Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 193: falling car

Gu Qingzhou accompanies Yan Luoshui.

Luoshui's mood is very bad, pale with a small face, stunned.

Gu Qingzhou looked at her carefully and thought, "Luoshui is very beautiful. How can I thank the family three for forgetting her?"

Yan Luoshui's appearance is difficult to generalize the good and bad. She is a round face, not particularly brilliant facial features, but in the same face, the combination is just right.

At first glance, I may think that the girl is very ordinary, no matter how she looks or how she dresses, she is an ordinary person. But if I look at her a few more times, I will think her eyebrows and eyes are particularly elegant.

Yan Luoshui is not the first beauty. She is very patient. The more she looks, the more she thinks she is exquisite and beautiful.

Besides, Luoshui is smart and low-key.

"Luoshui..." Gu Qingzhou tries to chat with her.

Yan Luoshui interrupts her: "light boat, you go to Mu Ma's side to sit, I want to be quiet."

Gu Qingzhou sighs.

"Then I'll go first." Gu Qingzhou gives Yan Luoshui a silent space and does not disturb her.

Gu Qingzhou went to Mrs. Yan's yard.

By the time she arrived, Xie's brother and sister had already left.

I left so soon. I'm afraid I passed by by by chance?

"How is Luoshui?" As soon as Gu Qingzhou entered, Mrs. Yan asked her.

Gu Qingzhou shook his head and said, "I want to be quiet."

Mrs. Yan sighed.

"She didn't say anything, she was not happy." Said Mrs. Yan.

Luoshui is full of seventeen, and this year it's eighteen. If you go back twenty years, it's an old girl. Mrs. Yan wants to fix her, but she's not happy.

"You say that the world is new, old and new, and it has broken people to pieces." Mrs. Yan said, "if the Qing Dynasty, where the round gets a girl to choose her own son-in-law, it's blind marriage and dumb marriage. But I can't do it now. Now the government allows divorce. She can't live in the future without her choosing. She's really gone... "

Although divorce is a fashionable thing, the older generation is deeply humiliated.

In case she doesn't like the husband she chose for Yan Luoshui, and knows that she can get divorced and won't live a quiet life, it's a small matter for Yan family to lose face, and Yan Luoshui is very painful.

“…… I don't think the Xie family is really interested in her. " "Said Mrs. Yan," I said that the child's heart and lungs are cold, not hot

Gu Qingzhou sighs in an old spirit. Yan Luoshui is in a bad mood, and she is also worried.

Mrs. Yan looked at her and sighed. She said, "what are you worried about, children? Don't sigh."

The two men shifted the subject.

"Muma, sister Xie's coming to see you. What can I do for you?" Gu asked curiously.

"They didn't come to see me. They came to see your adoptive father." "Mrs. Yan said," the Xie family is in trouble. President Xie is in custody. He is waiting for the trial. He wants your adoptive father to help

"What's the matter?" Gu Qingzhou is shocked.

Seeing Miss Xie's calm, Gu Qingzhou thought that she had come to visit relatives and friends.

This self-cultivation is amazing.

"What's the big deal?" Mrs. Yan said with a smile? Political strife is nothing more than exclusion and injustice, which are small. If they really want to kill Xie's family, they will not be able to reach Yuecheng. "

It's not a big deal, but it's with the military.

Xie's relationship in the military was not deep, so he thought of Yan Xinnong, his immediate neighbor, and sent his child to Yuecheng overnight for help.

Take care of the boat.

Xie's sister and brother stayed in the five countries Hotel temporarily, waiting for Yan Xinnong to come back.

At noon, they met Yan Xinnong.

Yan Xinnong said to his wife, "we can sell more people in Nanjing. After all, politics and military are inseparable."

He wants to make a living.

Yan Xinnong has a good relationship with the master of Xie's family. It's easy to say. It's corruption. Unfortunately, it's a little linked with the Quartermaster's department. It's hard for Xie's family to escape.

As long as they don't betray the party and the country, other crimes are easy to clean up. The Xie family is involved in the corruption case this time, which is not difficult for Yan Xinnong.

In other words, the government officials can't do it for a long time. Who is not dirty? It's just that someone has formed a feud with the Xie family. They want to overthrow the Xie family, or take a fancy to the current position of the master of the Xie family and want to replace him.

"I've asked. It's not a big deal." Yan Xinnong said, "of course, I can't just say yes. It's easy not to be gracious. "

Only when something is difficult can others be grateful.

"You make up your mind." "If it's in my temper, I don't want to worry about it," said Mrs. Yan

Mrs. Yan is very upset about the third young master of the Xie family.

"Still thinking about Luoshui?" Yan Xinnong said with a smile, "it's no fault for other people's children. He didn't give up all the time. He didn't meet Luoshui in the first place. There was no such fate."

"Why can't he see Luoshui?" Said Mrs. Yan.

Yan Xinnong smiled: "you are a little unreasonable."

When Mrs. Yan thought about it, she thought it was funny.

Yan Xinnong wanted to help, but he was going to drag on, not so easily.

Yan Luoshui was in a bad mood. She didn't have lunch.

Gu went to her again and brought her a cup of steaming milk.

Yan Luoshui can't eat. Milk is liquid. You can still drink it if you bite your teeth.

When she was drinking water, Gu Qingzhou dared not speak beside her, and the room was silent.

It was not until Yan Yiyuan came in that he broke the silence.

Yan Yiyuan thought that he was wrong and annoyed his sister. He looked for Gu Qingzhou carefully: "Luoshui is still angry?"

"No!" Gu Qingzhou road.

"I bought a bicycle. Shall we go cycling?" Yan Yiyuan said, "you go to invite Luoshui, even if I make amends for her."

This words, he dare not say with Yan Luoshui, encourage to take care of the boat to intercede.

Gu Qingzhou has never seen a bicycle. She has heard about it by chance. She has seen people ride it in the street. She thinks it's very fresh and interesting.

As for cycling, it's a new thing.

"Luoshui, brother five bought a bicycle. Shall we go cycling?" Gu Qingzhou said, "I haven't ridden a bicycle yet, will I be riding like that?"

Yan Luoshui's meeting has also been slow.

"Bicycle?" Asked Yan Luoshui. She had seen female students ride bicycles before and wanted one very much. Mrs. Yan said it was too dangerous to buy them.

Bicycles are certainly not dangerous to ride. It's just something new. Everyone is in awe.

In addition, there was a child riding a bicycle next door, and a big wound fell on his leg. At that time, Mrs. Yan felt more dangerous because of the blood. They were not allowed to touch it.

"Where is it?" Yan Luoshui is in a good mood.

"Back yard." Gu chuckled.

When they arrived in the yard, they saw Yan Yiyuan's feet, and there was a brand-new two-wheel bicycle, dark blue, with golden bells on it.

Gu Qingzhou and Yan Luoshui both feel funny and circle around it.

"You said, how can these two wheels get up?" Yanluo waterway, "mummy said it's dangerous, and I think it's dangerous."

Yan Yiyuan likes to crack down on Yan Luoshui. Today, with a heart of atonement, he is rarely calm enough to explain to her: "do you see the pedal? When the pedal moves and the force is balanced, the car can move. "

Yan Yiyuan asked, "who will try first?"

Yan Luoshui and Gu Qingzhou look at each other.

"How do you try? What about a broken leg? " Gu Qingzhou is a little worried.

"I'll ride. I'll help you." Yan Yiyuan said.

After all, Yan Yiyuan got on his own car and rode around the tennis court very fast and skillfully.

He looks like he's carrying the wind. It's more fun than riding.

Gu Qingzhou and Yan Luoshui look at him greedily.

Yan Yiyuan rode around and came back and said, "who are you going to try?"

"I'll do it." Yan Luoshui smiled.

When she got up, she always couldn't ride steadily and would fall down in a moment.

Yan Yiyuan carefully supported her.

"You've got it." Yan Luoshui's voice trembled. "If I fall, I will peel your skin."

She can swear, which means she's in a lot of good mood.

Yan Yiyuan is not polite at this time: "you hold the front, eyes look forward, look forward, hard at your feet, so stupid, step on it quickly!"

Gu Qingzhou watched with relish.

Yan Yiyuan is tired and sweaty. An hour later, when he is supporting the back seat, Yan Luoshui can finally ride around.

She was very happy.

"It's fun!" Yanluo waterway, "I want to ride to school!"

"You can pull it down!" Yan Yiyuan was so tired that he gasped, "just like you, you have to be killed by a car!"

The two of them began to quarrel again.

Yan Luoshui learned and said, "hurry up, you can try the boat."

Gu Qingzhou watched for an hour. Yan Yiyuan said that he understood all the tricks of Yan Luoshui.

So, she's like a model at first.

She looked straight ahead and stepped hard on the pedal.

"It's a great boat. It's born to ride!" Yan Yiyuan marveled.

"Don't let go, I'm afraid." Gu Qingzhou is very nervous. He can't appreciate his praise at all.

After half riding, Gu Qingzhou rode more and more smoothly. Yan Yiyuan was really tired. Seeing that the ground was flat, Gu Qingzhou rode hard, and he let go.

The tennis court is round. Gu Qingzhou is so nervous that she tries hard to keep balance. Seeing Yan Yiyuan let go, she is scared.

"Ah!" Gu wants to stop, but his hands and feet are out of control.

Her car went straight ahead.

A big stone, Gu Qingzhou somehow stepped on it. The bicycle turned over the stone, then suddenly fell to the ground, and Gu Qingzhou was half dead.

"Canoe!" Yan Luoshui was scared to death.

When taking care of the light boat, Yan Luoshui beat Yan Yiyuan hard: "you're going to die, let you hold a car and you let go. It's nothing but eating!"

"I'm too tired. Besides, I can ride so well." Yan Yiyuan is also very aggrieved.

Gu Qingzhou was hurt all over, and his clothes were dirty: "it's OK. I heard that he had to fall hard several times to learn how to ride a bicycle."

She was fine at that time. After changing her clothes, she always felt uncomfortable.

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