Chen sushang can understand Hua Yuan's mood.

How can I feel at ease in this life if I am a child and do not avenge my parents?

In the past, I wanted to escape and live, and my whole life I was not able to cope with them. I didn't dare to hope that I could shake the tree.

But now, the slim opportunity is in front of us. If we don't seize it, will we regret for life?

However, she overestimated Chen Su Shang.

"Hua Yuan, I'll tell you the truth, my skill is only half a bucket of water. Let alone kill the big master of the Hu family. Even if Hu Junyuan is not calculated by us first, I can't even deal with him. " Chen sushang said truthfully.

Hua Yuan's disappointment is hard to hide.

She looked at Chen sushang, like a helpless child, with dim eyes.

"What did you think before?" Chen sushang asked her.

"I used to think, let their plan fail, I want to live well, they can't find me." Flower kite road.

"Then follow the plan." At least, that's what you can do. Later, I asked my master to arrange for you and Xia Nanlin to go first. Take advantage of the Hu family chaos, you two hide first. "

The kite is still unwilling.

Her eyes, erratic.

Chen Su Shang clenched her hand: "your parents must want you to live."

"I know..."

"then live well." Chen Su said, "there will be opportunities in the future. How do you know what the world will be like in the future?"

Hua Yuan nods hard.

They also went to buy some clothes to change, and then returned to the hotel.

Xia Nanlin and Yan Kai are back.

Chen sushang took them all to master's room and asked her master to find a way to arrange a place.

Master knows a lot, knows a lot of people, and has friends all over the world.

"There is no war at home. It's the same everywhere. However, if you stay here, it's easy to be found by the Hu family. It's better to go to Nanyang. " The Taoist priest said.

Yan Kai said, "yes, I'm going home, too. Come with me. If you don't feel at ease, you can go to Manila with me. I have factories and houses over there. I can settle you two. "

Xia Nanlin looks at the kite.

"Tingting, what do you think?" He asked Hua Yuan.

What he wants is a simple life after victory.

Now that he has won, his great cause has been completed, though he is only an unknown hero. But how many of his comrades died in the war of resistance. When he joined the army at the age of 13 and joined the revolution, he never thought he would survive.

Now, he has earned it.

He wants to find a remote place with his beloved girl, so that the enemy can't find them, and live a little poor life, easy and simple, it's OK.

"Manila's politics are bad and the environment is not very good, but my factory has political protection and is absolutely safe." Yan Kai added, "many of the workers over there are from my family.

The house doesn't say much, at least it can accommodate you. If you are at ease, go to Singapore. It's a great day to be in Singapore. "

Xia Nanlin goes to see the kite again.

Hua Yuan bit her lip, and now she can't say anything more: "then go to Nanyang. Mr. Yan, we will give you trouble. "

"No trouble, please." Yan Kai Dao.

Later, at lunch, Hua Yuan went to the bathroom. Chen sushang took the opportunity to say to Xia Nanlin, "Mr. Xia, you can enlighten her again. She has other ideas to let her stop thinking."

Xia Nanlin looked at the direction of the eye rest room: "I see. Thank you for reminding me."

He can see that kite is not willing.

It's impossible for anyone to be too willing. After all, it's a big revenge for killing his father and his mother.

After dinner, the Taoist priest called Yan Kai and Chen sushang.

He said to Yan Kai, "four of you, leave tomorrow. Mr. Ning has said that Hua Yuan has something to do with him. You will be grateful to protect her. "

Chen sushang was silent.

Yan Kai looked at the Taoist priest and Chen sushang: "Taoist priest, won't you go?"

"I have something else to do." The Taoist said, "I'm going to find yuan Xueyao. We'll discuss how to deal with the curse. You are all normal people. Don't be with me every day. It's not good for you. "

Chen sushang bit his lower lip hard.

Seeing this, Yan Kai knew her mind and said for her: "Taoist, we can't go unless you are safe. You're not going to settle down, Ali. "

"Don't be coquettish. What a big man." The Taoist priest said.

Chen Su Shang stood up and forced him to ask, "is this a tantrum? I won't go. "

Taoist priest evergreen raised his face and looked at his little apprentice, thinking that the child was going to turn over the world.

It's really three days without a fight.

"I'll let you go. There are other considerations. Yuan Xueyao is coming soon. When he sees you and Yan Kai, he is even more unhappy. You know, he's still thinking about you. " The Taoist priest said.

Chen sushang was about to lose his temper. "I won't leave."

When they were arguing here, a woman came to the hotel lobby.

The women are wearing beautiful Miao costumes and Miao hair ornaments on their heads.

Look at her clothes and clothes. They are the elders of the Miao family.

The people at the hotel were very polite to her: "would you like to stay?"

The woman thought, "one room."

"You have no luggage?"

"Just rest." Women's road.

The hotel opened a room and led her up to the second floor.

After the woman entered the room, she closed the door. When the boy left, he heard the sound of some utensils in the room, but the woman didn't bring anything.

She stayed in the room for more than an hour and walked out.

She sprinkled the fine powder along the door of each room.

Her steps are very light and her movements are very fast. Those silver ornaments of Miao family should be tinkling, but they are all quiet at the moment.

After walking on the first floor, she went up to the third floor.

She went to the second room on the third floor, stopped a little, and her face was a little happy.

Suddenly someone attacked her from behind.

The woman looked back and saw the visitor. She was a little sullen on her face, but she was bound by the man and led down the second floor.

"Let go." Her voice is not high.

Hu Junyuan released his hand and looked like a sharp arrow: "Ruhuai, what do you do?"

"What to do?" Such as Huai sneer, "that woman used me at the beginning, just escape from Hu family. For so many years, you have been using this excuse to say that I have violated the Hu family's taboo and refused to marry me. "

Hu Junyuan's back was a little tight, and his face was even darker: "so?"

"Of course, I want to kill her and avenge myself." If you dare to block my way, I will kill you

Hu Junyuan looked at her and said, "then try."

They seem to be fighting in the hallway.

Just then a young man came over and saw Ruhuai: "Dear guest, are you ok? Is someone bothering you? "

This young man was just sent to Ruhuai. He knows her.

Ruhuai didn't want to make a fuss and smiled: "it's OK, it's my fiance." Then she took Hu Junyuan by the arm and took him back to her room.

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