Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1882 stirring up a pool of water

Yan Kai touched her nose.

He knew that his mother made fun of him.

If mother doesn't agree with him and Chen sushang, she won't come here specially.

“…… Arie and I, unmarried men and unmarried women, agree with each other and intend to get married. " Yan Kai Dao.

Si yuzao immediately pulled down the stage: "married again? Brother Kay, are you addicted to being a groom? "

Yan Kai: "..."

This unfortunate girl should really break up the relationship.

Gu Qingzhou and Xu Qizhen laugh beside.

Xu Qizhen, in particular, has been worrying about Yan Kai's marriage, and because of the unhappiness before Yan Kai and Chen sushang, she always feels sorry to Jin Shu, Chen sushang's adoptive mother.

Today, Chen Su Shang still wants to be the daughter-in-law of the Yan family, which is naturally a good thing.

Chen sushang's identity is not the same as it used to be. It is also necessary to say that she is a "person in charge of the family".

The Yan Family and the Si family, because these years have been close, business is not involved, almost no contradiction, and the two families have a harmonious relationship. Adding "connecting relatives" is naturally better.

From the point of family interests, it is very beneficial for the Yan family to get married with the Si family.

"Does Ali agree?" Xu Qizhen asked, "don't shave your head and pick a hot one."

"Agreed." Yan Kai said, "she doesn't agree. What do I wear a ring for?"

Xu Qizhen couldn't help laughing.

Chen sushang and his mother, Kang Han, said something for a moment. When they came out and saw everyone talking and laughing, they asked them, "what are you talking about?"

"Brother Kay said he would marry you." Siyuzao said.

Chen sushang is a little uneasy.

She subconsciously went to see Xu Qizhen's face.

Xu Qizhen is a little sad to see in her eyes.

People should be aware of their mistakes and have a sense of shame, so that they will not make mistakes again and again. Looking at Chen sushang's uneasiness, we can see that she was full of guilt about her last divorce.

Since she knows everything, Xu Qizhen will not embarrass her: "Kai Kai said you agreed, did he lie?"

Chen sushang takes a deep breath.

This time, she can't escape. She can't blame Yan Kai for everything.

She plucked up her courage: "No. When we were in Guangxi, we had a life and death event, so we decided for life. As long as he doesn't dislike me, I won't leave him again. "

Xu Qizhen laughed again.

Gu couldn't help laughing: "it's very good. It's true in adversity."

Si yuzao clapped his hands beside him: "last time, brother Kai's wedding was not fun at all. We were all concerned. This time, we must make a bigger one and give us some compensation. "

Yan Kai looks at her in a bad way.

Miss Si yuzao has no eyes at all. No pot can be opened or lifted.

He took a tentative look at Chen Su Shang.

Chen Su Shang chuckled, but didn't mind.

Yan Kai and Chen sushang just let the wind out. Miss Si yuzao has spread the news that they are going to get married.

People don't know the source of the news. It's hard to tell the true from the false. They have everything they say.

One stone makes a thousand waves.

It was at this time that Su manluo knew that Yan Kai had returned to Singapore.

After Yan Kai's divorce, Su manluo didn't want to be with Dudley for a moment. As time goes by, no one is forever in chaos. In the long time, Su manluo finally understood one thing. She loved Yan Kai.

But Yan Kai was so thin and cool to her.

“…… Chess, is your brother back? " Su manluo calls Yan Qi.

"Yes." Yan Qi is in a bad mood.

She is not unhappy because of Chen sushang's return, but because of her own worries.

She's been frowning these days.

Not really, but Su manluo misunderstood her tone.

"When did you come back?" Asked sumalo.

Yan Qi is a little impatient: "I don't know. When did he come back?"

She is waiting for an important phone call. Su manluo has endless calls, which makes Yan Qi worried.

She doesn't like sumanlo anymore, so she hangs up.

Su manluo's heart thumped, holding the microphone for a moment.

Is Chen sushang really back?

"When Yan Qi heard that I asked Yan Kai, he was not happy. The Yan family should not be happy. Then... " Su manluo slowly sat down in the sofa.

It can be seen that Yan Kai lost his mind and found Chen sushang.

What he said last time "my beloved girl left me", he actually moved to Chen sushang.

At the thought of it, Su manluo felt sad.

But Yan's family is not the ordinary door. People of Yan's family certainly disagree with the playful marriage and divorce of Yan Kai and Su manluo.

"No wonder Yan Qi is so grumpy..." Sumanlo tapped on the table next to him.

She is not reconciled.

Whose life can be free from mistakes? She knew she was wrong. After meeting Yan Kai again, she made many inferior mistakes. However, there should be an opportunity to correct any mistakes.

Yan Kai refused to give her the chance.

Su manluo doesn't want to recapture Yan Kai either. She knows it's impossible.

Men in love, extremely persistent. The more he wants to separate him and Chen sushang, the more exciting he feels, the more he has to stick to it.

Sumanlo should have turned away, but she couldn't swallow it.

"I've made a lot of mistakes. What if I make another one?" Sumanlo bit her lip.

She made up her mind.

She picked up the microphone again and called the biggest mouth in her social circle. After a few greetings, she asked directly, "is there any interesting thing recently?"

The other party probably considered her feelings, didn't directly mention the news that Yan Kai and Chen sushang were going to remarry, but told her several things that were irrelevant.

“…… Have you heard about Yan Kai? " Asked sumalo.

The other side was excited: "I heard a little, is it true?"

Is it true? Everyone is guessing these two days. It's big news about the marriage of the young master of the Yan family. Everyone is talking about it.

Everyone wants more information.

Su manluo is the daughter of deputy general su. She is a middle-class person in the family power circle. She is Yan Kai's ex girlfriend. She may have more news.

"It's true..." Sumalo was puzzling.

"Inside story?"

"That woman is the one who divorced Yan Kai before." Sumanlo points out.

"Yes, Miss Chen sushang. She's just a fugitive from the mainland. I heard she's not very beautiful. I don't know how she's so charming. "

"Maybe it was someone who made the noise on purpose." Sumalo said, "who on earth said the news?"

The source of gossip has been blurred. Miss Si yuzao is a person who is in charge of killing and burying. She is so happy that she can't guarantee the reasonable and legal gossip at all.

"Yes, who is it?"

"Miss Chen herself?" Su manluo said, "the elders of the Yan family are all ill with anger. How can miss chen enter the door of the Yan family again without letting the wind out? Yan Kai and I, we were... "

She said that and left a message.

When the other party asked again, she obviously shifted the topic, didn't say a few words, and showed a little sob.

"Forget it, forget it, Yan Kai and I are also very unlucky." Sumanlo sobbed and hung up.

Gossip, isn't it?

Who can't make it?

She got up satisfied and went upstairs.

Yan Kai's pool must be mixed. Even if Yan Kai disobeys his parents' wishes and wants to marry Chen sushang, he will not want to live in peace in the future. These gossip will follow them all his life.

After a long time, his love with Chen sushang has faded, and he will look back. After all, there is an affectionate ex girlfriend waiting for him.

At that time, the world may say that her image will be a lot bigger.

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