Yan Qi waited until Wednesday. Yong Zhi still hasn't come back. There was something wrong with her school, which occupied her whole mind. She immediately left fan Yongzhi behind. Yan's mind is very simple. Even if she said she wanted to marry fan Yongzhi, she told him to forget. When Yong Zhi received Li Hui's telegram, it was Thursday. Li Hui estimated that his business was over before he sent him a telegram and said about Yan Qi.

It's a windy day in London. It's too cold. Yong Zhi knows that the biscuits are delicious.

It's one of the snacks offered by an upscale hotel.

Fan Yongzhi immediately drove there.

However, the hotel's food and beverage department told him: "no longer making that kind of dessert, the pastry division resigned and left."

Fan Yongzhi's brain went up in a big circle: "where has he changed?"

The people in the hotel said they didn't know. No, I don't know where to find fan Yongzhi because he is so big? When he heard the news, he felt the cold wind pouring directly into his bones. He shivered. He began to identify himself, saying that he was the only son of a big banker, and that he liked that kind of snack very much, hoping to know the address of the pastry maker.

"... if your hotel needs to cooperate with the bank, you can go to us for additional interest." Fan Yongzhi left the famous brand, "take my famous brand and count."

He has never been so low-key. For the

party, the general manager was invited. After a few conversations with fan Yongzhi, I found that what he said was true and gave him the address of the pastry maker. "

he may have moved. At the beginning, he was also a rental house. " The manager said.

Fan Yongzhi thanks, no matter what else, and drove to the address first.

The door was opened by an English woman in her forties. Women are arrogant and indifferent to young men with Chinese faces. They just say, "I don't know!"

Fan Yongzhi begged again and again, but the woman closed the door.

He thought that if the pastry maker lived here, he would probably come back later. The wind is very strong on the outside. Fan Yongzhi is wearing a shirt and windbreaker. He is blown through by the wind, and his chest and back are cold. He held back the shivering chill and waited silently for more than four hours. Finally, a man came back. Yong Zhi immediately grabbed him and asked if he was a former pastry chef in that hotel.

The man looked at him and said, "what's the matter, sir?" "

I would like a pastry." Fan Yongzhi said, "I will buy it if I don't disturb you."

The middle-aged man is a bit down-to-earth in his clothes and looks haggard, but his attitude is OK: "come in and talk, it's cold outside."

When fan Yongzhi heard this, he knew that things had become Seventy-eight percent. He was very happy and couldn't help laughing. It's hard for him to smile once.

When the man saw that he was so happy, he asked him, "buy for the man in the heart?" Yong Zhi's heart, inexplicably like pouring a cup of warm sugar water, sweet and warm, dispelled his lonely cold.

He didn't answer.

The baker invited him home.

There is no such snack at home. He needs to make it now. The house he lived in was very shabby. It was a single room on the first floor of a building, narrow and compact.

There was nothing in the room but a small oven. Man

took out the flour and prepared it now. Fan

Yongzhi chats with him. He knows that it is the landlady of the house who just opened the door. He also knows that he was pushed out and left the hotel: "the new manager introduced his friends and replaced me."

"Have you found a new job?" Fan Yongzhi asked. Man:

humanity: "in a bakery to help do odd jobs, they also have their own pastry division, I started."

"Your cake is delicious. You shouldn't start." Fan Yongzhi said, "never thought of opening a cake house?"

The man laughed.

He pointed to his room. "Do you think I can afford it, sir?"

Fan Yongzhi examined it carefully and replied, "you can try."

The man stopped his work and looked at him. Fan

Yongzhi said: "give me the recipe of your dessert, I can give you a sum of money, so that you can buy enough to open a shop; I can also guarantee that you can lend a sum of money from my bank and rent a shop for two to three years."

The man looked at him in surprise.

Fan Yongzhi handed out his famous brand again. Two hours later, fan Yongzhi got the fresh biscuits and the recipe. The next day, early in the morning, a middle-aged man came to the bank. He first cashed out a large amount of money with a check signed by fan Yongzhi, and then borrowed another sum of money.

Because it's fan Yongzhi's famous brand, the bank called fan Yongzhi.

"Young master, this kind of business is all over the street. Even if there is no repayment, the loan may not be able to be received back." The man at the bank said, "by the way, did you lend him the money?" "

Yes." Fan Yongzhi said, "lend him the rest of the money at the lowest interest rate. I know about this matter. Please note that when the head office asks about it, it says that it is specially approved by me. " That

side has to answer. The baker got a lot of money. The reason why Yongzhi was willing to give him money was that he saw the man's house in a circle, did not see cigarettes or wine bottles. His sheets were old but clean, and the oven was spotless. A simple and thrifty person who doesn't drink or smoke will not get money to spend it. He will open a good cake shop in a down-to-earth way.

Fan Yongzhi also got Yan Qi's favorite biscuits and recipes, and was very relieved. When

it was noon, fan Yongzhi flew back to Singapore.

Their bank has cooperation with the company, so his plane can stop at the company's airport. After Yongzhi came back, he found that the house was clean, and the new maid made the house warm and fresh. He called Yan's house and asked his servant to tell Yan Qi that he was going to find her in the evening.

This is also a way to tell the elders of the Yan family.

Then he called Li Hui again. Li

Hui reported all his recent work to him. After hearing this, fan Yongzhi perfunctorily changed his clothes and went to the University of Malaya.

He drove by himself. When he was at the university gate, he found that there were many luxury cars parked at the school gate. Some of them are young rich childrens and other girlfriends, some are family drivers and other young ladies or young masters after school. Yong Zhi also heard that young female students are very popular with rich young men. He stood by in silence.

It took a long time to see Yan Qi and Wang Zhiming coming out together. They were talking and laughing.

Fan Yongzhi's heart sank.

He called the English name of shengyanqi. When they were in England, they were all called by English names. Only Yan Qi called him "Lord fan."

Yan Qi heard it, and after a pause, trotted towards him. Her excitement enlivened fan Yongzhi's deep heart and added some softness to her eyes. "

are you back?" Yan Qi has forgotten the unhappiness of the last time and happily takes over fan Yongzhi. If she had a tail, she would be swaggering around him now. "

well, back." Fan Yongzhi's expression is plain, and his mood at the bottom of his eyes is very light, but his mood is very good.

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