Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1860 Ariel, I'sll wait for you to come back

Hu Junyuan doesn't know what happened to Chen sushang.

With his skill and ability, he can't see it. Although I can't see it, the magician from a large family can still detect something unusual.

After settling in Yan Kai and Hua Yuan, Taoist priest Changqing and Chen sushang are on their way. There are many times when Kay is silent.

At about six o'clock the next morning, it was already bright, and the sun was not hot enough. Chen sushang and Taoist priest were going to take Hu Junyuan with them.

Yan Kai and Hua Yuan stand at the door to see them off. Dao

hired a bullock cart for a long time. As soon as the cart moved, Yan Kai ran a few steps forward.

His face was still white, and he looked straight at Chen sushang. The car moves a step, he moves forward a step.

His despair was all in his face. Only

is the difference, but he vaguely realized that maybe Chen sushang would not return to this place again.

This point is sharp and haunts him all the time. He

almost cried out, suffered so much that he saw blue tendons on his forehead, and his eyes fell on Chen Sushang. He should remember her appearance. Chen

the prime quotient has come here, and can no longer be cruel.

She jumped out of the car. She ran to Yan Kai. Kay hugged her and buried her head deep in her neck.

Chen Su Shang almost wept.

All her previous insistence collapsed. She couldn't stand his sad eyes and his sadness. "

Yan Kai..." she hugged him and called down his name.

Yan Kai said.

"Yan Kai, I know what's on your mind. I'm just like you..." Chen Su said, "I have you in my heart."

Yan Kai trembled. He raised his head and wet under his eyes. He could not help wiping it. He looked at her closely and doubted that he was dreaming.

"I have a problem..." Chen sushang bit his lower lip. "You wait for me to come back from Hu's house, and I'll tell you slowly..." "

OK, I'll wait for you." Yan Kai couldn't help but smile, and all the sadness on his face cleared away. He didn't need the current explanation, he just needed her saying, "Ali, I'll wait for you to come back!" The feeling of circuit turning is better than all the surprises in the world.

He was so excited that he picked up her face and dropped his lips.

Chen sushang was surprised. His breath, with a man's distinctive clearness, enveloped her. When she kissed a man for the first time, the fireworks exploded in her mind and she was dazzled. She held Yan Kai hard, her legs faintly weak.

The kiss didn't last long, but Yan Kai and Chen sushang each seemed to have a pillar in their hearts that could support their sky. "

Ali, you should pay attention to safety and come back early." Yan Kai said to her in a low voice, and made another cut on her cheek.

Chen sushang was speechless and nodded with a red face.

"When you are finished, I will take you back to Singapore. Then, we go to many places, where you want to play, I will accompany you. " Yan Kai said again, "I'll be with you all my life." "

OK." Chen sushang can finally talk. At this time, she realized that there were still people around her. Her master, Hua Yuan and Hu Junyuan all looked at them. She blushed again and pushed away Yan Kai.

Yan Kai smiled, and all the previous bleakness was gone, enveloped in a gentle and joyful light. No matter whether it's a man or a woman, they look good when they are radiant! "

I have to go." Chen Su business road.

Yan Kai is a little reluctant.

The Taoist priest was unhappy over there: "OK, let's go. What else can I do for you? "

Chen sushang's cheek was a thin layer of Red: "master!"

The Taoist priest also smiled.

Although he was worried, Taoist priest was very pleased to see Chen sushang and Yan Kai so intimate. On the one hand, he felt that it was not good for the magician to be too close to ordinary people, and he was worried that Chen Su Shang's curse would affect the people she loves and make her regret for life; on the other hand, he was also happy because Chen Su Shang's feelings were settled. What Chang appreciates most about Yan Kai is his knowledge of current affairs. In front of the warlocks, Kay was never strong.

It's easy to say this, but it's hard to do it, unless it's someone who is extremely strong and confident. Only confident people have the courage to face up to their own shortcomings.

Yan Kai and Ali are together. When they meet the technique, they are like useless people. They need Ali's help everywhere. If he is not confident enough, his inner dissatisfaction will break out sooner or later.

At this point, he is very suitable for Ali.

Besides, there is no way to be the best. Mr. Ning said before that there used to be a lot of Great Magicians, wives and concubines in groups, and their sons and grandchildren are full. Not everyone would submit to heaven and commit five disadvantages and three deficiencies. It's up to our ability. Maybe pear has this ability.

Yan Kai and Hua Yuan stand at the gate of the county, watching the ox cart go away and disappear. "

congratulations." Hua Yuan is happy for Yan Kai. She has always seen that Yan Kai and Chen sushang love each other, but she doesn't know why they don't break it.

It's hard for Hua Yuan to say anything about others.

"Thank you." Yan Kai said with a smile. He is very happy indeed. The joy comes from inside to outside and from every expression.

Hua Yuan is envious and thinks of her fiance Xia Nanlin. She was so happy when he proposed to her. She has lived for more than 20 years, always in the haze of the Hu family, never knowing what happiness is. Especially after her parents died, she was full of doubts and confusion.

Why do they die, and where is their future? Very

to fear. She is going to marry the proud and vicious young master of the Hu family. That man, with a good-looking leather bag, is actually vain and domineering. She doesn't know what happiness is. However, after

she met Xia Nanlin. Xia

Nanlin makes her laugh, does many things for her, gives her gifts, and plans the future with her.

She finally felt the warmth. Unfortunately, the warmth is so short. They haven't enjoyed it for a long time. Tianjin has been liberated. Xia's identity has become a fan. He has no chance to prove that he is working underground, not against thieves. "

trust Ali, they will find Mr. Xia." Yan Kai comforts Hua Yuan.

Hua Yuan nodded: "I know. Mr. Ning asked Miss Chen to come. Then she must have a way. Mr Ning is a fairy. He knows everything. " Yan

Kai: "... This is the second time that he has heard that" Mr. Ning is a fairy ".

Suddenly he was a little curious, and wanted to see Mr. Ning.

Chen sushang looks back from time to time.

When the Taoist priest saw that she had turned around five or six times, he couldn't help but remind her, "don't look, you can't see."

Chen sushang looks down and laughs. Long sigh: "I haven't seen you so happy for many years. I knew that. I shouldn't have agreed to your divorce. We should make things clear to Yan Kai. " "

everything has unpredictable changes." Chen Su said, "we can only choose the most favorable before. As for the future, it is not impossible to remarry. " "

you can think of it." The Taoist smiled and said, "sure enough, when people are happy, their mind is very open."

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