Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1935 the second man in secret love

After returning home, Yan Qi is unhappy.

She has little on her mind. Xu

Qi Zhen saw it and was worried.

"What's the matter with chess?" She made coffee, took her new dessert and went to find Yan Qi alone.

While drinking coffee, Yan Qi confides his displeasure with his mother.

"... I knew Mr. Fan first. When I was in London, there were several girls who liked him. He ignored others and only listened to me. Now, he secretly looks at Wang Yuxin! " Said Yan chess.

Her daughter is so old, yuzao is only one year older than her, and her children can run all over the place. Xu Qizhen feels that some topics should be discussed with her, not to stop eating because of choking.

Xu Qizhen is really because of Yan Kai's marriage, which led to her indulgence in Yan Qi. For example,

now, Yan Kai and Su Shang have turned around, are still together, and are very loving. Xu Qizhen feels that there is nothing wrong with managing Yan Qi. "

do you like him?" Asked Xu Qizhen. "Yes," she nodded "

want to marry him?" Xu Qizhen asked again.

Yan Qi nodded again: "of course." Xu

Qizhen was a little surprised. She also thought that Yan Qi was unskillful in this respect. Seeing her as magnanimous to fan Yongzhi, I thought she was just as ignorant to him as to other pursuers.

I can't imagine. She has her own ideas in mind. "

then he is the first boy you like." Asked Xu Qizhen tentatively.

Yan Qi was stunned. She calculated with her fingers and said: "it's not the first one, it's the second one. The first one I like is Anne's big brother. "

Xu Qizhen was even more shocked.

She didn't know anything about it, let alone heard of it.

Yan Qi and Chen Annie knew each other since they were very young. They went to graduate together. She often goes to the Chen family, and Anne often comes to the Yan family. The two families are very familiar with each other.

Chen Annie's eldest brother, ten years older than Yan Qi, went to the United States during the siege of Singapore. After that, he had been studying, working and starting a family there, and never came back.

In this way, Yan Qi had her first love when she was a teenager, but no one could tell from her careless parents and friends. But

it can be that she has always been easy-going. She adores no one, nor is she shy and reserved. It's the same with others, and everyone ignores it.

"... I haven't heard of you!" Xu Qizhen felt deeply that she had failed to act as a mother.

After the birth of her little daughter, Yan Xun, she was not in good health. In those years, she did spend a lot of time on her. Plus her own restaurant, she's busy every day. "

I've said that many times." Yan Qi said, "I also said that I would marry Annie's elder brother in the future."

Xu Qizhen: "wait a minute..." she suddenly grasped the tail of memory.

She was a little impressed by this.

At that time, Yan Qi was only 13 years old. At Chen's birthday party, she confessed to Chen's grown-up elder brother and asked her to dance.

At that time, the Chen family couldn't laugh.

Chen's big brother also said, "Oh, my first little pursuer!" However, after

he invited Yan Qi to dance.

Xu Qizhen is also laughing. At that time, she also told Yan Ziqing that Yan Qi was not shy. Yan Kai said to her sister, "she is not shy, she is a bit silly." All of us are children.

Later, Yan Qi also mentioned it several times. Everyone should still play jokes and take it to the past. Later, on the eve of the siege in Singapore, many people moved. Chen's eldest brother left the United States with part of his family property.

After a few years, he got married there, and it's not easy for Yan Qi to mention it again. But when Yan Qi grows up, no matter Chen family or Yan family, they will not continue to tease girls with such jokes as when they were young, for fear that girls will be embarrassed to hear them. Chen's family is very kind and polite.

Gradually, Xu Qizhen had already forgotten about it. When Yan Qi mentioned it, she was shocked for a while. "

how old were you then!" Xu Qizhen was shocked. "Are you serious?" "

Yes, I have made an invitation to marry him." Yan Qi said, "Mommy, if he doesn't leave Singapore without fighting, I can marry him when I'm 16."

Well, it's only a few years.

Xu Qizhen was speechless for a long time.

"... so I know I like Mr. Fan." Yan Qi continued, "if he likes me, I want to marry him. But he doesn't think he sees me. He's perfect. " Xu

Qi Zhen: "... Yan

when Qi said that, he took a sip of coffee and sighed again:" Mommy, he secretly looked at Wang Yuxin. He may want to marry her more. "

"You may have misunderstood." Xu Qizhen said, "if you really want to have a future with him, you can ask. In this way, I have a bottom in my heart, so as not to wait for nothing. " After thinking about it, Yan said, "good Mommy, I'll ask him tomorrow. I'd also like to ask him by the way whether I like it or not. " Xu

Qi Zhen: "...

girls should be brave, there is nothing wrong. However, when she went to find fan Yongzhi the next day, she was empty. She went to the bank again and asked Li Hui, only to find out that when Xie Shang went to London with his parents, fan Yongzhi had something to do at home and went with him. "

What's the matter with Mr. Fan?" Yan Qi is curious.

Li Hui shook his head: "I don't know, Miss Yan. However, the young master should be back by next Wednesday. Shall I tell him about your visit? " "

OK, let him call me when he comes back." Yan Qi said, "I don't have anything important." Li

Hui said OK.

Yan Qi asked again, "by the way, can you contact him?" "


"Once we went to his house as a guest. His servant brought out a kind of biscuit with mint, which was cold and fragrant.

You ask him, I don't know where I bought it. It's delicious. If it's convenient, he will bring me some when he comes back. " Yan Qi Dao.

Yan Qi suddenly thought of the dessert. She thought it was very common, but after returning to Singapore, she found that there was no pastry shop to sell.

She also thought, just add a little mint, let her mother try to do. The taste of doing

is very different.

Fan Yongzhi should know which one she said, because she praised the delicious food at that time. Later, she cooked for fan Yongzhi, and fan Yongzhi bought it specially to thank her. "

OK, sure to pass it on." Li Hui is very polite.

After Yan Qi left, Li Hui immediately sent a telegram to London. He didn't send it directly to fan Yongzhi, but to his friends. "

can little miss get better?" He inquired. "Still in the hospital," he replied quickly Li

Hui immediately left an eye on fan Yongzhi and didn't want him to worry.

He knows what Fan Yongzhi is going back to do. It's not easy for Yan Qi to know, let alone other people.

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