Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1934 Yan Qi is jealous

Fan Yongzhi has a strange attitude, which makes Yan Qi and others look at him.

Eager to cover up, he turned away. Chen Su Shang found a topic and put it to the past. After arriving at the racecourse, Yan Qi pulls fan Yongzhi to choose the horses.

Yan Qi bought a thousand, fan Yongzhi followed her and bought a thousand.

When Yan Kai seldom spends so much money on recreation, he feels that his younger sister is more playful than him. Yan

the young master is not convinced, holding his son in his hand and whispering to his wife, "which one do you like? Let's buy two thousand

It costs hundreds of dollars in a single note.

Chen sushang was surprised: "take money to play like this? Why don't you take it and float it? You can hear it. Buy fifty. "

Grandma Yan Shao didn't realize that her husband wanted to show her heart at all, which made Yan Kai itch in her heart: "buy two thousand notes, I have money! I can't make people laugh. I've bought a thousand pieces of chess. "

Chen sushang: "...

now she understands Yan Kai's heart of comparison.

It's very promising to compete with my sister! "

three thousand notes are ready." Chen Su said, "win a big one." Yan

kaixiao. Chen

Su Shang knew nothing about running horses. He asked Yan Kai, "which one do you think is good?" Yan

Kai is similar to Si yuzao in essence. When he was young, he had to study hard at home. When we grow up, when we are old enough to eat, drink and play, there is a war in Singapore. People who have lived through wars know that peace is hard won, and it's hard to live a life of ecstasy in the future.

He doesn't know much about the tricks of selling the gold grottoes.

Young master Yan doesn't know whether to return or not, but he has money, so he said with great wealth: "No. 7. I think it has good energy and endurance. "

Chen sushang looked at it and didn't think No. 7 was good. Instead, Yan Qi and fan yongzhiya's No. 9 seemed to win.

"You really want number seven?"

"Well, seven." Yan Kai Dao.

He held the child in his arms, and Chen sushang made a bet. As expected, he bought three thousand.

Yan Qi listened, greatly appreciated: "elder brother Hello generous ah, turning back aunt must thank you." Yan

Kai: " Seeing that he didn't understand chess, Yan explained: "this Racecourse is a business of the foreign government, which is under the charge of my aunt at present. No matter how much she lost, she lost to her aunt. Doesn't she want to thank you? "

Yan Kai: "it's strange that

Yan Qi is so generous and lavish. Yan

Kay suddenly felt that he had been caught in a trap, and his face was full of words.

Chen sushang couldn't help laughing. She was about to be teased to death by Yan Kai.

Tiancheng didn't know what his mother was laughing at. He was very uncomfortable in his father's arms and asked his mother to hold him. Yan

Kay didn't allow him to move: "your mother's arms are sore when you are so heavy. Daddy hold you, daddy hold you, OK Yan

Tiancheng is not very satisfied. After coaxing him for a long time, Kay calmed him down. He was tired and found that his son was the ancestor, his sister was the ancestor, and his wife was also the ancestor. There was no one to serve him.

After betting, several candidates sat down. Yan

Kay asked for a glass of milk. He coaxed his son to drink it slowly before he was free to talk. "

a glass of ice water." He said to the waiter. They ordered all kinds of drinks one after another. Note down each person who serves

. After the slice was carved, drinks and snacks were brought up. When several people sat chatting, fan Yongzhi picked up his camera and took some photos.

He not only took pictures of the Yan family, but also aimed the camera at other people. He has recently found a bit of fun in taking pictures. A little bit.

Just then, a young man, with a pair of gold rimmed glasses, came to them.

There is a young woman beside the man.

"Miss Yan?" The man called Yan Qi.

Yan Qi looks back and sees Wang Zhiming and his Aunt Wang Yuxin, while Yan Kai also has several contacts with Wang Zhiming. Although he doesn't speculate, he still thinks others are good.

"Yan Shao, grandma Yan Shao, are you here?" Wang Zhiming later saw Yan Kai and his wife, and added the greeting with a smile. Kay asked him to sit, too. Introduce yourself and get to know each other. But fan Yongzhi's eyes fell on Wang Yuxin, who was a little surprised.

He was a little out of shape. Yan Qi noticed first and touched his foot under the table.

Fan Yongzhi returns to the spirit.

"... is Miss Wang still used to living?" Yan Kai chatted with Wang Yuxin in a host voice. Wang

Yu Xin was not very talkative and said simply, "it's very good."

Then, she drinks soda in silence.

Fortunately, when Chen Su Shang was able to catch up with Yan Kai, Wang Zhiming was enthusiastic and didn't give a cold reception. Wang

Yu Xin also noticed fan Yongzhi's eyes and frowned slightly.

Later, fan Yongzhi peeked at Wang Yuxin several times. Yan's heart was suddenly blocked. She did not know why she was uncomfortable with Mr. Fan secretly looking at others.

At this time, the race began.

"Are you betting?" Asked Wang Zhiming. "

now, four of us have bought five thousand in all." Chen Su business road.

Wang Yuxin looked at them. Although she tried to restrain herself, she was a little contemptuous at the bottom of her eyes, as if she were looking at two fools. Chen

Su Shang catches her eyes and thinks that this young lady is arrogant, for fear that they are vulgar.

"Is it?" Wang Zhiming smiled, "how can I buy so much? I've bought ten. My sister-in-law doesn't think I've bought too many. We bought the ninth. How about you? "

Yan Qi said, "I bought No. 9 with Mr. Fan, didn't we?" "

well." "

number nine should win." Wang Yuxin, on one side, suddenly opened his mouth.

Fan Yongzhi took another look at her.

At this point, he was aboveboard.

Yan Qi's heart is more blocked. I wish I could lift the table. However, although she likes to play, she doesn't like Miss Saada's temper. For a while, she really doesn't know how to get angry.

"We bought number seven." Chen sushang replied, "there are only two parties. Later, whoever wins will treat. If you lose, let Akai treat you. " Yan

Kai understands that he will spend money today no matter he wins or loses.

"How could you be so unkind to your husband?" He asked Chen sushang with a smile.

Everyone laughed. Only

has the face chess not to smile. She couldn't feel it.

Fan Yongzhi has a cool personality and is not interested in anyone. Today alone, when he looked at Wang Yuxin at a glance, Yan Qi could immediately perceive the difference. To be beautiful, Wang Yuxin is not as beautiful as Yan Qi. Can be

men's mind, no one can guess. There is a ready-made example before eyes: her sister-in-law is far less beautiful than sumalo, or even less outstanding, but her brother is infatuated with her.

And Yan Qi also thought that in recent years, almost no one has pursued her. Maybe she is not beautiful enough. Only Zhou Jin and other frivolous people can see her.

Her face was cold all of a sudden, and people could detect it. "

can I drink soda or not?" Chen sushang tried to calm the atmosphere. Yan

took over the chess and took a few hard breaths.

Over there, the game has come to an end.

Number seven won.

Yan Kai's three thousand bet brought back a lot of money.

He secretly said to Chen sushang, "it's over. If you win so much, your aunt will be furious." Chen

Su Shang laughed at him.

Yan Qi looks at their love and feels more sad.

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