After returning to Singapore, Yan Qi is most attached to her two cousins: one is Si yuzao and the other is Li Mei.

Yan Ziqing bought an apartment for her. It's only three or five minutes away from Yan Kai's house. It's also very close to Si yuzao's and Zhang Xinmei's apartment. The size of the apartment is bigger than that of Yan Kai's.

Yan Qi is very satisfied.

However, Yan Ziqing soon found that she was not sad at all. Her guilt immediately disappeared, and she changed her face: "the apartment is for you, but you must live at home, and move out when you get married."

Yan Qi was stunned by the sudden bang.


"Ah Mei also lives at home. Yuzao didn't go out alone before she got married. It's a girl's family. It's gossip. " Yan Zi is clear.

Yan Qi goes to cry with Xu Qizhen.

"Xu Qizhen said more euphemistically:" this way, you can go to stay one night on weekends

Yan Qi can't help it. Her dream is broken.

She also plans to continue to live a life of eating, drinking and playing, not to think that her parents entrusted her aunt to find a job for her at the University of Malaya - as an assistant teacher in the music department.

Yan Qi has always studied music, and she plays the piano very well.

"To teach?" Yan Qi was stunned. "What is the future of teaching?"

She didn't want to go. Xu Qizhen didn't connive at her this time, but showed her kindness and prestige.

Having said a lot, Yan Qi agreed, but still not very happy.

“…… It's summer vacation. It's not until September. You can play for two months. Isn't it good? " Xu Qizhen said.

Yan Qi was happy: "I want to decorate my apartment."

She said so on the mouth, but after buying several things, she got tired and gave them to her brother and sister-in-law to help her.

So she often went to her brother's house to eat.

She thought Chen sushang could only tell fortune and took her to be one.

Chen sushang is a good fortune teller.

“…… Maybe the Peach Blossom Festival will be more prosperous. It's a good one. Maybe we will get married. " Chen sushang said with a smile.

But she also saw a point.

This point, she did not know whether Yan Qi cared about it or whether it was accurate, she did not mention it.

Of course, if it's Chen sushang herself, she doesn't care.

"Really?" Yan Qi is very happy, "will my students want to pursue me?"

Yan Kai just came out of the study. Hearing this, she knocked heavily on his sister's head: "I want you to teach, not to be a boy. If you dare to amuse others' children, they will kill you! Have you forgotten why you were sent to England to study? "

"Alas?" Yan Qi is in a fog. "Study is study, but also for what?"

She thought for a long time, and suddenly realized, "Daddy, it's because Zhou Jin stabbed himself that she was angry and let me go? I said, how can I suddenly go to school... "

Yan Kai: "..."

This wonderful brain has not grown well since childhood.

When Chen sushang saw Yan Kai's face collapse, he thought of his saying that his sisters were all business experts. Chen sushang laughed beside him.

Yan Qi knows that he is going to know, but he doesn't go to his heart.

She doesn't care about too many things, or, after a few days of caring, she says that she can be left behind, so others think she's a bit silly. Anyway, she's very happy.

Chen asked her if London was fun.

"It's fun. It's just too cold." Yan Qi said, "I'm freezing in winter. The twin brothers of the Xie family are very kind to us. We often go for dinner. "

Yan Luoshui's two sons have been studying in England for a long time. Now Xie Shangkuan, the eldest son, has graduated and found a job. He has no intention of coming back. Xie Qiangyi, the second son, is still pursuing higher academic attainments and continues to study.

Si Ning'an and ling'er also went to London. Xie's children take good care of their younger brothers and sisters, and they often eat and drink together with Yan Qi.

“…… I also know Mr. Fan. " Yan Qi said with a smile.

"Your classmates call this nickname?" Chen sushang is laughing.

"It's not my classmate. It's brother Shangkuan's friend. That day, he put the book on the table. I opened it and found that he called me the bucket, which killed me. He doesn't like to be called a pauper, so I call him lord fan. " Yan Qi said, "he's handsome, smart and beautiful, but he doesn't care much."

Chen sushang: "..."

She still doesn't believe that there are parents who will call their children "the bucket".

Yan Qi wandered for a few days and found that her brother ran to Manila by chance. Her sister-in-law often took her nephew to play in her mother's restaurant, while her cousin went to work in her aunt's company. Only she became an idle person.

Fortunately, she didn't care much.

In a flash, it's the end of August.

After a while, she plans to take a week off.

"What are you doing?" She called Yan Qi, "do you want to go to Hong Kong?"

"Good." Yan Qi is very excited.

She likes to go to Hong Kong in particular.

Si yuzao threw the child back to his mother's house and took Yan Qi to Hong Kong.

The two sisters lived in Huo's house. They went to casinos and shopping. Under the leadership of He Wei, they had a good time in Hong Kong and bought dozens of clothes and jewelry. That's why they went back to Singapore.

When the plane arrived at the airport in Singapore, Yan Qi was full of sleep and just woke up, full of energy.

"Sister, let's go to Kuala Lumpur next time." Yan Qi Dao.

Si yuzao is a little tired: "next time I'm going to wait for the new year, it's hard to have time off in the hospital."

Yan Qi is a little disappointed.

The deputy of the Secretary's family drove to pick up the car. When Yan Qi and Si yuzao were getting ready to get on the car, someone came over in the distance.

The man is a tall man with sunglasses and looks very good.

Yan Qi stared at others, always feeling that he was a little familiar.

When he came near, she finally saw it. She went up to him and grabbed him: "Mr. Fan!"

The other side motionless, light back glanced at the face chess, hid under the sunglasses the eye what mood also did not have.

Si yuzao is startled by Yan Qi.

All the airports that can be docked here have something to do with the Secretary's family, or have some friendship with the governor's office. After all, this is one of the special airports for the Secretary's family, and now it is also the aircraft of the government commissioner.

Si yuzao looks at the man curiously.

Wearing sunglasses, he looks very pretentious.

"Mr. Fan, it's me!" Yan Qi almost sticks to others, then bows his head, trying to pass his face through the bottom of sunglasses and expose it to others' vision. "Do you still know me, Mr. Fan?"

Someone came to pick up the plane.

Seeing this, the man was very polite to Yan Qi and said, "Miss, please speak slowly. Let go first and don't pull your arm."

To pick up the plane, see Yan Qi is followed by the big miss Si family, where dare to make a mistake?

Yan Qi sees the other side to have no reaction, had to let go of hand bitterly.

"Don't you remember me?" Yan Qi was not disappointed. "Mr. Fan, did you pass by Singapore or come to Singapore to play?"

The other side finally spoke at the moment.


He bypassed Yan Qi and walked out quickly.

During the whole process, the man stopped being polite, even lacking expression.

When he went far, Si yuzao frowned and asked Yan Qi, "what is this?"

Yan Qi: "don't speak ill of master fan!"

Si yuzao: "..."

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