Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 194: chastity

After a fall, Gu didn't dare to ride. Especially when the car turned over the stone, her bones were scattered.

Although his arms and legs did not break the skin, he still felt uncomfortable.

Her most private place seems to have been hurt by the shock of the bicycle stool, and it has been hurting badly.

The position is too awkward, Yan Luoshui and Yan Yiyuan certainly didn't notice, even if they did, they wouldn't ask. And Gu Qingzhou dare not say, she tried to hold back.

It's just a pain. She's a little worried about her injury.

After dinner at Yan's house, she didn't say anything and tried to make a normal appearance.

After supper, Gu Qingzhou still felt pain. She went to the bathroom and found a large dark red on her clothes.

It's only ten days since her monthly event. It can't be a monthly event.

"Hurt?" Gu Qingzhou's heart is cold. It's bleeding.

Did you shatter your belly?

She thought so at that time, so her heart was in a panic.

Thinking that Mrs. Yan would not allow them to ride bicycles, she regretted taking care of the boat and should not be curious.

When he was injured, Gu dared not hide any more, for fear that the problem would be even more serious. Embarrassed, she told Mrs. Yan, "a lot of blood, mum."

Mrs. Yan's face changed with fear.

"Come on, get your car ready!" Cried Mrs. Yan.

Yan Luoshui also came to ask what happened.

Gu told her.

“…… When you hit that stone, I felt that you should be hurt. I stood so far and heard a loud noise. " Yanluo waterway.

"You know you didn't say that earlier?" Mrs. Yan scolded Yan Luoshui, "little five is making a fool of yourself, and you are also making a fool of yourself! I've already told you that you are not allowed to ride any bicycles. Look at that thing. It can't be put stably. Can you ride it? "

There is no gynecology in the military hospital of the military government.

Yan's car went to the German Church hospital overnight.

Gu Qingzhou has always felt uncomfortable, but there is no more bleeding. She can feel it in advance.

It's just painful. It's like a bruise.

When she arrived at the hospital, the woman doctor asked her to take off her clothes for examination. It was embarrassing to take care of the boat.

"Take it easy, miss." The woman doctor is very gentle, and she can take care of the patients' mood.

Gu Qingzhou is also a doctor. She should know better, so she should take it easy.

After the examination, Gu Qingzhou arranged his clothes. Mrs. Yan came in and asked, "is it serious? Can I be hospitalized?"

The woman doctor's face was a little embarrassed.

"You are..." The doctor asked Mrs. Yan.

"I am her adoptive mother." Said Mrs. Yan.

"And her mother?" The doctor said, "if it's convenient, please contact her parents. It's very important. We can't take responsibility. Mrs. Yan's heart suddenly cooled.

Is this a serious injury?

I think that Gu Guizhang is the only one in my family, but Gu Guizhang and Gu Qingzhou are not close.

If there is any accident, Gu Guizhang will be the first to crack down on the children's mood.

Mrs. Yan is afraid of taking care of the boat.

"She didn't have a mother. I kept her alive." Said Mrs. Yan. Even if you are seriously injured, you should cure Gu Qingzhou secretly. You can't let her father know.

Gu Qingzhou's father will not think about it for him. At that time, he will talk in a disorderly way. Mrs. Yan thinks that he will say a lot of unpleasant things.

"Let me know if you have anything to do." Said Mrs. Yan.

The doctor nodded and asked Mrs. Yan to follow her to the office.

Yan Luoshui accompanies her in the ward.

"Is it still painful?" Yan Luoshui was so guilty that she almost cried.

In fact, the girl's privacy is very fragile. Even if she bumps into it, it will hurt for a long time.

Gu Qingzhou didn't know what was damaged. Anyway, she was in pain.

"All right." Gu Qingzhou comforts Yan Luoshui, but he dare not tell the truth. He is afraid that Yan Luoshui will blame himself.

It's not anyone's fault. It's Gu Qingzhou who doesn't control his bike.

The first time she rode, Yan Yiyuan let go again. She was really afraid and nervous, and the car lost control.

She and Yan Luoshui waited for a moment in the ward, and Mrs. Yan came out of the doctor's office.

Yan Luoshui went up and asked, "Mom, what did the doctor say? Does the boat need to be hospitalized? "

"No need." Mrs. Yan's face is not very good-looking. She tries to hold up a smile. "Now we can go home. The doctor said that he had bruised and prescribed some medicine to remove blood stasis. He would be better to cultivate himself slowly. "

Looking at her mother's face, Yan Luoshui always felt that there was something important, not like nothing.

Mrs. Yan's expression is really heavy.

Gu Qingzhou also saw that her heart was heavy.

Along the way, Gu Qingzhou thought, "why don't you tell me? How much do you hurt? "

When I came back, the pain was less intense and there was no bleeding.

Gu Qingzhou thinks it's OK again.

Back to the Yan mansion, Mrs. Yan asked Yan Luoshui to go first, and called Gu Qingzhou to the side hall alone. After closing the door, Mrs. Yan wanted to stop talking.

"Canoe, a great thing happened." "Mrs. Yan's voice is sad and ashamed," the doctor said that you happened to bump into the position, and The girl's film was broken. "

Gu didn't understand at first.

Later, she reacted and the people were stunned.

“…… When you say you bleed, it's actually falling red. " "Boat..." said Mrs. Yan

Mrs. Yan really didn't know what to say. She felt that Yan Yiyuan had made a huge mistake.

In the old times, the wedding night needs to show yuanpa to my mother-in-law. With Luohong, I am sure it's the place and the body of my son. My mother-in-law's family will arrange three times to go back to the door, and the marriage will be considered successful, otherwise I can quit.

Now, people in the new era don't seem to pay attention to this, but men have a reputation in their hearts.

Let Mrs. Yan show Mrs. Si with the certificate of the hospital and the little clothes stained with red. Can Mrs. Si believe it? Will commander in chief believe it again?

A good girl's home, hit that place, who would believe it?

Without that layer of things, Gu Qingzhou couldn't explain clearly. She lost her virginity.

Mrs. Yan felt that taking care of the boat was almost ruined in her life.

Mrs. Yan is so miserable. She is very guilty. It's all Yan Yiyuan's bicycle.

"Really?" Gu Qingzhou's face was also pale.

As Mrs. Yan thought, this happened, holding the hospital list and blood stained clothes, can not prove innocence.

Gu Qingzhou always wants to marry.

"How could this happen?" Gu Qingzhou mumbles.

Mrs. Yan's heart is about to be crushed. Her voice is all in her throat.

"Light boat, it's your five brothers' fault. I'll go and explain to Mrs. Si. I'll explain to you even if I prove my innocence by death. " Said Mrs. Yan, her tears streaming down.

Yan Yiyuan is really damned.

Mrs. Yan felt that her family had ruined her life.

"No, don't tell the manager!" Gu Qingzhou holds Mrs. Yan's hand. "Muma, it's not someone else's fault. I fell on my own bike."

After a pause, Gu Qingzhou said, "Mom, sooner or later, my family and I will leave.". Last year, Mrs. Si picked me up to do this. It's just that I threatened her. She gave me two years... "

Some secrets can't be hidden.

Gu Qingzhou took his letter to threaten Mrs. Si and told Mrs. Yan.

“…… The Secretary's family is going to leave. Tell them that they will only make jokes. Mum, please don't tell them. " Gu Qingzhou said, "I'll keep the list of Xiaoyi and hospital. If there's any chance in the future..."

If a man is willing to believe her, Gu Qingzhou will marry him.

If not, it's OK for her to be single.

Besides, it was an accident. Some people lost their lives or broke their hands and feet.

Are those people going to die?

There's always something wrong with life.

Gu Qingzhou thought that she was not a virtuous person. God made her suffer a little, just a little punishment.

"Really?" When Mrs. Yan heard Gu Qingzhou's words, she was surprised. "So there is still such an agreement between you and Mrs. Si?"

"Yes." Gu Qingzhou road.

"What letter is it?" Asked Mrs. Yan.

Gu Qingzhou shook his head: "I can't tell you that."

Mrs. Yan nodded, "I'm talkative."

Since Gu Qingzhou can't marry Sima, it's because of Yan Yiyuan. Then Gu Qingzhou can leave her marriage and marry Yan Yiyuan!

When Mrs. Yan had her own opinion, she felt a little bit less guilty.

The mother and daughter sat in silence for a long time.

Later, Yan Luoshui came in.

Yan Luoshui was worried. He asked Gu Qingzhou, "what did the doctor say?"

Gu Qingzhou regards Yan Luoshui as her best friend. She also vowed that she would not hide anything from Yan Luoshui in the future, so she showed her doctor's list to Yan Luoshui.

"It's red." Gu Qingzhou road.

After watching Yan Luoshui, the whole person was also confused.

"How can I get hurt?" Yan Luoshui couldn't believe it. "What can I do about this boat?"

Yan Luoshui is totally stupid.

She returned to her mind, worried about taking care of the boat, scolded Yan Yiyuan's bicycle, and wished she could pull Yan Yiyuan over and slap her face. Her mood was extremely complicated.

Yan Luoshui cried.

Gu Qingzhou is not in the mood to comfort Yan Luoshui.

It may be that she is young and doesn't know how hard it will be in the future. It's hard to take care of the boat at this moment.

Later her husband will have a thorn in his heart. It's quite a grievance to think that the light boat didn't do anything.

"Do you really want to be a concubine? If he has doubts, he may not be willing. "

Moreover, Gu Qingzhou was not desperate enough to become a concubine.

She didn't sleep all night.

Body pain, slowly transferred to the heart.

Gu understands that no one can be blamed for this. There is no precedent for this, and they do not know that there will be such consequences.

Yan Yiyuan got a bicycle to make them happy. Gu Qingzhou didn't ride well, and it was her own fault that she ran into it.

Just now, she was at a loss.

"In this world, everyone will encounter misfortune." Gu told himself, "my misfortune is special, maybe it's providence."

She cheered herself up and told herself there was no need to worry about it.

In the future, if he meets the person she is destined to meet, he will believe her.

Gu Qingzhou stayed up all night, so did Mrs. Yan.

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