Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1863 Mr. Ning's jade plate

Chen Su Shang dreamed of Hu's sacrifice several times.

She thought she had seen it when she was a child. Now, maybe it's all her fantasy?

Why is her fantasy sacrifice like that?

She had a chat with Hu Junyuan for a while, but she was a little tired again. She wanted to sleep again.

Just about to put down the bowl and go to sleep, the door was knocked. Her master's careless voice came from outside the door: "Ali, open the door."

Chen sushang opened the door.

The Taoist priest changed a strange robe. Chen sushang looked at it carefully. It was a Taoist robe. His hair has grown a little too, and he has tied it into a small crown. He can't live without a wooden hairpin. He's really like a Taoist.

Although the whole country was liberated and opposed to feudal superstition, this generation of Guangxi is located in a remote area. At present, the government still respects local culture and does not prohibit such monks and Taoists.

"Do you want to be a Taoist again when you put your hair on?" Asked Chen sushang.

The Taoist priest of Changqing closed the door at will and gave her a white look: "what Taoist do you want to be?"

He sat down in Chen's room.

Chen Su Shang's superior guest room has a top room. Although it is only covered by a screen, it can cover one or two.

The Taoist priest and his apprentice are talking between the ends.

His voice is very light.

"I'll have a look at the magic weapon Mr. Ning gave you." The Taoist priest said.

Chen sushang took it out.

Mr. Ning gave three kinds: one jade pendant and two copper coins.

The jade pendant is the best warm jade with warm tentacles. It's very precious. Two copper coins are a little rusty and worthless.

The Taoist priest picked up the jade pendant and knocked it on the windowsill. The jade pendant immediately broke into two parts.

Chen sushang couldn't help saying "ah".

"The secret is in the jade plate. It's Mr. Ning's skill." Dao Chang Dao.

The jade plate is broken. There is a pattern in it.

The design is very small. It needs a magnifying glass to see it. The Taoist priest came in prepared, took out the magnifying glass, looked at it hard, and then said to Chen Su, "go, get some soil under the eaves for me."

When a magician draws a charm, he needs to use special cinnabar and yellow paper. Without these, he can't Scribble. If there is no bearing, it is likely to damage the local vein.

At this time, loess can also be used as yellow paper temporarily.

Chen sushang hurried out.

She came back with a package of small handkerchief. She did not need the Taoist priest's order. She laid it out on the table.

Taoist priest looked at the jade pendant and drew it at the same time. Finally, he drew the whole picture inside the jade pendant.

In an almost inaudible voice, he said to Chen sushang, "this is what Mr. Ning is going to give you. We are going to the Hu family this time. We are looking for the mountains of the Hu family... "

Chen sushang: "what can I do with it?"

"In order to maintain the stability of the family, the Hu family made a mountain array beside the mountains. The weapon that kept in the eye of the matrix lasted for thousands of years and absorbed the essence of the mountain. With it, use the power of its mountains, and cast spells in turn, you can break the curse of heaven. " The Taoist priest said.

Chen sushang's whole body is in good shape.

She got closer: "I never knew about it. Really, you didn't lie to me? "

The Taoist priest knocked on her forehead.

“…… This is the array of looking for mountains. Remember the picture. Then you will go to the altar of the Hu family. You put the sacrifice in the middle of the array, use it to affect the array, and then use your blood Although I don't know what's wrong with your blood, it must be useful. " The Taoist priest continued.

Chen sushang is not against it, but

"Master, let's break into the Hu family and do such a big thing? It's not as simple as saving Xia Nanlin. " She was a little worried. "Hu family is a warlock's nest. Aren't we going to die?"

"Have a strategy." The Taoist said, "so, tomorrow is not for us to go to the Hu family, but for you to go to the Hu family."

Chen sushang: "..."

I knew that Shifu was never reliable.

"When you find the eye of the mountain array, I'll dig out the magic tools. The Hu family is completely confused. Where can we care? At that time, we will take advantage of the chaos to rescue Xia Nanlin. " The Taoist priest said.

Taoist priest downplayed and said every word simply: we are like this, we are like that, but every step is very difficult.

For example, how can Chen Su Shang go to the Hu family and find the altar? I found it. How can I get up there? Even if you can go up, do you have time to draw a charm?

If she succeeds in all of these, then it is even more difficult: how can master get there after finding the position of the mountain? How can master dig out the magic tools before the Hu family?

Chen sushang always feels that her master has something else to offer.

If this is true, why didn't yuan Xueyao come? The curse of heaven not only makes them not lucky, but also slowly devours their brains.

In the long run, they may not remember Chen Su Shang. They will not remember any spells, just like ordinary people.

Yuan Xueyao should be in a hurry. After all, Tianzhu doesn't have so much time for them.

Why didn't he come?

“…… Since you know that, why don't you let yuan Xueyao go with you? " Asked Chen sushang.

The Taoist priest despised her again: "didn't I just know from the jade pendant? Mr Ning always pretends to be profound and will not tell me these things directly. "

"Shall we wait for yuan Xueyao?"

"Are you stupid? Mr. Ning asked you to come. That's the right time. The harder things are, the more important the timing is. This time is our chance. Maybe we can do something difficult? " The Taoist priest said.

"I don't know why. I don't believe you very much."

The Taoist priest was not happy: "I think you are fighting! Come on, here you are, and see for yourself. "

Chen sushang didn't see it for himself.

He said he didn't believe the Taoist priest, but he didn't offend Shifu face to face.

The Taoist priest finished the matter, shook his hand and went back to the room to mend his sleep. He didn't think that there was anything wrong with the two men in his female apprentice's room.

Chen Su Shang sighed, swept away the Loess himself, and was ready to go to bed.

She is still sleeping on the cot.

Before going to bed, she poured some Rune paper water into Hu Junyuan and the unconscious person, which was steadfast and allowed her to go to sleep.

She slept soundly all night. Maybe it's too tired, or maybe it's that I finally have a little light in my heart and know where the future is.

Before dawn the next day, the Taoist priest came.

Hu Junyuan and another person are still awake. This time, the rune paper water can make them comatose for several days.

Chen sushang goes out with the Taoist priest.

They took a carriage and walked for more than two hours before they got to the place.

In the midsummer, there is a mist here. There is a forest in the distance. It's foggy where there are trees. Nothing unusual.

The deeper you go, the heavier the fog.

Chen sushang looked at it and thought something was wrong here. He planned to take out a compass.

The Taoist priest despised her: "you don't need to take a compass. There is a array here. People who enter will" beat the wall with ghosts "and turn it out by themselves. Ordinary people can't get into this forest at all. Behind this forest is the gathering place of Hu family. "

Finally found here!

Chen sushang's whole spirit is tense.

"Shall we go?" Asked Chen sushang.

The Taoist said, "you go first. I won't go for the time being. Stay here and wait. "

When Chen sushang arrived, he began to think that her master was making fun of her.

However, she knew that Shifu would not harm her, so she nodded, "OK, I'll go first."

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