Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1921 seafood is not fresh

On Thursday, when Yan Qi came home from work, she received a call from her little sister Annie. Anne asked Yan Qi to have dinner.

Annie is going to get married. She just received her fiance's ring today. She is so happy that she wants to go out to celebrate with Yanqi.

Just the two of them, don't want other friends. "

.... there is a very good seafood restaurant. Let's try it. It's said that it's very delicious. These days, they are all saying that they haven't been there yet. They are going to make an appointment at the weekend. Let's have a taste and show them off. " Anne said. She is a noble lady who doesn't have to go to work on weekdays. Eating, drinking and playing are their talking skills.

Every time they have any fresh food, they have to talk for half a day. This

new restaurant was mentioned by a celebrity in the newspaper last night, which has become a hot topic in a short time. "

OK." Yan Qi also likes to join in the fun. She ate seafood and went to drink again until after eleven o'clock.

Yan Qi worried about her parents scolding her. She sneaked back to the west wing and took a simple bath. She was still thinking about how to deal with her parents' pressing questions in the morning. Before she had thought it over, she fell asleep in a daze.

In the middle of the night, Yan Qi woke up with abdominal pain.

"... that crab tasted strange yesterday." Yan Qi mumbles and rushes to the bathroom.

She didn't take it seriously. Two hours later, she woke up from the pain.

She thought that after getting up early, she would go to the hospital to get some antidiarrheal drugs and go to bed.

When she got up early the next day, she didn't look very well, so she put on some lipstick.

After breakfast, Xu Qizhen wanted to ask her what she did yesterday. She covered her stomach and said, "no, I need to go to the bathroom." Yan

Ziqing was disgusted: "can't you finish eating?" Yan, regardless of chess, rushed to the bathroom.

At this time, she noticed something wrong and immediately called her girlfriend. The servant of the Fang family told her that the young lady had been sent to the hospital after vomiting and diarrhea in the middle of the night.

Yan Qi used to be fine, but now he feels that he can't do it. He rushes to the bathroom again and spits up in the morning. Yan

Zi qingliangzi and Yan Tong and Yan Xun realized something wrong and surrounded each other. "

Mommy, I went to dinner with Annie yesterday. That new seafood restaurant used Japanese new seasoning. We both thought the crab might be bad, but the boss said it was the flavor of seasoning. I woke up in pain twice a night, and Anne was taken to the hospital in the middle of the night. Mommy, I'm going to the hospital, too. Ask for leave for me. " Yan Qi grabs Xu Qizhen's hand.

Yan Ziqing picked up her daughter and drove her to the hospital. Wipe

to get rid of lipstick, the complexion and lips of Yan Qi become white, and sweat constantly. Yan

Ziqing took her to the emergency room, and asked his entourage to inform Pei Cheng and Si qiongzhi immediately, and first sent a doctor with excellent medical skills to see Yan Qi.

Si yuzao happened to be in her aunt's office. When she heard the news, she rushed over.

She first examined Yan Qi's pulse, but before the doctor found out the result, she said: "don't worry, uncle, it's acute gastroenteritis. It's caused by improper diet. There's no big problem."

Yan Ziqing breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Qizhen, with her two daughters, arrived later. When they came out, Yan Ziqing drove away in a hurry and didn't wait for them.

Their mother and daughter had to wait for the driver to start the car again and catch up with the crowd at work. They arrived ten minutes late. Yan was transferred to a specialized ward. She has no big problem. Ordinary people can go home after an injection.

But Yan Ziqing is not at ease, let Yan Qi live down first. "

Mommy, Annie may be here too. Go and see how she is." After Yan Qi's injection, although he has been purring in his stomach for a long time, he doesn't want to vomit, and his stomach doesn't hurt, so he worries about Annie when he gets out of his mind.

"Well, I'll ask." Xu Qizhen said.

She's going to ask Sejong to look it up.

Soon we found Anne's room. She lived in a separate room upstairs.

Annie's health is not as good as Yan Qi's, and the situation is more serious than Yan Qi's. when she sent it, she had a fever. This morning, the fever not only didn't subside, but turned into a high fever. Ann's surname is Chen. She is also related to the Si family. Her aunt is Gu Ying, Gu Qingzhou's sister.

"How is chess?" Mrs. Chen took Xu Qizhen's hand and asked, worried that it would be broken.

She has been in the hospital, no time to ask Yan Qi's safety, only to know that yesterday was Annie's banquet Yan Qi. "

she was in the ward downstairs and had an injection, but she's ok now." Xu Qizhen said.

Mrs. Chen sighed.

"... I've already told Annie not to go to any messy restaurant to eat seafood. She won't listen. What friend recommends, say is new practice, let them eat raw unexpectedly Mrs. Chen said that, she was very angry, and planned to go to those peddlers to settle accounts.

They cannot be allowed to harm more people.

Xu Qizhen is more rational: "it's the Japanese way of eating, chess and chess also told me. Japan has always had this habit. It's certain that things are not fresh. Our two girls have a soft stomach, which is one of the reasons. Don't be angry. It's the most important thing that the child is OK. "

Mrs. Chen sighed again, saying that the children were not a worry.

In the afternoon, Yan Qi is almost ready.

Her condition is not serious indeed. But

Yes, Annie has been feverish, vomiting and diarrhea. Si yuzao goes to feel her pulse and says that she may have caused dysentery and needs to be changed for treatment. It wasn't until Sunday afternoon that Anne got better.

"Stay one more day, and you can be discharged on Tuesday." Siyuzao said.

These days, Yan Qi has been with Annie.

Xu couldn't leave, so she had to ask Yan Ziqing to take her two daughters home. She accompanied Mrs. Chen in the hospital. Ann's fiance and her family come every day.

"I'm going to get married at the end of the year, but don't do anything wrong. I don't want to be hospitalized before marriage. I'll be fat." Anne kept praying. Yan can't smile: "how could you be so eager to marry? Do you want a face? "

Annie whispered, "I'm married. My family is different from yours. They always quarrel. My parents and brothers are not very harmonious. I'm fed up with it. "

She is eager to leave her mother's home. To be serious, Chen Jiagen is not a hot potato. There are quarrels between husband and wife, quarrels between children and so on. Just in the girl's fantasy, the life after marriage is sweet and colorful. Only when there is such a contrast can I feel that my mother's life is unbearable. Yan didn't understand this very well, but she felt sorry for Annie and thought she had such a bad life in private. She accompanied Anne in the hospital for several days until she was discharged from the hospital.

On Wednesday, she hurriedly went to school to get off work and then to class. All day long, Yan Qi's fingers and head hurt when he got off work. She got into her car and the driver came to pick her up. Back home, the servant told Yan Qi, "Miss, there is a gentleman calling for you."

"Who is it?"

"He said his last name was fan." Servant road. Yan was surprised.

She was so busy these days that she fainted and stayed in the hospital for a few days. She completely forgot that she promised to cook for fan Yongzhi at the weekend.

"What did he call me for?" Yan Qi asked, "does he know that I am in hospital?"

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