Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1903 Taoist's bad idea

People of the Hu family come here in time.

Chen sushang always thought that the Hu family was her strong enemy, but he didn't think it was her helper.

The brothers of Hu family are not in harmony. They have already reached the point of "killing each other". Chen Su Shang helped Hu Changsheng solve his serious problem and overindulged his son. Hu Changsheng was too late to thank her.

At this time, Yan Kai and Chen sushang realized that they were both worried.

“…… Li, I still believe in destiny. " When she went to bed late at night, Yan Kai was chatting with Chen sushang in a low voice. "If we hadn't come here, maybe we would never know the attitude of the Hu family. We would have been worried every day and had a bad life."

"Yes." Chen Su business road.

Not only the Hu family, but also su manluo. Ruhuai is here.

All who could disturb them gathered together.

Maybe, when everything is over, they will get real peace.

The Third Master of the Hu family not only came by himself, but also brought four powerful Postgraduates of the Hu family.

He and Changqing Taoist priest murmured all night, determined the plan, and then went to prepare for each other.

The Taoist priest Changqing called Chen sushang and Yan Kai: "ah Kai stay with me. Ah Li, you go back with Xue Yao and say that you are the woman of Xue Yao, and come back to Yuan's house with pregnancy."

Chen Su Shang immediately changed his face: "what's your bad idea?"

On the contrary, Yan Kai did not speak. He trusted the Taoist priest very much. Before that, he was afraid of Ali's adventure. Apart from him, he was the Taoist priest. Therefore, Yan Kai was silent and waited for the following.

"Pretend it won't kill you again." The Taoist said, "Xueyao needs an excuse to go back. If the yuan family has family rules and people who have been expelled after making a big mistake can help the yuan family, they can open up a net. The great warlock family attaches great importance to inheritance and blood. "

Chen sushang: "..."

She thought the yuan family was funny, too. If you really care about blood, how can yuan Xueling be the head of the family when he kills his siblings?

In Chen's view, yuan Jiagen didn't care about what was right or wrong, only about interests.

One more heir, one more chess piece to use.

"Didn't Xueyao make a big mistake?" Chen sushang was silent for a moment and asked for a long time.

"The Taoist priest said:" Yuan Xueling took his place, and must have already given him a good charge. What justifiable reason is not needed to bear in mind his crime? "

Chen Su Shang can't refute.

She looks at Yan Kai.

"Is there any danger?" Yan Kai asked.

Chen sushang: "..."

Is that the point, young master?

How do you feel that the longer Yan Kai and her master have known each other, the more unreliable they are?

"Less dangerous than us." The Taoist priest said, "Hu Changsheng and I plan to set up a soul lock array and use a dead jade as the carrier to block yuan Xueling forever, so that she can not be reincarnated."

It is to kill yuan Xueling and protect her from being a moth after her death.

Yan Kai understood. Yuan Xueyao and Chen sushang used fishing. Chen sushang's baby was bait.

"I don't mind if there's no danger." "Yan Kai said," I hope things can be solved earlier, so that Yuan Xueling will not come out again and again to disturb us. "

The Taoist priest clapped him on the shoulder.

Then he went to see Chen Su Shang.

Yan Kai agreed. Chen Su Shang was not against it.

Just, she knew there was something her master didn't say. Back to Yuan's house, yuan Xueyao is more dangerous than Chen sushang. Once yuan Xueling is in pain, the first thing to suffer is not Chen sushang and her baby, but yuan Xueyao.

"Does Xueyao agree with the plan?" Asked Chen sushang.

"I'll ask him," said the Taoist

Chen sushang: "..."

The Taoist priest turns around and slowly reaches yuan Xueyao's room.

When he said the plan, yuan Xueyao naturally agreed.

"Mr. Yan, he......" Yuan Xueyao is just a little worried about whether Yan Kai will be unhappy.

At this point, yuan Xueyao knows that there is no possibility between him and a Li. In this case, he hopes that Ali's marriage can be happy, and don't leave her husband with mustard.

"He agreed." The Taoist said, "ah Kai is not that stingy person. He knows the whole situation."

The Taoist priest is very satisfied with his son-in-law, although he didn't say a few good words to Yan Kai in person.

Yuan Xueyao nodded, "that's OK."

After a proper discussion, the Taoist priest asked Chen sushang and Yuan Xueyao to do two things after they went back.

"The yuan family will definitely be on your guard. This is your advantage. Let them be on their guard." The Taoist priest said.

Yuan Xueyao nodded.

Chen sushang and Yan Kai hugged each other and said a few words.

"Take care of yourself." Yan Kai said to her, "if you want anything, let yuan Xueyao get it for you. Don't mention it."

Yuan Xueyao, who happened to hear it: "..."

I'm not at all polite.

Chen Su Shang couldn't help laughing. "I see."

When they went back, they first took a bus to the town over there, and then hired a bullock cart to go to Yuan's house.

As soon as I entered the village, I first saw a tall gate tower with a guard on it.

I saw yuan Xueyao. I'll tell you soon.

A moment later, someone came out.

Ushered in is a young man of the same age as yuan Xueyao. When they met, they shouted: "unfilial things, you still have the face to come back?"

Yuan Xueyao glanced at him lightly: "how about the patriarch?"

"You can see the patriarch? Get out of here, or the family law won't work. "

"My fiancee is pregnant, and I want to come back and give my children and genealogy." Yuan Xueyao spoke slowly.

It's not easy for him to speak slowly without knocking.

The person on the opposite side was obviously stunned.

He whispered a few words to the people behind him and said, "don't move, wait."

He went back to inform the patriarch and elders.

As soon as he left, yuan Xueyao asked Chen sushang to take a rest in the ox cart and explained to her in a low voice, "my cousin, cedar, he is very close to Xueling."

Chen Su is clear.

"Afraid?" Yuan Xueyao asked her again.

Chen sushang put his hand on his stomach, feeling a little soft, and shook his head at the same time: "No."

This is not to be brave. She is not really afraid, even though she knows that the yuan family is very powerful.

After waiting for about 20 minutes, the first person to come out was not any one of the yuan family, but Su manluo.

Su manluo is shocked to see Chen Su Shang.

Chen sushang knew she was there, so he nodded to her a little: "Miss Su."

Sumalo: "..."

She's a little confused.

If Chen sushang is yuan Xueyao's woman, what's the matter with her and Yan Kai?

At that time, Yan Kai was possessed.

"You Didn't you marry Yan Kai? " Sumanlo pointed to her. "What the hell are you doing?"

"What does it have to do with you?" Chen sushang didn't explain, but he was arrogant and contradicted Su manluo.

Su manluo was so angry that she wanted to spit blood.

She was like a cat in her heart. She wanted to know what happened to Chen sushang and Yan Kai, but she refused to show her timidity.

She asked for more details. The yuan family came out.

The leader is yuan Xueling.

Chen sushang has always only heard of Yuan Xueling, but now he has finally seen his true face.

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