Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1883 don'st steal the limelight

"Who said that?"

When hearing that the third person told her that Yan Kai was going to marry Su manluo, she was a little surprised.

Her brother Kai used to be confused, but he was so sincere with Chen sushang that he could not walk on two boats.

How can I get married again and mix up with the sumanlo goods?

“…… I don't know. " The nurse in the same department just heard the rumor, "I read it in the small newspaper. It has a nose and an eye. "

"It's bullshit." Si yuzao is not happy.

Fortunately, Kang Han has been discharged from the hospital and has gone to the Department's home, accompanied by Chen sushang and Yan Kai, who are not in the hospital. Otherwise, Chen Su Shang would be furious to hear this.

Si yuzao decides to return home from work and ask Yan Kai.

Near the end of work, suddenly another patient came, Si yuzao couldn't leave, and her mind returned to work.

She didn't gossip with Yan Kai, but Yan Qi didn't have the stamina.

Yan Qi, the eldest lady, has forgotten that Su manluo called her. After all, when she answered the phone, her mind was elsewhere.

"True or false?" She questioned her brother.

Yan Kai hates to slap the girl to death: "how do you listen to the wind is the rain?"

"It's not what I said. Many people outside are saying that two big newspapers are gossiping." It's not too big for Yan Qi to watch the bustle. "You should be careful when a Li hits you. A Li now has the support of her aunt. I'm afraid it's not as simple as a slap. "

Yan Kai: "..."

Chen sushang had just taken care of her mother after her nap. When she came out, she heard the two brothers and sisters muttering. She couldn't help wondering, "what are you talking about?"

"Nothing, nothing." Yan Qi hurried to cover up.

There is no silver tone here. Where can it be concealed?

Yan Kai simply said.

“…… Yan Shao, you are charming. " As soon as Chen sushang heard this, he thought it funny and couldn't help teasing Yan Kai.

Yan Kai couldn't help looking at her: "even you want to gossip? I didn't have time for a private meeting with sumalo. I don't know what's going on. I'm not responsible for the aftermath. "

"If I guessed right, Miss Su should have passed it on herself." Chen Su business road.

Yan Kai and Yan Qi are looking at her.

Some words, as we all know, can't be said in front of Chen Su Shang.

Chen sushang himself can tell what everyone knows: "what identity am I? Everyone knows and divorced you.

When I come back this time, they will surely guess that you are the one who refuses me. Moreover, Miss Su stirs up the muddy water. Everyone has a hammer in the East and a stick in the West. Gossip is even more harmful to me. "

It is speculated that the Yan family originally disagreed with Chen Su Shang's re-entry. As a result, with Su manluo's help, her reputation in Singapore's public opinion was not good. Once the Yan family heard the gossip, it added fuel to the fire.

Therefore, the Yan family can't accept Chen Su Shang any more.

Chen Su Shang can't get into Yan's house. Between her and Yan Kai, she will go further and further. Then it will be miss sumanlo's chance.

Rumor is only good for sumalo, so Chen Su Shang can guess that sumalo is the rumor.

"She's hateful. She asked me about you last time." Yan Qi suddenly thought of this.

When she mentioned it, Yan Kai immediately looked at her nervously: "did you say anything?"

Yan Qi was also very nervous. He was slow in thinking. Later, he thought about the conversation at that time and straightened out: "I didn't say anything. I didn't talk to her for two words, so I hung up."

These gossip, as long as Chen Su Shang doesn't feel bad, when they really have a big wedding, they will break it.

Now that it's open, Chen sushang can still play with it, which means there's nothing to worry about.

Yan Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

Yan Kai's heart is also very sweet.

In particular, Yan Kai was so satisfied that he could not give his sister a handful of dog food and kiss Chen sushang in her face.

Yan Qi, no matter how dull he is, feels his superfluous at the moment, and goes away with great insight.

"Ah Li, when shall we go and choose the wedding dress?" Yan Kai hugged her, a little impatient.

Chen sushang smiled: "what's the hurry? When my master arrives, I'll settle everything down. "

Yan Kai is really in a hurry.

"No more changes, unless you don't want me." Chen Su Shang knew his worry, "I will not leave you, I will marry you and have a child."

She said that she was a little embarrassed.

Yan Kai hugged her.

Chen sushang lived in Si's house for two days.

Kang Han has a stable mood and good health. She can finally free up her mind to do other things.

She and Yan Kai went to the hotel to see Hua Yuan and Xia Nanlin.

It's said that they will come to see them after three days. Because of the delay, Yan Kai has already called to explain.

“…… How are you two thinking? Will you stay in Singapore or go to Manila? " Yan Kai asked.

Hua Yuan looks at Xia Nanlin.

"We decided to stay in Singapore," said Xia. We have neither family nor friends, but we are closer to you. Once we leave Singapore, we are even more helpless. "

Chen Su Shang couldn't help smiling: "that's good. We can take care of each other when we are together."

"You take care of us more." Hua Yuan also said, "Mr. Yan, could you please help us again?"

Yan Kai didn't need them to say, "this is natural. You stay in the hotel for a few days. I'll ask someone to help you find a job first, and then arrange the house. "

Xia Nanlin said, "just introduce our work. When we find a job, we can rent the house by ourselves. Life needs to be rebuilt a little by itself before we know how to cherish it. Mr. Yan, you have helped us a lot. "

Chen sushang gently pulls Yan Kai's hand.

It's true that there's an old saying about doumien and miechou.

Help people, just be measured.

"Think about what you two want to do first. I'll take you to several companies tomorrow, and you'll pick and choose. " Yan Kai Dao.

In the next two days, they took Hua Yuan and Xia Nanlin to several places.

There are many enterprises in Singapore, including the private equity and the private equity.

When Hua Yuan was working in the newspaper office in Tianjin, she chose a small newspaper office. Xia Nanlin, who had been trained by the party before, had spent a lot of effort. He had studied University and machinery, so he went to the machinery factory and became a small engineer.

The places they both went to were not very good, the positions were not high, and the salaries were meager.

However, Hua Yuan and Xia Nanlin are satisfied.

It's going to take time. It's hard to repay too much favor from others. It's not as good as it is now. At least I'm very stable.

The place where they work is not far away. They choose a compromise position and rent a house.

Hua Yuan heard that Chen sushang and Yan Kai are going to remarry, and she and Xia Nanlin are also going to get married.

"We'll get married when you two get married." Hua Yuan said with a smile, "you can't take the lead."

Chen Su Shang couldn't help laughing.

She is in a good mood.

At this time, the Taoist priest arrived in Singapore, adding to Chen's life.

"Ali, do you miss your master?" When the Taoist priest came, he asked shamelessly.

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