Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1910 yuan Xueyao's telegram

Yan Kai, a competent brother, sent a telegram to London.

Yan Qi quickly returned, complaining about the hard work of studying and his innocence.

She has been out of touch with Zhou Jin for a long time.

About a year ago, she was encouraged by her friends and kissed Zhou Jin, but the dragonfly touched her lower lip. She didn't plan to fall in love with him and kept away from him.

Zhou Jin is pestering. After being beaten by Yan Ziqing's men, he stops.

Later he talked about a girlfriend.

Where to know, he broke up with his girlfriend during the Spring Festival, and went crazy to think of Yan Qi, and came to say something he didn't have.

Yan Qi just fooled him.

I can't imagine that he was so extreme and really stabbed himself.

"Is he ill?" Yan Qi talks about this and is slapped by Yan Ziqing.

Yan Ziqing was almost mad: "I didn't teach you well since I was a child. Sooner or later, you will be like Su manluo! Look at yuzao. Do you have half of the family? "

After being beaten, he was put into a cage like the school. Yan Qi thought he might have offended some immortals. God knows how bad she is at school. In order to get a high school diploma, she died.

She never thought of going to university. Although it's fashionable for girls to go to university now, the University of Malaya also recruits many female students.

"... brother, you come to pick me up secretly. I want to eat the roast duck made by mommy. Don't let the old man know." Yan Qi said at the end of the telegram.

Her wicked brother pretended that he didn't receive the telegram and threw it under the coffee table casually, as if he had done his brother's duty.

"By the way, I suddenly want to eat my mother's roast duck. Call her later and say you want to eat it." Yan Kai deals with Chen su.

Chen sushang: "...

can this husband still return goods now?

After the Taoist priest sent Chen sushang and Yan Kai to Singapore, he turned to Hong Kong.

He has many friends in Hong Kong.

Chen sushang has nothing to do these days. As expected, he called Xu Qizhen.

Xu Qizhen himself is also free, specially let them both go to the restaurant.

As a result, they met a very dignified and beautiful woman in the restaurant.

The woman smiled at both of them.

"Sister." Yan Kai said hello to her, "when did you come back?"

"Just came back yesterday."

Seeing that Chen sushang didn't know her, Xu Qizhen took the initiative to introduce her: "this is Li Mei, your aunt's cousin."

Xu Qizhen's sister, Xu qiongzhen, has been managing the family business in her mother's family. Therefore, Li Mei was born in the Xu family and was the first child of the Xu family.

Let alone her parents. They are her uncle and aunt. They all love her.

She's been studying in the United States these years, studying economics, and coming back to help her mother with her business.

"Sister." Chen sushang followed Yan Kai's words and shouted.

Li Mei smiles: "are you li? I've heard from my aunt many times. "

Chen sushang said yes.

When Xu Qizhen is making roast duck, Chen sushang and Li Mei are chatting.

Two people are very congenial.

When he went back, Chen sushang said to Yan Kai, "your sister is very good."

"Yes, she is quite good. She has a good relationship with my mother. She always tells her mother anything. Last time I heard from my mother that she was going to stay in the United States. I don't know how to get back to Singapore. " Yan Kai Dao.

"Ask your mother again." Chen sushang made fun of him.

Yan Kai didn't want to gossip like that, so he held back.

The next day, Chen sushang and Yan Kai went to see Kang Han at Si's home, and met a handsome young man at Si's home.

Young people come to visit the husband and wife of Si Xingfu, accompanied by an elder and a wife with good temperament.

"... you have such a good diploma. We don't need to say hello. The school is sure to be able to enter." This is the way of Si Xingfu.

Gu Qingzhou sees Chen sushang and Yan Kai and asks them to sit down.

Then she introduced the people opposite to them.

On the opposite side is Ye Xiaoyuan, who now lives in Kuala Lumpur and his army is there; the young man is his grandson.

Ye Yan, the eldest daughter of Ye Xiaoyuan, married to the royal family in Taiyuan. Later, the royal family moved to Singapore, and now she goes to Kuala Lumpur with him.

Ye Yan's eldest son, who is 29 years old, has been studying and teaching in the United States. Now he wants to go back to Nanyang.

He paid more attention to the University of Malaya, the former Edward VII school, where Gu Shao taught.

Malaya university is currently one of the three best universities in Asia, with numerous resumes every year. Ye Yan's son wants to be a music teacher, which is not very good.

Ye Xiaoyuan took him and came to visit Si Xingfu. He hoped that Si Jiatuo could get his grandson in.

"... Hello, I'm wang Zhiming." Young people take the initiative to greet Yan Kai and Chen sushang.

Yan Kai also introduced herself.

"Yan family?" Wang Zhiming seems to be very interested in Yan Kai. "I have a student. She seems to say that her relative is Yan of Singapore."

"Students? Is it Li Mei? " Yan Kai asked.

"Is that right?"

"Yes, she is my cousin, about a month older than me." Yan Kai said with a smile, "it's a coincidence that we will have dinner together some other day."

Wang Zhiming says yes.

Chen sushang and Yan Kai seem to have heard a big gossip and told it to Xu Qizhen.

Xu Qizhen feels that they are both acting up.

Later, Wang Zhiming entered the Music Department of the University of Malaya as a lecturer.

Yan Kai asked him to have a meal at home, which was quite familiar.

However, unlike Wang Zhiming, he had no common life experience. There were few topics to talk about. Later, he had less contact.

On September 7th of this year, Chen sushang gave birth to a baby boy in the hospital.

The old master of the Yan family is in charge and names the child Yan Tiancheng. Chen sushang thinks it's very good.

Gu Qingzhou takes Kang han to the hospital to see Chen sushang and his children.

Kang Han kept wiping tears.

"I knew that I could see the birth of a Li's baby." Kang Han choked and said, "if her father could see it, how nice it would be."

Gu Qingzhou advised her not to be sad.

When the child went down to rest, Chen Su Shang suddenly thought of something.

"Mom, I want to ask you, is there something wrong with my toes?" Asked Chen sushang.

She has a foot, beside her little finger, it seems that there is a slight bulge, which can't be found without careful study, or it was said by Yan Kai yesterday that she rubbed her feet to see.

Chen sushang didn't know it.

She thought of the time Hu Changsheng left, holding her hand and watching.

Chen sushang has studied his hand many times since then, which is no problem.

Now she has a flash in her head. If there is any problem, will it be her foot?

"You had six toes when you were a child. I'm afraid that in the future others will make fun of you and take you to the hospital to cut them off." Kang Han said, "are you uncomfortable with your feet?"

Chen sushang is fretting in his heart.

She quickly shook her head: "no, just curious."

She didn't know why, but she didn't tell anyone.

She asked Kang Han not to say it.

Chen sushang now wants to have some quiet days with her husband, son and relatives. She doesn't want to interfere with the magicians any more.

On the day her son placed the full moon wine, Chen sushang received a telegram from yuan Xueyao. When he saw the telegram, Chen Su Shang was stunned for a long time.

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