Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1881 wedding rings

Chen sushang asked Yan Kai the question.

He was stupefied: "is there anything particular about it?"

"In the past, the custom of Nanjing was that second marriage could not be carried out wantonly." Chen Su Shang said with a smile, "besides, your family..."

Marriage and divorce, and then marriage, for ordinary people, but also down to the truth.

What's more, the Yan family?

Can the people of the Yan family accept Chen sushang's back and forth?

After all, parents face many secular problems.

"It doesn't matter. We're not in Nanjing." Yan Kai said, "I will explain to my family. It was my fault that led to the divorce. They won't blame you. "

Chen sushang is a little ashamed.

The real divorce was actually her fault.

Her master didn't know the solution of the curse, and thought that there was no hope to get along with others in this life.

She was desperate at the time.

Until I met Mr. Ning.

Mr. Ning didn't say that he could save her. He only pointed out a way for her to follow.

She saved Hua Yuan, who happened to destroy the mountain protection array of Hu's family. Hua Yuan also stole the array protection weapon of Hu's family smoothly.

She didn't expect them to leave so smoothly.

In Guangxi, Chen sushang and others lived in a different environment, with sincere and natural feelings between people. But back in Singapore, feelings will return to reality.

Chen sushang didn't know what the people of Yan family would think. She got divorced at the beginning, but it hurt Yan Family's face and Yan Kai's heart.

“…… I'll see my mother first. After a few days, you can choose some gifts for me. I will go to see your grandfather and parents and apologize to them. " Chen sushang said.

Yan Kai nodded, "don't worry, I'm here, they won't let you suffer from grievances."

The night is already deep.

Chen sushang called the hospital, and the person who specially cared for Kang Han told Chen sushang, "my wife has fallen asleep, and you will come back tomorrow morning."

Knowing that the patient's sleep was not easy, she didn't disturb immediately.

Aunt, I have to wait for tomorrow.

Chen sushang and Yan Kai went to dinner, and they went back to their apartment.

Yan Kai has a lot to deal with.

Telegrams from Manila are already piling up. He called over there and said what he needed to make a decision. Yan Kai asked him to slow down.

It took him more than two hours to get the Manila story straight.

After all, he and Josie have been away for months.

It's more than one o'clock in the morning.

Chen Su Shang closed the door of the guest room and fell asleep peacefully.

Yan Kai still has something to say to her, and he slept hard on the plane. Now he is full of energy.

He called the hotel and put it through to Xia's room.

"Nanlin, I have a subordinate coming from Manila the day after tomorrow. You and Hua Yuan discuss whether to stay in Singapore or go to Manila. Or, if you're not in a hurry, don't leave for a while, and wait for me to come together. " Yan Kai Dao.

Xia Nanlin didn't sleep either. He was talking to Hua Yuan, "let's think about it."

The next day, Yan Kai woke up at six o'clock.

He asked his servants to cook porridge, and went out to buy the cake Chen Su liked to eat as breakfast.

Sure enough, at seven o'clock, Chen sushang woke up.

Seeing the delicious food, she couldn't help smiling: "it's so rich!"

During her time in Guangxi, she couldn't eat well or sleep well.

"It's too hard outside." Yan Kai felt deeply, "when you go home, you have to make up for it."

Chen Su Shang couldn't help laughing.

"Have some breakfast at will. We'll see mother-in-law later. We'll have a big lunch at noon." Yan Kai said, "I know there is a good steak."

"Your name is mother-in-law, so natural?" Chen Su Shang sat at the table, picked up the cake in front of him and dug a spoon.

The milk flavor of the cake is strong and the entrance is soft.

Chen Su Shang sighed comfortably.

"As you said, I will fulfill my husband's obligations." Yan Kai said, "since it's your husband, it's natural to call your mother-in-law."

Chen sushang also thought of this.

She blushed and a bite of cake stuck in her throat.

She took a quick sip of the milk beside her.

When I was in Guangxi, I thought my life was not long. I dared to say anything and do anything.

Now think about it, she's not very reserved.

“…… Don't call it that in person. Wait a few days. " Chen Su business road.

Yan Kai said yes.

After breakfast, they both went to the hospital.

In Kang Han's ward, Chen sushang saw Gu Qingzhou, Si yuzao and Xu Qizhen.

Several people smiled at her.

Chen sushang's eyes were hot.

"I've lost a lot of weight and it's a little dark. Did you suffer outside? " Gu Qingzhou road.

Chen sushang endured the emotion and calmed down as much as possible: "it's just going on the way, sometimes sleeping in the open."

She went to see Xu Qizhen.

If Xu Qizhen blames her, he will not come to see her specially. Chen sushang knows about himself and the Yan family. He doesn't need to talk about anything more. The Xu family is certainly looking forward to her going back.

Chen sushang went to see Kang Han again.

Kang Han's face is quite different from before. Her cheeks were a little plump, and her skin was a little full, and she was a little bloodstained.

Especially her eyes.

There was something in her eyes that always seemed childish.

“…… I can be discharged tomorrow. This time in hospital, I got a little cold. It's nothing serious. " Kang Han holds Chen sushang's hand. "Don't worry about me."

Kang Han was discharged from hospital for some time.

Gu Qingzhou accompanies her every day, and along with her mood, she gradually gets better.

Recently, I was hospitalized because of the care of Gu Qingzhou. I was afraid that her cold would become a serious disease.

"I see you are getting better." Chen Su business road.

Kang Han smiled: "your aunt has been taking care of me. You're back this time. Are you still going? "

Chen sushang is not sure.

"Mom, I will go home even if I go out to do business." Chen Su business road.

Kang Han nodded: "you are right. Your cousins often go out. They come back once a month or two."

Chen sushang took her hand.

The mother and daughter talked for a long time.

Chen sushang asked her if she remembered Hu Lingsheng's wife and son.

Kang Han thought, "I don't remember that much. Since your accident and your father's death, I can't remember many things clearly. "

"It's OK. I don't need to remember. Just remember me. " Chen Su set up a horse road.

Kang Han smiles.

They were talking in the ward inside, and Yan Kai was outside with her aunt and others.

“…… Brother Kai, you did well this time. You can bring Ali back from a long distance. " Siyuzao said.

Yan Kai thought of the danger along the way and sighed.

"What's your intention?" "She's back, do you want to go?" Si yuzao asked again

"No more." Yan Kai said with a smile, and then inadvertently raised his hand.

Si yuzao caught it immediately, took his hand and gave it to his mother and aunt: "brother Kai has brought the ring again. Is this the wedding ring he bought?"

Gu Qingzhou laughs.

Xu Qizhen sighed in secret. On the surface, it was plain: "it was the one at the beginning. What are you doing with it? "

She asked knowingly.

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