Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1904 family life

Chen sushang finally met yuan Xueling.

Yuan Xueling is almost the same as she imagined. Looking at yuan Xueyao and his brother and sister, we can probably infer yuan Xueling's height and facial features.

She is about the same height as Xuezhu, and her eyes are as big and bright as Yuan Xuezhu. Besides her eyes, her other facial features are more like yuan Xueyao, just softer than his.

The two of them stand together and look at each other from the appearance. They are brothers and sisters.

“…… What are you doing back here? How dare you go home when you murder your grandfather? " Yuan Xueling asked yuan Xueyao.

She also spoke slowly. Xiangdi's accent was more like yuan Xueyao's, which Chen sushang could not understand.

"My woman." He pointed to Chen Su Shang, "pregnant."

Chen sushang understood this sentence.

Yuan Xueling heard from his cousin Xuesong. At the moment, his eyes turned cold to Chen sushang.

She thinks Chen sushang is not good-looking. The only special thing is that she can't see her birthday clearly. Look at yuan Xueyao again, the same is true.

"Well, I've got a good helper." Yuan Xueling's expression is still very indifferent. "Since you come back with this flag, come in."

Then she turned away.

Yuan Xueyao and Chen sushang followed her and entered the yuan family.

As soon as Chen sushang entered the yuan family, he was a little dizzy. When she was in Nanjing, she was also the daughter of a large clan, but she had never seen such a large and broad courtyard of yuan family.

The yuan family has a tall courtyard wall with numerous houses and courtyards, a bit like the University of Malaya.

When Chen sushang was in Singapore, he visited the University of Malaya. The campus is also a huge building.

She followed yuan Xueyao to the ancestral hall of yuan family.

The side hall of the ancestral hall is a general assembly living room, full of elders at the moment.

Yuan Xueyao came back and let them quarrel.

Chen Su Shang could hardly understand what they said, but he saw that all the elders were thinking and each was making his own small calculation.

Yuan Xueling is the head of the family. His position has not been settled yet. He has a brother who is still alive. His name is not right. Naturally, there will be opponents.

When she put yuan Xueyao in, she probably meant to catch turtles in the urn. She killed yuan Xueyao at home. From then on, her ears were clean and her heart was solid.

Chen sushang looked at the tall and majestic ancestral hall. The roof was too high to be feared. The furniture and furnishings were extremely exquisite, but it was full of dusk.

They quarreled for more than an hour. Chen Su Shang sat beside them and couldn't understand what they said. He shouldered them for more than an hour without showing any flaws.

Finally, they decided to give Chen sushang's children a place on the genealogy. When the child is born, they can fill in the eight characters of birth.

The name already exists.

The two of them were assigned to the guest room.

"Is that right?" Chen sushang asked him.

Yuan Xueyao nodded, "hungry?"

"I'm hungry." Chen Su business road.

As soon as he reminded her, she was empty, hungry and greedy.

Yuan Xueyao went to the kitchen and brought some food for her.

Yuan Xueyao felt soft when he watched Chen Su Shang eat quickly. He is not a weak person. He can imagine Chen sushang as his woman. But when he looks at her, he is always sad and gentle in his heart.

He thought of his original decision: the yuan family's old house is a cannibal place. A fashionable girl like Chen sushang can't be reduced to an antique with him.

Otherwise, he will regret it when he grows old.

“…… What did you tell them? " Asked Chen sushang.

Yuan Xueyao said, "recognize Xueling as the head of the family."

Chen Su Shang looked at him with a bit of heartache: "it's not easy to suffer, is it?"

"No." Said yuan Xueyao.

He didn't really want to be the head of the family, and he began to hate the family life.

He likes Hong Kong, where the climate is pleasant and the city is full of neon. There are many delicious and interesting things.

But he has his own responsibility.

“…… She's not the owner, I'm the one. It's not sad, but it's true. " Yuan Xueyao said.

Chen sushang nodded.

The two of them went to Yuan's house this time, mainly to do two things. It's better to do them at the same time, otherwise they would not be able to do anything.

After eating, Chen sushang lay down for a rest, while yuan Xueyao watched her.

At this time, Su manluo came with a box of snacks.

Seeing yuan Xueyao, she was a little annoyed and a little aggrieved at first: "I came to see you specially, who knows you are not here. What happened to her? "

"Get out." Yuan Xueyao said coldly.

Chen Su Shang closed his eyes and dozed off. He had already heard Su manluo coming in and sat up.

"Miss Su, after you disappeared, your father looked for you everywhere. As a woman, if you are irresponsible like this, you will still live a peaceful life. " Chen sushang pressed her.

She wanted to get rid of sumanlo so that she wouldn't stop doing bad things.

Su manluo's face is red, then red to white.

Why did she leave Singapore, not because of Chen Su Shang?

If it wasn't for Chen sushang and Yan Kai to get married, how could she be reduced to this?

Su manluo's world is like a giant playground, she does everything like a family.

She saw Chen sushang and Yuan Xueyao, and thought that yuan Xueyao succeeded in getting married.

“…… You don't have to worry about my business. How about yourself? Are you in charge? You ran to such a remote place with a wild man and had a baby. Did you elope Sumanlo was angry, but it was hard to hide her curiosity.

"Yes." Chen Su said, "isn't it fair that he abandoned me once at the wedding and once in front of more guests?"

Sumanlo looked at her in amazement.

In her heart, she did not know whether to sigh or to be happy for a while.

Now that Chen sushang has arrived in Xiangxi, Su manluo's affairs have been handled properly indirectly. She will go back to Singapore and Yan Kai.

She is now back, no longer a joke, but a timely help. Yan Kai will love her and the public will praise her.

"You are ill." She scolded Chen sushang and ran away.

Chen sushang looked at her back and said to yuan Xueyao, "Miss Su is afraid that she will make trouble again."

Yuan Xueyao received a light sentence, not interested.

As expected, sumalo began to pack up.

Yuan Xuesong has been following her cousin, and now she is free to come to see Su manluo.

"What are you doing?" He asked sumalo in poor Mandarin.

Su manluo packed his simple luggage and said to Yuan Xuesong, "I'm going home. Thank you for your hospitality these days. Can you get me a letter of introduction, or I won't be able to take the train. "

Yuan Xuesong's eyes sank.

With one hand, he pressed sumanlo's shoulder. "Home?"

Sumanlo wanted to get around him and thought he was a little frivolous.

"Yes, I'm going back." Su manluo said, "I originally came to find yuan Xueyao. He has been mixed with that bitch. I won't find him."

Yuan Xuesong's five fingers tightened, hooked her, and her expression was bleak: "you say go?"

Su manluo didn't quite understand what he said: "why can't you leave?"

"I'll take care of you these days. You want to leave without giving me anything? Where are you going to be the yuan family? Come as you say, and leave as you say? " There was a little ferocity in his handsome face.

Even if Su manluo is stupid, he knows that the man's expression at the moment is anger, and

She turned to run.

Yuan Xuesong forced her to fall back to bed, bullying her and pressing her.

Su manluo's whole person is about to collapse: "you have a wife, don't do this, it's not right."

"When you are greedy for my care, why don't you think I have a wife?" Yuan Xuesong sneers.

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