Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1862 heroes or passers-by?

Chen sushang ordered the "second shopkeeper" to squat down with his head in his arms. Xiao Er goes to see Hu Junyuan. "Listen to her, don't lose your life in vain," said Jun yuan

The second shopkeeper turned around as expected. When he was ready to squat down, Chen sushang suddenly attacked and knocked him unconscious with a chair. While

he was in a coma, Chen Sushang also gave him a cup of Fushui given to her by Yuan Xueyao.

Tie up the waiter, and Chen sushang knocks Hu Junyuan out, so that he doesn't make any more troubles.

She went to the next room to find her master. After knocking on the door twice, the master didn't answer her, and Chen sushang pushed the door in by himself.

Fortunately, her master didn't lock the door.

The Taoist priest sat in the tub, feeling relaxed and happy, and washed away the tiredness for days.

When Chen sushang broke in, the Taoist priest looked at her plaintively: "you are really becoming less and less fastidious."

"Master, something happened." Chen sushang told the Taoist priest about the situation of the waiter.

When the Taoist priest heard this, it didn't matter: "what a big thing. People of the Hu family can't be so idle. They are all waiting here. It is estimated that the man is himself and has no help. Come on, you let me sleep all night. Even if the sky falls tonight, I will have a good sleep. I don't know which day I'll be able to sleep. "


"no, go out." The Taoist priest pointed to the door.

When Chen sushang was about to leave, he called him back. "

now that you are here, wipe my back." The Taoist priest made the best of his disciples. Chen

Su Shang: "...

as she squatted down, she was worried and had to wait on her unreliable master. She was a little angry, so she wiped her back very hard and almost rubbed the next layer of skin. He was scolded by the Taoist priest and said that she was useless. The lobby under the inn was noisy. It turned out that a young man was knocked unconscious in the backyard and his clothes were stripped. He was saying that there was a thief in the Inn and he wanted the shopkeeper to search. He was scolded for his ignorance. People are asking what kind of thief they are. Chen

Su Shang lies on the railing and listens to the bustle for a while. He is sure that the shopkeeper dare not search the room or report to the Public Security Bureau nearby. He is relieved. She also went downstairs to catch up with the crowd, chatted with the guests, asked for a meal and brought it up in person. What she wants is three meat and three vegetables, a big bowl of rice and a bowl of bone soup.

The food was all steaming, and the fragrance was wandering in the room. Hu Junyuan was hungry to recite it. When he smelled the taste, his stomach would turn over.

"Would you like to have some?" Chen sushang asked him.

Hu Junyuan nods hard and swallows.

Chen sushang said coldly, "do you want to eat when you are bad? You can bear it! " She eats and drinks in front of Hu Junyuan.

Hu Junyuan was so angry with her that he had no choice but to say, "you are a very cruel woman."

"You provoked first. You deserve to be cheap. " Chen Su business road. She finished a bowl of rice very comfortably, and there were many dishes left. She took them out and put them at the door again. "I'm starving to death. I can't walk tomorrow!" he said "

being unable to walk makes my master carry you." Chen sushang was unmoved. "You'll give me something honest today."

Hu Junyuan's initial strategy was right. He shouldn't play with such a moth. The taste of being hungry is not good for anyone, even a warlock who doesn't care much about his appetite. When Su Shang was full, he saw that the man who pretended to be a boy couldn't wake up. Hu Junyuan's rope was tied tightly, so he lay down on the couch and dozed off.

Marlowe, like her master, was tired all the way. She will go to Hu's house in the next day. She doesn't know what danger she will encounter. She can only save her physical strength. She fell asleep, but her spirit seemed to be drifting, and she slowly came to a very hidden cave.

Through the dark cave, she saw a door.

The door didn't lock at the moment. Chen sushang passed through, and there was a very high building in front of him.

The building was almost up to the sky. She was a little afraid and hurried on.

Ran to the front, the vision gradually widened. It turns out that the former high-rise building is a high platform with steps that can be built step by step.

Every step is very high, and Chen Su Shang has a hard time climbing. She is still climbing. Climb up to the top, she felt familiar this time, because she had dreamed before. This is the altar.

In the center of the altar, there are black offerings, which look like the outline of children.

Chen Su Shang knew that he would open his eyes. His eyes were red, so he didn't feel afraid.

But this time, the sacrifice didn't open its eyes, but tears came out of its tightly closed eyes.

Chen sushang was puzzled and suddenly woke up. Hu

Jun yuan was so hungry that he fell asleep. Chen

when Su Shang saw him like this, he couldn't bear to push the door out. When it was just seven o'clock in the evening, when the restaurant in the inn was full of people, Chen sushang only wanted a bowl of noodles and added several pieces of big meat and poached eggs. When she entered the door at one end, Hu Junyuan woke up. Su Shang pulled the chair and sat in front of him: "eat a little, don't starve you to death."

She refused to let him go, for fear that he would make trouble, so she had to feed him one mouthful. Hu

Jun yuan is not polite either. He eats like a wolf and is a little embarrassed.

At last, he drank all the soup.

When he had enough to eat and drink, and had leisure, he said to Chen sushang, "you are too soft hearted to do great things." "

I don't need to do anything important."

"Yes, you are a woman." Hu Junyuan said. Chen smiled and took out his pad to wipe his mouth: "even if I am not a woman, I don't need to do something important. When the hero comes back, he needs to have a broad road to walk and passers-by to cheer and sing. What's wrong with standing in the crowd, paving the road and welcoming the hero? "

"A woman's opinion." Hu Junyuan said, "everyone wants to be a hero. It's a man's mind. You women can't make a big deal. "

"Yes, you are very promising. Are you going to faint from hunger?" Chen sushang retorted.

Hu Junyuan didn't continue to quarrel with her for the sake of that bowl of noodles. "

What about Mr. Yan?" Hu Junyuan suddenly said, "if he was just a passer-by who welcomed the hero, would you still love him?"

"In the eyes of our magicians, he is the passer-by who welcomes us. I love him. It has nothing to do with his ability. I only care about his character. " Chen sushang said.

Hu Junyuan sneers again. He sneered on his face, but he was a little sad in his heart. He suddenly thought of Hua Yuan.

Hua Yuan insults him too much, but at this time, the first person in his mind is still her. When he was a child, he wanted to pay more attention and send their children to sacrifice, but he didn't want to kill the kite. He can have more children in the future, so there is no need to go crazy for a child like Hu Lingsheng and his wife.

If he only wants to be a passer-by, then... Maybe in the years after he was ten years old, he would not deliberately humiliate Hua Yuan. All he got today are the results of his planting.

"I want to have a look at the sacrifice." Hu Junyuan said suddenly. Chen

Su Shang was surprised: "haven't you seen the sacrifice of Hu family?" Hu

Jun yuan shook his head: "we are not qualified. Only the eldest son and grandson can go to the altar." Chen's mind moved.

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