Taoist priest has his ability.

He went to Yuan's house and soon heard three things.

"First, the Miao girl is like Huai. She is afraid of being a prick around yuan Xueling, the head of Yuan's family." The Taoist priest said.

Chen sushang and Yan Kai changed their faces a little.

They didn't have any grudge with Ruhuai, but they couldn't make it clear about Huayuan.

The woman killed Hu Junyuan and was chased by the Hu family. She was not allowed by her family. Her resentment must be spread on Chen sushang and Yan Kai.

"Yuan Xueling is so powerful and like Huaihe, we have no chance to win." Chen Su business road.

The Taoist priest was very rational this time, nodded: "yes."

At the moment, Chen sushang hopes that he will stink a little and give everyone a little confidence, which will not make them so desperate.

The Taoist priest followed the second news slowly: "Xue Yao didn't go back to the yuan family, and the head of the yuan family didn't go out."

Chen sushang took another sigh of relief.

So far, perhaps she has heard the best news, and even her worries about Ruhuai have been largely dispelled.

Yuan Xueyao did not have an accident, which means that his technique was successful and he learned to deceive the heaven. This is a good thing.

Maybe he'll find it.

At that time, they may not really have no chance.

"Yuan Xueyao is probably safe." Chen sushang looks at her master and wants her master to agree with this conclusion.

As expected, the Taoist priest agreed: "yes, you can judge so. We worry about him for nothing."

Whether it's in vain or not, good things are better than bad.

After that, the Taoist priest had a cup of tea.

Chen Su Shang remembered that he said there were three messages: "master, what about the third?"

The Taoist priest slowly put down the tea cup, looked at his apprentice and Yan Kai, then said: "miss sumanlo is also at the yuan family."

Chen sushang: "...

Yan Kai:"...

the two of them were still thinking of fate, and fate slapped them one by one.

There's no damn fate. It's just that they made a wrong decision and put themselves in a dilemma without any reason.

As a husband and wife, sometimes we need to understand each other, sometimes we need to dirty our hands for each other, and take all the responsibilities ourselves.

Like Yan Kai, doesn't he know that Chen Su Shang is afraid of danger? She was just upset. At this time, Yan Kai should be desperate to bring her back to Singapore for her safety.

He should be a villain for her.

In the end, it's the young couple with such a simple and childish mind.

They were silent for a long time.

"What is she doing at the yuan family?" Chen sushang opened his mouth, breaking the previous silence.

"Who knows." The Taoist priest said, "I met her once, and it seems that she has a good life. There is also a saddle behind her."

After that, he taught his apprentice, "look, I've taught you this since I was a child. It's enough to be beautiful and charming. Wherever you go, there's a man holding you, so you'll look like a lady."

Chen sushang: "master, you are old-fashioned and despise women. Now that women can work and study, why should men hold them everywhere? I hope we can hold each other. When he holds me, I also have the right to hold him. "

Yan Kai on one side: "...

he felt that the quarrel between the Taoist priest and a Li was often unexpected.

He covered his fatally swollen face and laughed.

He is very open-minded.

The Taoist priest looked at the two silly children: "since Xueyao is OK, you two go first, I will stay and wait for Xueyao. It's not good to deal with the aftermath if we start to scare the snake. "

Yan Kai nodded quickly, "OK."

Chen Su Shang looked at him and hesitated, "would you like to send a telegram to Singapore to let general Su know?"

She doesn't like Su manluo, but she likes Su Peng very much. Because of the few meetings, Su Peng is very polite to Chen su.

And he's holding himself right.

"Yes." Yan Kai Dao.

Su Peng helped him to train his marksmanship, which was also a credit to him.

The Taoist priest poked Chen Su Shang's forehead: "so worried, are you the Virgin Mary?"

Chen sushang: "...

I don't know why, she always feels that this is not a good word, although the word is a good word.

Yan Kai and Chen sushang plan to go back, first to the city, then to Changsha by train, from Changsha to Guangzhou.

When you get to the city, you can send a telegram to Singapore.

Yan Kai doesn't let Chen sushang do anything now. He packed two people's luggage quickly.

When he was about to go out, the Taoist priest called out to him again: "you accompany Ali in the hostel, I will help you hire a car. It's better to rent a car. I'll take you there. "

Yan Kai said yes.

As soon as the Taoist priest left, he came back a long time ago. He has already rented a car.

"Master, have we really left?" Chen sushang's heart was empty.

"Let's go. What do you want to stay for? " The Taoist priest said.

Chen sushang and Yan Kai went downstairs and followed the Taoist priest to the car.

Just drove out of the town, there was a beggar like man, dressed in rags, hunched and waved at them.

The Taoist priest wanted to go there directly, but when he passed the man, he felt the slight fluctuation of the magnetic field around him.

The Warlock's acuteness made him step on the brake in a hurry.

Chen sushang and Yan Kai were unprepared. They rushed forward, especially Chen sushang. He knocked his head on the chair and the whole man fell down, scaring Yan Kai to death.

Regardless of his apprentice's life and death, the Taoist priest took some precautions to get off the bus.

The beggar raised his broken hat.

All three of the Taoist priest were stunned.

Yuan Xueyao has recovered the young man's appearance, and his eyebrows have grown out. He is still handsome as before. It's just that he's so hunched back that he puts on a living beggar who describes cowering.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

Obviously, he already knew them, and estimated to have followed them for several days.

When Chen sushang and Yan Kai were in town, they didn't hide from others. Besides, the town was so small.

"We came to you." Chen Su said, "we are worried about seeing your appearance disappear, so we arrived here by chance."

Yuan Xueyao looked at them, his lips slightly moved, and he had a faint smile.

He stood up straight, and the beggar's temperament was suddenly gone, like a down and out of shape young man dressed in shabby clothes.

"Thank you." He seriously said, "in this world, only you, still miss me."

Yan Kai should be on guard against him. After all, he is such a powerful rival. But when he heard this, his heart softened.

Yuan Xueyao is pitiful.

"I have deceived the sky and nothing happened to me." Yuan Xueyao answered the question again.

The Taoist asked him not to stand on the side of the road: "get in the car."

He temporarily decided to take all three of them to the city, away from the yuan family, and then slowly discuss what to do.

Yuan Xueyao said yes.

He sat in the copilot's seat.

Then he turned and asked Chen sushang, "are you pregnant? Your whole body is full of Yin Qi, which is aggravated. "

Pregnant women, Yin Qi is slightly heavier than ordinary people. There used to be warlocks who used pregnant women to create Yin evil spirits.

Chen sushang was surprised at his words: "can you see that? You've opened your eyes, haven't you? "

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