Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1868 the deceived Chen sushang

Yan Kai strangled Hu Junyuan to prevent him from making small moves.

Hua Yuan didn't dare to be careless, for fear that Hu Zheng would run away and lose a chip.

Compared with them, the Taoist priest is relaxed and comfortable, chatting with the people around him and talking about the Hu family gossip.

Although we are not close to him, we can talk far away. Because of his strange eyes and hair, more people are curious.

“…… My apprentice was caught by them. She just broke into the Hu's house by mistake and was about to be arrested. Where is the reason? " The Taoist priest sighed.

The villagers were indignant: "go to the Public Security Bureau. The old public security will help you. This is bullying the people. The government will not allow it. Now it is liberated. "

"Yes, the Hu family pretend to play tricks on the gods. They should all be arrested."

The crowd was furious and furious.

The mood of the onlookers was raised by the Taoist priest, as if the Hu family had killed their wives and children and taken their fields.

Hu family's people who are defending with weapons are shocked. If so many people rush over together, they will definitely disturb the government if they see blood.

The Hu family didn't think that their mountains would be broken. They thought highly of themselves. No one could enter the Hu family's territory. They also didn't think of dealing well with the new government.

The government will not be partial to them.

"If they don't let people go for two hours, they'll have to do us a favor and report the case." The Taoist smiled.

In such a short time, the Taoist priest has made the situation more favorable to himself.

Yan Kai and Hua Yuan thought of the word "despicable" at the same time, but the Taoist priest is his own person, so he changed his view - wisdom.

Two hours later, people came to the Hu family.

Hua Yuan saw Chen sushang and Xia Nanlin from afar, almost in tears, but her hands were tighter for fear of mistakes.

Under the protection of Yan Kai's pistol, the process of changing people went smoothly.

Chen sushang was pushed over.

The Taoist priest caught her.

"Why are you a beggar? This smell is bad! " The Taoist priest dislikes the East and the West.

Chen sushang was covered with soil. When he was on the altar, he was sweating all over again. Later, he was locked up. He was hungry for two days. The wound on his hand was faintly purulent. People also had a fever.

She didn't have the strength to speak. She looked at master's eyebrows and hair. She wanted to ask something, but she didn't have the strength. She fainted in master's arms.

Yan Kai immediately released Hu Junyuan and ran to catch Chen sushang: "a li?"

The Taoist priest took Chen sushang's hand: "it's OK, she's unconscious. After being caught, she certainly did not dare to relax her vigilance. She never closed her eyes or ate anything. "

Yan Kai was so worried: "can you still feel the pulse? Look again. Are there any other questions? "

"I won't. I'll make you feel at ease." The Taoist priest said.

Yan Kai: "..."

Over there, the situation of Xia Nanlin is not so good. He is so thin that his cheeks are sunken. He must not have been like this before.

He suffered a lot in Hu's family, but he was also unstable.

The Taoist priest helped to hold him.

Several people quickly set up the carriage, did not stop for a moment, and went out directly, intending to go to Nanning for rest first. Hu's family is so worried about finding them now.

The Taoist priest drives the car himself.

There is something to eat on the carriage. Xia Nanlin is devouring it. He has no time to talk with Hua Yuan.

Hua Yuan wept with pain.

But Yan Kai, holding Chen sushang and sticking her face on her cheek, almost cried.

"She'll be fine." Hua Yuan comforts him.

Yan Kai just nodded.

Xia Nanlin is full, and finally he can talk. He asked Hua Yuan who these people were, and Hua Yuan told him one by one.

Knowing that it's his benefactor, Xia Nanlin said a lot of gratitude.

“…… Tingting, their family is really weird. You don't want to revenge, do you know? You can't fight them. " Xia Nanlin hugs the kite.

He was embarrassed at first, but seeing Yan Kai holding Chen sushang, he also had a little courage.

Pavilion is the pseudonym of Huayuan in Tianjin.

Later, she told him everything, including her relationship with Hu Junyuan. But Xia Nanlin can't change her words. She is still called Tingting.

"I know, I know." The kite is a little absent-minded.

She thought it was a good opportunity.


She really wanted to go back to revenge. At least she killed the master. But she has already let Chen sushang take risks. She can no longer ask others to take risks to kill people.

Hua Yuan nestles up to Xia Nanlin, but there is no peace in her mind.

Hu's family is in a mess. You can fish in troubled waters.

If only she had more ability.

Two hours later, they arrived in the city.

The carriage went straight to the door of the hospital.

After getting out of the car, Yan Kai took Chen sushang in and said to them, "first find a place to settle down, and then come back to pick us up."

The Taoist priest is not sure about his apprentice, Hua Yuan is not sure about Chen sushang, so he has to go in with him.

According to the doctor's preliminary diagnosis, Chen Su Shang may be hungry and dizzy, so he needs to deliver water first.

Chen Su Shang woke up before half an hour of water delivery.

She still had some trouble talking, but she tried hard to pull her master's hand: "you lied to me You lied to me... "

Yan Kai and others don't know why.

The Taoist priest smiled: "haven't I cheated you? Stupid apprentice, every time, you deserve to be cheated. "

Yan Kai is dissatisfied with the Taoist priest, who immediately stares back. Yan Kai did not dare to offend him. He was afraid that he would add another foot to his marriage with ALI, so he had to swallow his anger and move his eyes away. He was defeated.

But Chen Su Shang said, tears rolled down.

"You..." she cried

The Taoist priest immediately hugged her: "good Ali, your master will live to be 100 years old. Look how nice I am now! Don't cry, don't you want to take milk? Can I use my fingers to order some milk for you? I coaxed you so well when you were little. "

Chen Su Shang couldn't help but burst into tears and smile: "you are so angry with me! You calculated me, you lied to me! "

Xia Nanlin pulls the kite.

He is more sophisticated, and can see that Chen sushang is not blaming the Taoist priest, but blaming himself.

Maybe they have something to say, Hua Yuan and Xia Nanlin are not suitable.

So they went out first.

As soon as they left, Yan kaicai asked Chen sushang, "Ali, what's the matter with the Taoist priest?"

"He lied to me that Mr. Ning's array was to destroy the mountains. He asked him to find a magic weapon to protect the mountains and use it to solve the curse.

However, it's true that the array needs the sacrifice of Hu family to urge it, and it's true to destroy the mountains. But there's another advantage, that is, it can dispel the heaven curse that urges the array legal person. " Chen Su Shang said that, he couldn't help crying again.

Yan Kai felt a sudden joy, but he felt that Chen sushang was not crying with joy, but sad.

Look at the Taoist priest again. His hair and eyebrows suddenly turn white.

“…… I put the curse on two other people. " Chen Su Shang choked and said, "you have not only calculated me, but also yuan Xueyao."

The Taoist priest tut said: "if I really calculate on him, we will arrange the battle together. Then the curse will turn to him alone, and he will die now. If he doesn't appreciate me and dares to talk, I'll beat him face to face! "

Yan Kai: "..."

The Taoist priest really explained what it means to be naughty and unreasonable.

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