Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1867 exchange of hostages

The Taoist priest led Hua Yuan and Yan Kai to the guest room.

He also briefly talked about Chen Su Shang.

"Did you let her go alone?" Hearing this, Yan Kai suddenly stood up.

The Taoist priest glanced at him and said, "sit down."

There is an angry fire in Yan Kai's heart, which is about to burn him.

He took several deep breaths.

The Taoist priest said to him slowly: "if you want to go to the altar of the Hu family, you need one in ten thousand opportunities and be careful. Two people will only increase the risk of exposure.

A Li lived in the Hu family when she was a child. She even said that she dreamed of many things in the Hu family, which was her childhood memory. She alone, more nervous, perhaps memory will come out

Yan Kai still can't sit.

His relationship with Chen sushang has just begun. He has been planning how to live with her in the future. How can he run aground before he starts?

"Taoist priest, what shall we do now?" Yan Kai asked, "what can I do to save Ali?"

"I'm a bit embarrassed that you didn't come. I wish you had." "Who would have thought that I really need your help?" Chang Qingdao said with a smile

Hua Yuan and Yan Kai: "...

there is no ambiguity in Taoist priest's words. He just despises people.

Hua Yuan was secretly happy, thinking that this time she didn't make trouble and did the right thing.

"How can I help?" Hua Yuan asked long.

The Taoist priest pointed to two big boxes.

Hua Yuan and Yan Kai opened them respectively, and then saw Hu Junyuan and another man.

"His name is Hu Zheng, which is the side branch of the Hu family. His position is lower than that of the master and higher than that of the servant." Hua Yuan knows another person.

"That's good." The Taoist priest said, "it's good to have a little identity, better than nobody. Wait a moment, we will go to Hu's house directly. Hua Yuan, you are escorting Hu Zheng, Yan Kai is escorting Hu Junyuan. We exchange the hostages for Ali and Mr. Xia. "

Yan Kai and Hua Yuan are stunned.

Can I exchange it?

Since I can, why didn't the Taoist priest say it sooner or later and let Chen sushang take risks?

Is this man reliable or not?


"I know what you want to say." The Taoist priest interrupted him, "if it had been, the Hu family would never have changed. They were arrogant and didn't take us seriously, let alone their nephews.

But now, the barriers around their home have been broken, and the secular world is hitting the Hu family. The warlock has the ability again, can beat the airplane cannon? If they could rebuild that barrier, they would have built it long ago and would not allow outsiders to watch for so long.

Therefore, they are in a state of panic and unstable hearts. If the family does not protect its own people, it will make more people uneasy. What's more, it's a good helper for the Hu family. "

Hua Yuan and Yan Kai understand.


They have found a good time to do it and are likely to succeed now.

"... and they want to kick all the outsiders out." The Taoist priest said, "now is a good opportunity. Of course, you can't change it at will. You need someone with ability.

I have magic, but I don't have a gun, and one person can't control two people. You two, one with a knife and one with a gun, should firmly control the hostages in your hands. "

The hostages in their hands can be exchanged for their lovers.

Yan Kai and Hua Yuan nodded heavily.

The Taoist priest was glad to take the two of them out of the Inn and went to the Hu family.

The outskirts of the Hu family are still crowded with people.

Many people are particularly curious. They want to rush forward and squeeze past.

But the Hu family, it seems that they don't want to have a conflict with outsiders without the barrier of skills. I'm afraid that they will provoke the local people and rush to the Hu family.

The Hu family really knows the art, only the lineage. There are too few people to deal with the huge outsiders and the armed forces.

"Hello, boy, do you know him?" The Taoist priest pushed to the front and pointed to Hu Junyuan in Yan Kai's hand.

Hu Junyuan woke up with a white face, both affected by the charm and embarrassed.

He became a prisoner and lost the face of the Hu family.

"Second young master..." the person opposite really recognized Hu Junyuan. He was pointed at his head with a gun, angry and frightened.

Hu Junyuan's voice was weak: "go to tell the patriarch that I'm back. I don't want to die. Do what they say. "

The man hurried up the mountain.

Half an hour later, someone came down the mountain. The leader is a middle-aged man who is well-dressed. He looks at Hu Junyuan angrily and scolds him.

It's useless to say that he left home without permission and made himself so embarrassed.

"I have told you many times that the Hu family will never ask for any more people who have run away. You must go to find them." The middle-aged man was furious.

"I'm wrong, father." Hu Junyuan whispered.

The man looked at the kite again, and the resentment was deeper: "you didn't catch this little bitch, but became her prisoner? You still have the face to come back? "

The people next to him persuaded him, "don't be angry, eldest brother, save the second brother first."

The Taoist priest smiled and said nothing, waiting for Hu Jia to finish the play first.

Until Hu Junyuan's father looked at the Taoist priest, the Taoist priest said, "the girl you caught the day before yesterday is Xia Nanlin."

The people on the opposite side began to talk in a low voice.

The middle-aged man glances at this side from time to time.

The onlookers crowded over, but they didn't dare to get close, because the Taoist priest would make people feel uncomfortable, and Yan Kai had a gun in his hand.

"Let's exchange Xia Nanlin for Hu Junyuan, and we won't exchange the other one." Finally, the Hu family gave the result.

Then the middle-aged man looked at Hua Yuan and said, "Hua Yuan, do you agree?"

The eyes of the kite turned red in a flash.

It was the master who killed her parents. He sacrificed Hua Yuan's family for the sacrifice of the bullshit Hu family.

"Hand in Xia Nanlin and Miss Chen together. Or I'll kill your son first. " Hua Yuan said viciously.

The middle-aged man looked at her contemptuously: "my son has many. You can think about it. If you think about it, you can say it directly. There is no need to talk about the terms. "

"We don't think about it!" Hua Yuan said in a loud voice, "Mr. Yan, first break Hu Junyuan's leg."

Yan Kai's muzzle, slightly down.

The onlookers even took a few steps back.

Hu's children are also nervous.

At present, Hu's family is suffering from internal and external troubles, and holding on to a Chen Su business can not play any role at all.

The array of the woman destroyed the sacrifice of the Hu family. In addition to the right children, Hu family sacrifice also needs to add various things.

Now the child, who has been dead for a long time, is meaningless to the Hu family.

And the place where the woman drew the array is exactly the place of the array of Hujia mountain.

She ruined the mountains of the Hu family.

If it wasn't for the Hu family to go up in time, the array protector would have been almost robbed by the woman.

They caught her, but they couldn't use her to make sacrifices, and they couldn't use her to find the mountains again, so it's useless to keep her, except to kill her.

But this one, his own child, must not die in front of the public.

"Wait a minute!" On the other side of the Hu family, a man with a long beard said, "Hua Yuan, don't get excited. Let's go and ask the patriarch for instructions. You can wait another two hours. "

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