs. Yan hesitated.

"Mom, you go first. Gu Qingzhou said to them, "it's going to be a mess at home. It's going to take a lot of effort to set up the two halls. Go back first. I'll see you in a few days."

Mrs. Yan also felt that staying at home was a hindrance.

At this time, the real war is in chaos.

After they left, Gu Qingzhou followed them out of the gate.

She called the clock shop.

The phone is to Si Xingqi.

About half an hour later, the driver's car arrived at the Bank of Notre Dame road.

He went into the safe room of the bank, where Gu Qingzhou was waiting for him.

"Do you know why the zither can commit suicide?" "You should know, right?" Gu asked

Gu Qingzhou thinks it's Si Xingfu who helped.

Qin Zheng has pleaded guilty, and her case has been reported. Yuecheng is well known, and soon the world knows that her life and death are meaningless for Gu Qingzhou.

What she needs is a confession.

Of course, Gu is afraid of changes.

Qin Zheng and Zheng commit suicide, and Gu Qingzhou's heart is on the ground. However, she knew that Qin Zheng had no such self-consciousness, and she was still dreaming of escaping.

The death of Qin Zheng must have something to do with Si Xingfu.

"Well, I hung her up myself." Si Xingfu is light in the wind and light in the clouds. He presses Gu Qingzhou on the ice safe and looks at the white flowers in her bun.

Gu Qingzhou is so beautiful that she can't help kissing her.

"Be serious!" Gu Qingzhou pushes him away and forbids him to kiss.

"I'm serious," said the secretary

Then, he told Gu Qingzhou the secret message of Nanjing Political Department.

Gu Wei's identity also tells Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou was shocked: "Gu Wei? She became the aunt of the Deputy Minister of political affairs? "

"Yes." "I sent another person to check yesterday. After your sister ran away from home, she met a family named Bai.

The family was in business. They wanted to ingratiate themselves with the political department, so they trained Gu Wei, changed her identity, and became a girl of the Bai family, and changed her name to Bai Wei. "

Then the family gave Gu Wei to the powerful.

For Gu Wei, it's also her creation. She didn't resist, courted vice minister Shang and even got special favor.

When Guwei pleads for help, vice minister Shang puts pressure on Yuecheng's municipal government to send people to Nanjing court for trial.

Yuecheng's military government and the municipal government are separated. Although the military government is strong, the pingsu municipal government looks at the military government's face and lives, but the municipal government belongs to Nanjing.

This case is not of the military government, and the governor doesn't want to be too stiff with the people in the political department. Since ancient times, politicians have been dirty and cunning. He agreed.

Si Xingfu couldn't bear to look at the boat and was disappointed. He went to the police station all night.

The military and police are all under the jurisdiction of the military government. Si Xingqi has a close friend in it. He personally makes the zither look like a "guilty suicide", so as to prevent her from turning over again in Nanjing.

"... thank you." Gu Qingzhou mumbles.

The world is really unpredictable. Gu Qingzhou never thought of it, and this kind of change.

If it wasn't for Si Xingfu, Qin Zheng would have to rise again. Her confession, when she was not dead, could not be concluded.

If there is no Si Xingfu, all efforts to take care of the light boat will be wiped out.

She thought a move, tiptoed around his neck, said: "Si Xingkai, I owe you a favor this time!"

"Then pay me back!" He is short of breath.

He couldn't stand it, so he took Gu Qingzhou back to his other house.

Gu Qingzhou is still in filial piety.

Of course, it's just the filial piety of the old lady, one of the murderers who killed her mother, who doesn't care about the light boat.

For the first time, she was willing to serve the Secretary Xingfu, although she still wanted to vomit in the process.

After that, Si Xingfu went to take a bath, took care of the boat, washed her mouth and hands, and then washed her face. She lay on the bed, her mouth and hands were sore, and she did not move.

When he came back, he had a strong chest, a hot and strong chest, and hugged Gu Qingzhou in his arms.

"Light boat, you see, sometimes things are easier, you will be happier." Si Xingqi lingered her hair with his fingers, then kissed her cheek and talked about the death of Qin Zheng.

Gu Qingzhou also nodded. For the first time, she didn't dislike the cruelty of Si Xingfu.

This matter is of great significance to the care of light boats.

Now, it's finally concluded that Qin Zheng is dead, and she is the murderer of sun qiluo and Gu Laotai. Gu Wei can't turn over for her.

"Well." Gu agreed.

"What enemies do you have?" Si Xingfu kisses her soft hair, "tell me, I'll kill you, and you'll have no worries from now on."

"No!" Gu immediately refused.

It's the end of the story.

Her death was a matter of course.

But Gu can't let Gu Guizhang be assassinated. He hasn't pleaded guilty and he hasn't reached the point of despair.

"Si Xingfu, I have my way to go. When I can't walk, I'll ask you for help. " Gu Qingzhou said, "don't worry about it."

The secretary did not force her.

He turned over and kissed her deeply, almost plunging her into a soft pillow, integrating her into her bed and into his body.

"Canoe, you are not by my side, I can't sleep well at night." "I'll find a reason to move to my place in a few days," said the secretary

"Here you are again!" Gu Qingzhou is unhappy.

She sat up, dressed and left.

When combing his hair, Si Xingfu rose for a while. He took the peach wood comb in Gu Qingzhou's hand.

Smooth and soft hair, peach wood combs shuttle by, with the light fragrance of Rose Shampoo.

"Canoe, your hair is so beautiful." "No woman is more beautiful than you!" said Si Xingfu

More than once, he said, her hair is the most beautiful, and she is also the most beautiful.

Some words listen to much, in the heart will fall the trace.

One person thinks that everything is perfect, although she is just a very ordinary person...

GU Qingzhou lowers her eyelashes, turns around and hugs Si Xingfu tightly.

His chest, clinging to her cold, she can absorb warmth.

"I hate your rhetoric." Gu Qingzhou mumbles and presses his head on his chest.

However, Si Xingqi smiled and her voice was low, which spread in her ears: "my boat is shy, silly girl!"

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