The eye of heaven said by the magician is not the real eye, but the change of yin and Yang between the two eyebrows can be directly felt without the help of compass.

"Yes." Yuan Xueyao was not proud, and his tone was even a little gloomy.

He didn't expect to see the world.

If all his good fortune were spent on it, he would rather not.

The luck he wants is simple and ordinary. He even wants to get Chen Su Shang. But now, it's doomed. People can't take all the good things.

It is said that "Tianyan" was once an organ, growing between two eyebrows and disappearing after a long evolution, but Chen sushang believed that it was a touch that could "touch" Yin and Yang.

The Taoist priest Changqing also told Chen sushang that a real magician can open the eyes of heaven under a certain chance. Of course, the vast majority of people can't do it, sometimes only one person can be born in thousands of years.

I can't imagine. Yuan Xueyao did it.

He's been through too many blows recently, both his family and his love have made him miserable.

Pain to a certain extent, get a good chance.

"Congratulations." It was Yan Kai who spoke.

Yan Kai was really happy for yuan Xueyao. He walked around the chair in front of him and clapped him on the shoulder. Then he said, "can you beat your sister?"

Yuan Xueyao thought, "if I'm alone, I'm in suspense. There's a Taoist priest and a Li, you can try."

The Taoist priest's skill is advanced. Before yuan Xueyao's ascetic practice, he could not be longer than the Taoist priest. Chen sushang's blood has a miraculous effect. Although I don't know why, her blood can make the array more effective several times.

Yuan Xueyao's ability now is to fight with his little sister. He is not sure that he can win, but if the Taoist priest and Chen sushang help him, he thinks it is very possible.

"You will agree, Ali help me?" Yuan Xueyao looks back and asks Yan Kai.

Yan Kai thinks that he speaks like this, with a little villain's heart, and a gentleman's belly.

"We came all the way from Taiyuan. If I didn't really treat you, how could I be so hard? Do you think it's easy to catch up? " Yan Kai Dao.

Yuan Xueyao was stunned. In a moment, he seemed to see the unbearable side of his character, a little ashamed and bowed his head.

The Taoist priest rounded the court: "OK, don't be weird. Yuan Xueling once wanted to kill all Hong Kong people. This woman can't stay. I'll kill her even if it's only half a chance. It's not for Xueyao, it's for the world. "

There was a silence in the car.

"Good!" Chen sushang said first

"If I can help, I'm willing to make a difference." Yan Kai said, "master, what can you do?"

Taoist priest looked at yuan Xueyao.

Yuan Xueyao added, "and for Xuezhu."

For not only the world, but also yuan Xuezhu. Xuezhu died in her own sister's hands.

For this matter, uncle Liu went abroad.

"Yes, for Xuezhu!" The Taoist priest said.

At this point, the Taoist priest is a little sad.

When the car arrived in the city, the Taoist priest found a hostel for several of them and told them, "just wait for me here. I'll go out and come back in a few days."

Chen sushang said yes.

The next day, she and Yan Kai went to the hospital.

The doctor examined Chen sushang and she was indeed pregnant. Because yuan Xueyao has said that Chen sushang and Yan Kai think it is expected, so there is no surprise.

It's all about peace of mind.

"... what would you like to eat?" Yan Kai asked Chen Su Shang.

Chen sushang doesn't feel pregnant, and naturally doesn't feel that he needs to mend anything.

"I'd like some bananas." She made a random excuse.

It's just in the cold winter months that it's very difficult for inland cities to find bananas. Yan Kai ran all over the fruit market, but he didn't. He was very upset.

Chen sushang added: "without bananas, oranges are OK."

Oranges are easy to buy.

Chen sushang ate some oranges and began to worry about her master.

"Master has been out for two days. When will he come back?" She asked Yan Kai.

Where does Yan Kai know?

"He told us to wait a few more days, then wait again." Yan Kai Dao.

Chen Su Shang ate the orange with a heavy heart.

They waited for half a month before the Taoist priest came back.

In half a month, the three of them took turns in a hurry. When yuan Xueyao was worried, Chen sushang and Yan Kai comforted him; when it was Chen sushang's turn, yuan Xueyao helped Yan Kai to enlighten her.

Therefore, the three people turned to the fire instead of running around, and the Taoist priest came back from the old honest hostel.

The Taoist priest brought back a man.

Chen sushang did not see this man, but he felt that his eyebrows and eyes were a little familiar. He could not remember where he had seen him.

When she asked, the Taoist priest took the initiative to introduce: "this is Mr. Hu Changsheng, the current head of the Hu family."

As soon as they said this, the three young people changed their faces, especially Chen sushang and Yan Kai.

Chen sushang killed the master of the Hu family.

No wonder she thinks that Mr. Hu is familiar with his eyes. It turns out that it's his eyes. It's a bit like Hu Lingsheng who died.

"Shifu..." Chen sushang winked at the Taoist priest.

The Taoist priest said carelessly: "it's OK. Mr. Hu is not the enemy. He came to help us."

Chen sushang: "...

her master seems to be unreliable, but in fact, she is quite reliable. Chen sushang should not doubt him, but he is constantly upset.

Hu Changsheng is about forty years old. He is of medium height and has a charitable face. He looks very kind.

Chen sushang also vaguely remembers that Hua Yuan once said that the Third Master of Hu family was a good man.

"This is my apprentice Ali." The Taoist priest ignored Chen sushang and introduced all three of them.

When he finished, Hu Changsheng looked at Chen sushang.

"I should thank you for letting my nephew know." Hu Changsheng said, "my brother and sister-in-law will be glad to know under the spring."

Chen sushang was stunned again.

"... Hu Lingsheng is my mother's brother. If it wasn't for his accident, how could he get that wild seed to be the elder brother? " Hu Changsheng explained again.

Chen sushang: "...

later, she learned that Hu family, who was killed by Chen sushang, was an illegitimate son with a low birth status. He was highly skilled in his own skills, and was valued by the old Lord because of his strong mind and means. After Hu Lingsheng's accident, he recognized him as his first mother and became "eldest brother".

The other brothers and cousins, more or less aggrieved, did not dare to make mistakes.

Hu Changsheng and his brother, Hu Lingsheng, have deep feelings since childhood. In the Hu family, only two of them are compatriots. The other brothers are more or less separated.

After Hu Lingsheng lost his mind, everyone thought he had run away. Hu Changsheng only recently knew that he had lived so long.

"... the Taoist priest is kind to my brother, and you help me kill my eyesore. From here, the Hu family will not trouble you, and I will order the rest of the family." Hu Changsheng said, "I'm here to help, Mrs. Yan, not to seek revenge."

Chen sushang and Yan Kai are all relieved.

Master is reliable.

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