The ox cart went slowly.

Chen sushang's mood is totally different from that before. She has a piece of ice in her heart, which suppresses all the annoyance and heat. She is comfortable in the hot summer sun.

She also has many ideas about the future.

Mr. Ning told her that there is no way out of the curse. Anything related to the magic can be solved, and so can the curse.

But what can I do? Mr. Ning didn't say.

At that time, he just looked at her, took out a magic weapon to Chen sushang, and asked her to go to Jingliang to help Huayuan.

Chen sushang came without hesitation.

When she saves Hua Yuan and Xia Nanlin, you can give Mr. Ning an account. Mr. Ning may tell her later.

She will stay in Singapore after she has solved the curse.

She has no other skills. It's not necessary to open a Fengshui company. Now it's very popular in Hong Kong. She specializes in Yangzhai Fengshui.

The reconstruction after the war needs Mr. Feng Shui.

Of course, she can also inherit the business of Yan Family and help Yan Kai go to sea. With her, you will never get lost or encounter a major shipwreck.

She can even go to study, as her master said, and go to a university. After graduation, she can teach in the school. She will be safe and stable all her life.

Yan Kai is very reliable. He also tries to explore his emotional path, but when he has the result, he will not be ambivalent.

Chen sushang thought, can't help but smile, the future is so bright.

"Still happy?" Hu Junyuan opens his mouth.

After taking the water charm of Yuan Xueyao, he was able to walk and talk, but once he drew the water charm, he could not use his strength.

Hu Junyuan knew that they were going to the Hu family.

Have you got a chance to enter your own house? He can't do what he's doing now. He's on his way.

Anyway, his decency can't be found.

"Yes." Chen sushang admitted.

Hu Junyuan sneered: "a man's heart will change. Perhaps, when you go back, his heart will fall in love with others. Aren't you happy in vain? "

"We will all die. Don't we live hard now because we know we are going to die? People will change. Let's talk about it. " Chen Su business road.

Hu Junyuan: "..."

He carefully examined Chen Su Shang, as if for the first time, he saw something unusual in the girl's face.

He couldn't help but look at Chen sushang more.

"Did you live in the Hu family when you were little?" Asked Hu Junyuan.

Chen Su said: "maybe it's not at your house, but at the foot of your mountain After all, guests can't go up the mountain. "

Hu Junyuan didn't hear from his elders.

He talked with Chen sushang about the technique.

Chen Su Shang knows more about the technique than he can, because the first hobby of Changqing Taoist is to collect "eight trigrams".

When they chatted, the Taoist priest joined in.

In the long face of Changqing Road, it is still a young man, and there is no gap between it and Hu Junyuan.

Hu Junyuan knows a lot about the magician School of Peacock River, and talks a lot.

“…… You're young and knowledgeable. The Hu family should cultivate you as the future head of the family. In this case, why destroy your future for a runaway servant? " The Taoist priest Changqing may not be used to this boy's ability to get a good job, and poke him directly in the heart.

As expected, Hu Junyuan pursed his lips slightly, showing irrepressible anger on his face, and stopped talking.

The Taoist priest succeeded in treachery and blinked at Chen sushang.

Chen Sushan is laughing. He thinks her master is more and more like a naughty boy.

After three days' walk, the ox cart arrived at a large county. The county town is dozens of times more prosperous than Jingliang. Chen sushang and the Taoist priest change their carriages.

The carriage is a four wheeled carriage of two horses, much faster and more comfortable than a bullock cart.

After another four days, I finally got to the town which is 30 miles away from Hu family.

It's very close to Nanning. It's only 30 kilometers to the city, so the town is very prosperous.

There are many shops and fortune telling stalls in the town. The shop sells all kinds of magic weapons and spells. They are all fake.

However, it is better to believe in its mentality. Many people come here to pray, which makes the place extremely busy.

After Chen sushang arrived in Guangxi, he had not seen so many people. For a while, he didn't get used to it. He grabbed Hu Junyuan's hand and was afraid that he would run away.

"It's hard to get to a busy place. First, find a good inn. I'll have a good sleep." Changqing Taoist priest stretched himself.

Chen sushang then pulled him: "master, what if someone in the town sees Hu Junyuan and goes to tell Hu family about it?"

"It doesn't matter. We're all here. We can do whatever we want. If you are not sure, come... " Said the Taoist priest, taking off his short sleeved shirt, "cover his head and face."

Chen sushang: "..."

Hu Junyuan: "..."

After hesitating for a few seconds, Chen Su Shang returned the shirt to her master.

For one thing, although Shifu has strong and strong muscles and is not ugly even when he is shirtless, he is neither a monk nor a coolie. He looks handsome and dignified, and will attract more attention when he is barehanded.

On the other hand, Hu Junyuan has to be covered. On the contrary, it is noticeable. People of the Hu family do not need to confirm his identity by looking at his face. This is unnecessary.

"Don't show off when you're dressed!" Chen Su business road.

The Taoist priest thought that the apprentice didn't know how to deal with her. He went straight to an inn.

From the outside, this inn is the most dignified and luxurious.

The Taoist asked for two rooms.

Then, he asked the boy to send the tub and hot water to him.

When Chen Su Shang saw that he wanted to take a bath, he asked, "what should he do?"

The Taoist priest poked the goose like apprentice: "you take him!"

Chen Su Shang's face twitched.

What's the Shifu who's not reliable? He left a big young man to his young apprentice?

"You can't have another room?" Chen sushang clenched his teeth.

"Don't you trust him to live alone? I don't want to live with him. I want to be alone at night. I haven't slept well for a long time. " Taoist priest takes it for granted.

Once again, Chen sushang was speechless.

She had to take Hu Junyuan back to her room in silence, and had no face to see others.

As soon as she entered the door, she tied Hu Junyuan to the bed post first, and then asked the boy to fetch water.

She simply washed her face and took a nap on the couch beside her.

Hu Junyuan said, "I'm hungry. Miss Chen, get something to eat. "

Chen sushang was almost asleep, so he got up again and said, "what would you like to eat?"

"Whatever you want, you can get something to eat." Hu Junyuan said.

It's also a worry.

Chen sushang called the waiter again.

This time, it wasn't the person who just entertained her, so Chen sushang kept his heart, let him in and told him a lot of his own requirements.

Shopkeeper's eyes, secretly glanced at Hu Junyuan twice, then Chen sushang took out his pistol and aimed it at him.

"It seems that you are from the Hu family?" Asked Chen sushang.

The waiter's respectful look was gone, and he was cruel. He wanted to attack Chen sushang and was afraid of the gun in her hand.

Yan Kai is right. When everyone is a warlock, the warlock has another gun in his hand. It's really frightening.

Hu Junyuan was laughing.

"It's really powerful." Hu Junyuan said, "you've seen through. I admit defeat."

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