Chen sushang was so angry with the Taoist priest that he turned and walked out of the hotel.

Yan Kai catches up with her.

When the sun came out, the street was very hot. Chen sushang was sweating for a moment. He looked back and saw Yan Kai. He was also sweating and following her.

She sighed, just in front of a canopy: "so thirsty, go and have some tea."

Yan Kai said yes.

There are several people sitting around in the awning. Besides herbal tea, there are watermelons.

Yan Kai asked her, "do you eat watermelon?"

The watermelon is ripe, the pulp is very red, soaked in the well water, it makes people appetite.

Chen sushang nodded.

Yan Kai asked for half a watermelon. He ate it with Chen sushang and listened to people chatting with him.

Chen sushang took a few mouthfuls of cold watermelon, and the anger in his heart was suppressed, so he spoke slowly with Yan Kai.

“…… I can't go. " She said to Yan Kai, "master is for me."

"I know. I didn't mean to persuade you to go." However, I will stay with you. Last time, I helped, didn't I? "

Chen sushang then said, "go back first, send the kite and Xia Nanlin away first. Wait for me in Singapore. If I really want to die, you can only watch me... "

Yan Kai suddenly reached out and held her hand.

Chen Su Shang smiled at him, trying to appease him: "I'll talk about it."

"Don't say that." Yan Kai looked serious. "You can't do anything to look at your adventure. You think I accepted it, but my heart is still very painful. Which man doesn't want to protect his beloved from wind and rain? "

Chen sushang was shocked for a moment.

She really takes Yan Kai's magnanimity as a habit.

Chen sushang is too tired recently. His heart is haggard. He can't speak without thinking.

She returned to hold Yan Kai's hand: "I'm sorry, I said wrong."

Yan Kai is not angry. He just doesn't like her saying discouraged words.

Chen sushang thought about it, and said, "there is a kind of life that I want, but I don't have. You give it to me, and you are my hero."

Yan Kai smiled: "your apology is sincere, I feel it."

"I mean it." Chen Su said, "I also talked to Hu Junyuan about this problem..."

Her voice stopped abruptly because she saw Hu Junyuan and a Miao girl.

Chen Su Shang hurriedly grabbed Yan Kai and hid in the alley behind the awning.

Yan Kai also saw it.

He followed Chen sushang in silence, and they crept in.

At the corner, they saw Hu Junyuan and Miao NV go there.

Chen sushang thought for a moment and waved to Yan Kai: "follow up?"

Yan Kai takes the gun out and loads it, then shrinks it into his sleeve. He moves forward first and signals Chen Su Shang to keep up.

They saw Hu Junyuan and Miao NV turn to a secluded place.

Yan Kai thought about it. If she went around from the back, she would be able to go around the back wall of the alley there and eavesdrop from there. It's more difficult to be found.

He pulled Chen Su Shang.

Two people have a very tacit understanding. When he pulls, Chen sushang knows what he wants and follows him around.

The two of them peeped out from the end of the alley. Behind them were farmland. There was no door at the end of the alley.

Soon, Hu Junyuan and Miao NV came out to the ridge.

Yan Kai and Chen Su Shang quickly retracted their heads and squatted down.

Hu Junyuan's quarrel with Miao Nu is getting louder and louder.

“…… She was chosen by the Hu family. Can the Hu family spare you when you kill her? " Hu Junyuan is in a hurry.

Ruhuai sneers: "without her, you Hu family won't have to marry a daughter-in-law? It's all excuses. Hu Junyuan, you are the least thing. "

Chen sushang listened more carefully.

Yan Kai also raised his ears.

Only to hear the Miao girl continue to scold: "you take a small fancy to the beauty of the humble servant girl, but you have no courage to admit that you have made me a cover for several years. Don't think I don't understand the tricks you played when you were a kid? "

"What trick?"

"You are so kind to me in front of others that everyone thinks you admire me. But in private, don't think I don't remember your face. Did you give me a good face? Have you cared for me half a minute? " Miao's voice is higher.

Chen sushang looks at Yan Kai.

Yan Kai said to her in silence, "despicable."

Chen Su Shang smiled, his eyes bent.

Miao Nu and Hu Junyuan continue to quarrel.

When Huai was young, he saw all the boys, who were not as handsome as Hu Junyuan, and adored him.

She doesn't know boys very well either.

Hu Junyuan is uncertain. She doesn't understand. He is always very warm in front of outsiders, thinking of her for everything, but in private, his indifferent look can not be ignored.

If Huai thinks he hates himself, but people say that Hu Junyuan is in love with her, even her aunt.

She didn't know very well. Until Hua Yuan and Hu Junyuan got married, Hu Junyuan finally put away all his disguises. He was indifferent to Ruhuai both before and after people.

He suddenly turned his face, as if it was a good play, and finally it came to the end.

At that time, it was speculated that what Hu Junyuan really liked was the humble kite.

She didn't like it, but her aunt said that Hua Yuan couldn't live long. This is the Hu family's secret. Outsiders can't ask about it or let her make trouble for Hua Yuan.

Who knows, Hua Yuan actually used her to run away from Hu's house.

My aunt was so angry that she said a few wrong words in a hurry, but she was understood by Ruhuai.

At that time, Ruhuai thought that Hu Junyuan still liked her. He just for the family's benefit, perfunctory flower kite, also make a appearance for outsiders.

So after Hua Yuan left, she went to get close to Hu Junyuan.

Hu Junyuan is probably to show that Hua Yuan has run away. He is not a loser. He also has Ruhuai and is a little enthusiastic about Ruhuai in front of others.

This enthusiasm of him has exhausted his youth for more than four years.

Now, Ruhuai finally understood.

"You are a man of no virtue, no mercy and cowardice. Use women and lie everywhere. " Ruhuai said that, suddenly, he slapped Hu Junyuan in the face.

Hu Junyuan was blindfolded by her.

"Go away, I will kill that kite today. If you stop, you'll die with her. You think I dare not kill you? I don't dare to fight against the Hu family, but I have to speak out. " Ruhuai said again, "when you see her die, you will never feel at ease in your whole life."

When Yan Kai heard this, he silently said to Chen Su, "cruel."

Chen Su Shang smiled silently again.

She made a sign to Yan Kai to stop talking.

Hu Junyuan was obviously blocked by Huayuan and lost his temper. His breathing was not smooth. He said for a long time: "you also saw the new man, the man with white hair. His technique is even better than that of you and me. Are you going to die? "

"He's not with Huayuan." If Huai disdains, turn around and go back.

Hu Junyuan once again pulled her: "be careful. The Hu family is in a mess. If something happens to you, no one will get you. You can't be too rash in dealing with warlocks. "

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