Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1920 expectation of the weekend

Yan Qi's words embarrassed the atmosphere.

Li Hui, fan Yongzhi's assistant, stood in the dark, laughing hard.

The brothers and sisters of Yan family grew up in Singapore. Their English is very good, but their Chinese is a little poor.

Chen sushang's Chinese is very solid. At first, she didn't know the specific words of fan Yongzhi's name. Then she heard Yan Qi say "fan Tong" and immediately understood it.

"Mr. Fan is from Ningbo?" Chen Su Shang broke the embarrassment.

Fan Yongzhi nodded: "yes, my ancestral home is Ningbo. In order to commemorate his hometown, my grandfather gave the name "Yongzhi"

"Yong" is the abbreviation of Ningbo in ancient times. If it were not for this special meaning, the family with the surname "fan" would not have given their children names with words that might cause ambiguity.

Miss Yan doesn't know a lot of big characters. She really doesn't know.

"Nice name." Chen Su said, "Yong, read like Yong, it's very meaningful."

Fan Yongzhi nodded his head again.

He doesn't like to laugh very much, his expression is plain but not cold.

Chen sushang talked with him for a while, and learned that he also lived here, and made an appointment to have dinner together another day.

Yan Qi did not see fan Yongzhi for a long time and was very enthusiastic: "where do you live, Mr. Fan? I'll see at your house. "

Fan Yongzhi pointed to the front.

Yan Qi: "go! Goodbye, brother and sister-in-law. Goodbye, Tiancheng. "

Yan Kai: "...

in the middle of the night, his sister wants to go to the man's apartment. His brother should stop her.

He hesitated for a moment, afraid that Yan Qi would drive others crazy, so he kindly stopped her: "let's go another day. Mr. Fan is also very hard to get off work, and there are colleagues. I don't think he has time to entertain you."

Fan Yongzhi didn't speak.

Yan Qi thought about it. It was not very interesting, but he said: "Mr. Fan, I'll come to see you at the weekend and make you delicious food. Which room do you live in? "

Fan Yongzhi left the house number to Yan Qi.

Several people said goodbye. Yan Kai, with her sleepy son in her arms, and Chen sushang took Yan Qi to the car and told the driver to drive slowly before returning home.

When they turned around, fan Yongzhi stood in silence for ten seconds.

Li Hui, who was close to him, felt that fan Yongzhi was disappointed. He didn't mind if someone visited his apartment.

They were supposed to talk about business.

Li Hui is the deputy. He has to discuss many things with fan Yongzhi. One of fan Yongzhi is still in a good mood at the beginning, but when he returns home, he is obviously absent-minded.

In this way, Li Hui is very discerning: "I went back to the young master first, and I will go to work tomorrow."

Fan Yongzhi nodded.

It's Wednesday.

Li Hui found that the next two days of fan Yongzhi's class had a lot of distractions.

Talking to him, he basically didn't respond. Everything was left to Li Hui.

On Friday, after lunch, he said to Li Hui, "I have something in the afternoon."

"But there will be a meeting in the afternoon. It's from the Financial Association." Li Huidao.

"You go on my behalf." Fan Yongzhi road.

"What can I do for you, young master?" Li Hui said, "you are still going to the meeting."

"Not you."

"Can't you wait until tomorrow?"

"It's too late tomorrow. I'm going to buy some food." Fan Yongzhi road.

Li Hui: "...

he suddenly remembered that on Wednesday night, he met all the people of the Yan family. Miss Yan said that she went to see the young master at the weekend and said," make you delicious food. ".

Do you think about people's food these days?

I can't see. Young master is still a foodie!

The young master is all over the weekend's plan. Li Hui has no choice but to do his homework and attend the meeting in the afternoon instead of him.

Fan Yongzhi got up early on Saturday.

He simply cleaned up the room and sat in the sofa, pretending to be with a newspaper.

When waiting, the time passed very slowly.

He waited from morning till dusk. He sat in the sofa without even changing his posture.

The house was very quiet. The light in the room turned dark and dark.

For a long time, the phone rang.

Fan Yongzhi let it ring.

But the phone rang several times, and still kept going. Finally, fan Yongzhi came alive from the wood carving state and turned on the desk lamp.

He picked it up.

Li Hui called.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, young master. Should you send me a telegram the day before yesterday? The master didn't receive your telegram. He came to inquire about the situation. He asked you to send back a telegram before midnight tonight. " Li Hui said on the phone.

Li Hui received the urging from London in the morning.

He was afraid to disturb his young master's good deeds. He stayed until 10 p.m., thinking about Miss Yan's young woman. At 10 p.m., he should leave for home.

I don't think so. It took a long time to get through the phone.

Fan Yongzhi's voice, light and simple: "well."

"Young master, what do you want to say? Do you need me to send it?" Li Hui asked again.

"No." Fan Yongzhi adjusted his sitting position. "Come here and buy me a meal."

Li Hui is very efficient. He arrived half an hour later. He also brought a Chinese food with vegetables, meat, soup and water to fan Yongzhi.

Fan Yongzhi sat at the table and ate slowly.

While eating, he asked Li Hui to draw up the telegram for him. He speaks slowly and eats more slowly.

Finish saying, he ate a few mouthfuls also put down chopsticks, I do not know whether there is no appetite, or the food is not tasty.

Li Hui wanted to ask about it, but he didn't dare.

"... come early tomorrow and go to the food market to help me buy food." When he left, fan Yongzhi told him to deliver it before seven

Li Hui said.

He turned around and left, sending back the telegram that the master wanted.

The next day, Li Hui came very early and bought the dishes. Besides vegetables, he bought some chicken, duck, fish and seafood.

Fan Yongzhi is up.

Li Hui takes the dishes to the kitchen.

At this time, he smelled the smell. Singapore's high temperature, put two nights of fresh meat and fruit, has been born flies, the kitchen is terrible.

Li Hui endured the stench and cleaned it up for him. He also knew why his young master was half dead yesterday.

He looked forward to his feelings for two days, but miss Yan didn't come at all.

But he still didn't give up. After all, Miss Yan said it was the weekend, so he asked Li Hui to deliver the dishes early in the morning.

When Li Hui cleaned up the kitchen garbage, he saw fan Yongzhi sitting in the sofa reading.

"So early, has the young master had breakfast?" Li Hui looks at his watch and it's only 7:10. At this time, fan Yongzhi hasn't got up.

"You go back." Fan Yongzhi road.

He didn't want to talk about it more.

Li Hui guessed that he probably didn't eat yesterday, otherwise he wouldn't let him deliver some food in the middle of the night.

After hesitating, Li Hui went out to help fan Yongzhi buy a breakfast and put it in front of him.

Fan Yongzhi didn't mean to eat.

Li Hui knows that fan Yongzhi's stomach is not very good. If he is hungry for two days, he may have a stomachache.

He worried that his young master would have to wait all day. At nine o'clock in the evening, he called fan Yongzhi again.

This time, no one answered the phone.

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